Because the embassy certification takes a long time, in ordernot to affect the customs clearance of foreign guests, we willarrange the materials as soon as possible. When you are unsureabout the signing, you should communicate more with the guests,because the guests are more familiar with the regulations of theircountry than we are.
It takes one working day to send to CCPIT for certification, andthen submit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Consular Departmentfor certification; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs certificationwill be sent to the embassy and consulate for certification (forspecific time, refer to the list of regulations of embassies inChina). The documents will be retrieved on the same day and theverification is completed on the same day.
Summary: The company submits office-management materials-→audit-→ issue of orders-→ payment-→ pickup (time and fees arehandled and processed in accordance with the requirements ofembassies in various countries).
Do you need to certify one bill and three bills for the samegoods?
Whether a copy of a bill for the same goods needs to behandled-the consul certification is determined by the country wherethe document is used. If the country that uses the documentrequires that the copy of the relevant bill be certified by theconsular officer, it should be processed as required by the otherparty. Before the consul-to-consular certification, the copy of therelevant bill should also be stamped with the seal of the cardissuing machine.