更新:2025-01-17 09:00 编号:10606834 发布IP: 浏览:69次- 发布企业
- 深圳市杰鑫诚信息咨询有限公司销售部商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第5年主体名称:深圳市中正企业服务有限公司组织机构代码:91440300MA5F12N588
- 报价
- 人民币¥10.00元每份
- 价格
- 200
- 国别
- 阿曼大使馆认证
- 地方
- 在华阿曼使馆认证
- 关键词
- 阿曼大使馆认证 阿曼领事馆认证 阿曼领事合法化
- 所在地
- 深圳市罗湖区东晓路3063号新丝路时尚文创园B栋1楼
- 手机
- 15913941040
- 销售经理
- 程丹 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Can Oman Embassy Certification of Free Sale Certificate besigned by Section Chief?
I company for their own his convenience and at the same time forother general foreign trade enterprises to provide high-quality anddocuments the service, the main scope of services including:syndrome (his) on the same day, the generation of producers agentsvarious types of business documents, all kinds of civil filenotarial deed of the signature of the embassy certification,certificate of trade promotion association commercial agents,business documents in various languages, translation, etc.
Certificate of origin, business, contract, bill of lading,packing list, price list, customs declaration, letter ofauthorization, free sales/agency agreement/health certificate andother kinds of commercial parts, Venezuelan ambassador signedcertification/consulate signed certification
使领馆认证, 简称领事认证( LEGALIZATION BY EMBASSY OR CULATE) ,又称“外交认证。
Legalization BY Embassy OR Culate, also known as "DiplomaticCertification."
It refers to the activity of confirming the last signature orseal of the notary office, the corresponding authority or thecertification body in the notary document or other certificationdocument of a country's diplomatic, consular agency and itsauthorized agency.
在国际贸易实践中,许多和地区 出于保护本国市场的需要,纷纷制定了严格的贸易保护政策,要求我国外贸公司、出口企业所提供的涉外商业单据和文件,需经该国驻华使领馆认证,才能在进口国办理通关结汇手续。使领馆认证不仅仅是一种惯例,在不少是以法律的形式加以规定的。经过认证的单据和文件具有域外使用的法律效力,为使用国有关当局所承认。
In the practice of international trade, many countries andregions have formulated strict trade protection policies out of theneed to protect the domestic market, requiring the foreign businessdocuments and documents provided by Chinese foreign trade companiesand export enterprises to be certified by the embassies andconsulates of the country in China before they can go through thecustoms clearance and settlement procedures in the importingcountry. Accreditation of embassies and consulates is not only acommon practice, but also regulated in the form of law in manycountries. The certified documents and documents have the legaleffect of extraterritorial use and are recognized by the relevantauthorities of the country of use.
成立日期 | 2011年10月10日 | ||
主营产品 | 产地证、商会认证/贸促会认证/CCPIT认证、大使馆双认证/领事馆加签、香港总商、海牙认证 | ||
经营范围 | 产地证、商会认证/贸促会认证/CCPIT认证、大使馆双认证/领事馆加签、香港总商、海牙认证 | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市杰鑫诚信息咨询有限公司为广大出口企业便捷办理各国使馆加签认证,让出口企业不用再花费珍贵的时间为使馆认证四处碰壁,由专业的公司为您办理一步到位,一站式服务为大家带来快速,方便,简洁,贴心的服务。可能您正在为第一次做各国大使馆认证加签而烦恼,或许是为了赶时间而抱怨当地贸促会办理时间太长,由于需要提供的文件很多,客户提供的认证资料中有很多的文件是不符合规定的,所以需要补资料,这浪费了大量宝贵的时间 ... |
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- 宝贵使馆认证经验:授权书越南大使馆加签200.00元/份
价格:200 - 东盟原产地证印尼FE200.00元/份
价格:10 - 解析:营业执照墨西哥大使馆认证(在国外的用途及意义)200.00元/份
价格:200 - 使馆认证:领事馆认证:贸促会认证(印尼双认证)100.00元/份
价格:200 - 东盟原产地证FE中的唛头如何填制?200.00元/份
价格:200 - 经销商授权书巴拉圭大使馆双认证(第三国代签)482.00元/份
- 哥斯达黎加代签巴拉圭大使馆双认证(代理协议)913.00元/份
- 土耳其领事双认证购买协议-(土耳其大使馆双认证)427.00元/份
- 2021年重要通知:自由销售证书土耳其领事双认证751.00元/份
- 申请驻华质量管理体系土耳其领事馆认证392.00元/份