
美国标准 ASTM D 6400 环保降解材料测试

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Testitem 测试名称: Biodegradability环保降解材料


NormRefer 涉及标准:DIN V 54900, EN 13432, ASTM D5388, ISO 16929,OECD 208, ASTM D 6868, NF T51-800


Testinfo 测试内容:

化学测试,ChemicalCharacteristic Test


生物分解, Disintegrationtest

生态无毒测试, Ecotoxicitytest: Plant


Brief Summary ofASTM D 6400 & ASTM D 6868

BothASTM D6400 and ASTM D6868 include the same three components oftesting (thedifference between the specification is that the criteriathemselves are slightly different).

1.DisintegrationDuring Composting (onfinal product)
• Measuredthe by physical breakdown of product to pass a 2mm sieve

2.InherentBiodegradation(onindividual constituents)

•              Measuredby carbon dioxide (CO2)evolution as the productbiodegrades

•              Orsome materials can for the “materials of naturaloriginal”exception in which
case biobased content must be measuredby ASTM D6866

3.NoAdverse Impacts on the Ability of Compost to Support PlantGrowth (onfinal product)

•              Testingfor heavy metals

•              PlantGrowth Study


Inaddition, the material must be chemically characterized to defendproduct claims: 

FTIR& Ash Content (to help with fingerprinting the material)

Density(grammage) for bagasse and paper based products. 


WhichStandard Applies to Your Product? 

ASTMD 6400 塑料is to be used forplastic products 

ASTMD 6868 纸制品is used forproducts such as molded pulp products or coated paper, 
basicallynon-plastic items (may be an oversimplification, but expresses thegeneral idea). 


Samplesize 送样规格:5000g


Leadtime 测试周期:常规 Regular 5-8months working days

FTIR,ash content, and regulated metals plus flourine – 3 weeks (can bedone if needed)
Biobased testing (ASTM D6866)– approximately 7 work days
Disintegration – about 18weeks; includes 12 weeks of composting plus a bit of time to set upthe test, then at the end of thetest to make the final measurements and type thereport
Ecotoxicity – about 3-4 weeks,this starts at the end of disintegration testingthough
Biodegradation – up to 180days (plus 2 weeks for setup & reporting) or as few as 45 days(plus 2 weeks); it is dependent onhow fast the material biodegrades, not on how fast wework.

ReferencePicture 参考图片:





Characterization of the test material 化学测试
according to Table A.1 of EN 13432*
determination of Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, Mo, Se, As, drycontent, loss on ignition and total fluorine
Characterization of the test material 化学测试
according to Table A2 of the DIN CERTCO certification scheme'Additives harmless to the composting process'*
determination of PCB, AOX, PCDD/PCDF
Characterization of the test material 化学测试
infrared transmission spectroscopy*, per spectrum 
Characterization of the test material 化学测试
cobalt content*
Characterization of the test material 化学测试
layer thickness* 
Biodegradability tests 生物降解能力测试
according to ISO 14851*
determination of aerobic biodegradability in an aqueous medium bymeasurement of oxygen demand, test temperature: 20 °C, maximumduration: 6 months - basic fee including a test duration of2months
Biodegradability tests 生物降解能力测试
according to ISO 14851*
determination of aerobic biodegradability in an aqueous medium bymeasurement of oxygen demand, test temperature: 20 °C, maximumduration: 6 months - test prolongation (after end of 2nd month),per additional month
Biodegradability tests 生物降解能力测试
according to ISO 14855 / ASTM D 5338*
determination of aerobic biodegradability under controlledcomposting conditions by measurement of the evolved carbon dioxide,test temperature: 10 - 60 °C, maximum duration: 6 months - basicfeei ncluding a test duration of 2 months
Biodegradability tests 生物降解能力测试
according to ISO 14855 / ASTM D 5338*
determination of aerobic biodegradability under controlledcomposting conditions by measurement of the evolved carbon dioxide,test temperature: 10 - 60 °C, maximum duration: 6 months - - testprolongation (after end of 2nd month), per additional month .
Biodegradability tests 生物降解能力测试
according to ISO 17556 / ASTM D 5988
determination of aerobic biodegradability in natural or artificialsoil by measurement of the evolved carbon dioxide, testtemperature: 10 - 25 °C
basic fee including a test duration of 2 months
Biodegradability tests 生物降解能力测试
according to ISO 17556 / ASTM D 5988
determination of aerobic biodegradability in natural or artificialsoil by measurement of the evolved carbon dioxide, testtemperature: 10 - 25 °C 
test prolongation (after end of 2nd month), per additionalmonth 
Disintegration tests 生物分解
according to EN 14045 / ISO 16929
pilot scale composting test with controlled temperature, moistureand aeration in 2 replications including blanks, determination of (weight of residual fraction > 2 mm) or egration (referring to residual area), characterization ofthe obtained compost
 industrial composting*
meets re of EN 13432, ASTM D 6400, EN 14995 and of thelab
certification scheme 'Products made of compostable materials',duration: 12 weeks +
2 weeks for analyses
Disintegration tests 生物分解
according to EN 14045 / ISO 16929
pilot scale composting test with controlled temperature, moistureand aeration in 2 replications including blanks, determination of (weight of residual fraction > 2 mm) or egration (referring to residual area), characterization ofthe obtained compost
 industrial composting*
meets re of NF T51-800, AS 5810 and of the labcertification
scheme 'Products made of compostable materials for home and gardencomposting',
duration: 26 weeks + 2 weeks for analyses
Disintegration tests 生物分解
in-house method
pilot scale composting test according to the minimum reof EN 13432,
determination of residual fraction > 2 mm, characterization ofthe obtained compost,
duration: 12 weeks + 2 weeks for analyses
Disintegration tests 生物分解
Disintegration dynamics
As an option for disintegration tests, we offer a documentation ofdisintegration
dynamics by taking subsamples of the tested material in arbitraryintervals, e.g.
weekly, for gravimetric and photographic analysis; persampling
Ecotoxicity tests 生态无毒测试
with two terrestrial plant species according to OECD guideline208*
modified according to section 8 and appendix E of EN 13432
 in combination with a preceding disintegration test
according to one of the options under item 3
Ecotoxicity tests 生态无毒测试
with two terrestrial plant species according to OECD guideline208*
modified according to section 8 and appendix E of EN 13432
without preceding disintegration test
(compost production required).
Ecotoxicity tests 生态无毒测试
with two terrestrial plant species according to OECD guideline208*
modified according to section 8 and appendix E of EN 13432
 after and including a shortened composting process
according to the DIN CERTCO certification scheme 'Additivesharmless to the
composting process' 
Ecotoxicity tests 生态无毒测试
with one lumbricide species according to ASTM E 1676* and there of AS 5810 und EN 13432
in combination with a preceding disintegration test
according to one of the options under item 3 .
Ecotoxicity tests 生态无毒测试
with one lumbricide species according to ASTM E 1676* and there of AS 5810 und EN 13432
without preceding disintegration test
(compost production required).
Ecotoxicity tests 生态无毒测试
with one lumbricide species according to ASTM E 1676* and there of AS 5810 und EN 13432
after and including a shortened composting process
according to the DIN CERTCO certification scheme 'Additivesharmless to the
composting process'.

Sample Report 报告样本:

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所属分类:中国商务服务网 / 检测认证
美国标准 ASTM D 6400 环保降解材料测试的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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