灯具AS/NZS 60598检测
2025-01-09 08:00 2次- 发布企业
- 深圳市中鉴检测技术有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:深圳市中鉴检测技术有限公司组织机构代码:91440300MA5F16HY8J
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- 关键词
- 灯具AS/NZS 60598
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- 深圳市宝安区福海街道桥头社区永福路118号永威工业园E栋A座102
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- 18664321290
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The new amendment(A2:2020) is amended to the 2017 edition ofAS/NZS 60598.1, and it is approved and published on 27 November2020.
The major revision is amended to appendix ZZ:
Clause | 修订revision |
3.3.19 | 因澳大利亚/新西兰不允许保护导体电流大于10mA,删除 “允许说明书特别注明保护导体电流大于10mA”的要求。Deletethe text and replace with the following Note:NOTEIn Australia andNew Zealand, there is no allowance for a protectiveconductorcurrent greater than 10 mA. |
3.3.103 | 墙壁安装并自带电源线插头的灯具,电源线必须黏贴“警告:本灯具的外部软线必须有效固定到墙壁”的警示标签,以防止儿童被误绞窒息及电击危险。AfterClause 3.3.102, add new Clause 3.3.103, as follows: Luminaires intended to be fixed to the wall and are supplied withaplug and a cord shall be supplied with a cord tag with thesubstance of thefollowing wording:WARNING: THEFLEXIBLE WIRINGCONNECTEDTO THISLUMINAIRE SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY FIXED TO THEWALL.NOTE The warning is intended to prevent strangulation andshock hazard to children. |
4.32 | 删除压敏电阻的简单要求,在4.32.3细化。Appendix ZZ variation to Clause4.32Delete the text of the variation to Clause 4.32 and replacewith the following: |
4.32.1 | 增加防雷击浪涌、瞬态过电压保护装置的分类,区分为SPD(浪涌保护装置)和SPC(浪涌保护元件)。Delete the textand replace with the following:4.32.1 GeneralTo limit the effectsof lightning surges and other transient overvoltages,overvoltageproteotive devices may be used in luminaires and theycan be either Surge protectivedevices (SPDs) or surge protectivecomponents (SPCs).NOTE: Examples of SPCs are varistors (MOVs) andgas discharge tubes (GDTs). SPCs may beintegrated with thermalprotection devices, such as thermal fuses or PTCs, in the samepackage.SPDs will utilize SPCs and are a complete assembly. |
4.32.2 | SPD(浪涌保护装置)需要符合IEC61643-11标准。外置于控制装置的SPD只能用于固定式灯具且必须连接到保护接地。4.32.2 Surge protectivedevices (SPDs)SPDs shall comply with IEC 61643-11. SPDs that areexternal to controlgear and connectedto earth shall be used only infixed luminaires and shall be connected only to aprotectiveearth. |
4.32.3 | 外置于控制装置的SPC(比如压敏电阻、放电管等)需要满足AS/NZS 3100的相关章节要求。4.32.3 Surgeprotective components (SPCs)SPCs that are external to controlgearshall comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 3100forvaristors. |
4.101 | 不再要求纽扣电池的电池腔盖子只能借助工具才能打开。如果打开盖子是通过两个独里的动作来完成的,亦可接受。Appendix zzClause 4.101In Clause 4.101.1, delete first three paragraphs andreplace with the following text:Button cells and batteriesdesignated R1 shall not be removable without the aid of atoolunless the cover of their compartment can only be opened afterat least two independentmovemenishavebeen appliedsimultaneously.Refer to AS/NZS 60335.1:2011Clause 22.54.NOTE:Batteries are specified in IEC 60086-2. |
8.2.1 | 1、删除后一句描述,因为4.29章节已经有描述,无需赘述。2、重新引入原来删除的概念,修订为“徒手可以移除的罩盖需要先拿走”。AppendixZZ variations to Clause 8.2.11、In the first item, third sentence,delete "Luminaires with non-replaceable light sourcesare subjectedto the tests of Clause 4.29 prior to applying the tests andinspections ofSection 8 of this Standard".Delete the text of thesecond item, and replace with the following:2、Delete the ninthparagraph beginning with Covers in fixed luminaires that cannotberemovedand replace with 'Covers that can be removed by hand shallbe removed." |
10.2 | 新增电气强度和绝缘电阻测试时需要先断开的元器件种类(e)过电压保护装置和(f)满足IEC61347系列的控制装置。删除第七段话,因为新增的(e)已经包含该内容。Appendix ZZ variations toClause 10.2 (new)Add the following after the variation to Clause9.2:10.21、Delete the fourth paragraph and replace with thefollowing:During these tests, the following components shall bedisconnected, so thatthe test voltages are applied to theinsulation of the components, but not tothe capacitive, orinductive or other functional elements of these components,asappropriate:(a)Shunt-connected capacitors.(b)Capacitors betweenlive parts and the body.(c)Protective impedance device.(d)Chokes ortransformers connected between live parts.(e)Overvoltage protectivedevices in accordance with 4.32 of thisStandard,(f)Controlgear thatconforms with the relevant requirements of IEC 61347series.2、Deletethe seventh paragraph which reads:For fixed Class 1 luminaires,overvoltage protective devices that comply withIEC 61643-11 shallbe disconnected from the circuit |
13.3.3 | 新增豁免项,根据IEC60695-11-10分类成V-0或V-1的材料,灯具使用时其厚度不小于材料认可时的厚度的,无需做针焰测试。Add thefollowing text to the end of fourth paragraph:The needle-flame testis not carried out on parts that are made of material classified asV-0or V-1 according to IEC 60695-11-10. The sample of materialsubmitted to the test ofIEC 60695-11-10 shall be no thicker thanthe relevant part. |
成立日期 | 2017年02月06日 | ||
法定代表人 | 毛习武 | ||
主营产品 | 出口检测认证,欧盟CE认证,RoHS,美国FCC,UL报告,国内3C,质检报告。可靠性测试:IP防尘防水测试、IK防撞等级测试、盐雾试验、ISTA认证、高低温循环、冷热沖击试验、UV老化试验、氙灯老化试验、振动试验、跌落试验、按键寿命试验、拉力试验。 | ||
经营范围 | 可靠性测试: IP防尘防水测试、IK防撞等级测试、盐雾试验、ISTA包装检测、高低温循环、冷热冲击试验、 UV老化试验、氙灯老化试验、振动试验、跌落试验、按键寿命试验、拉力试验,辐射测试、 传导测试、静电测试、雷击浪涌测试、谐波测试、RF无线测试。 | ||
公司简介 | 中鉴检测--让世界更值得信赖!深圳市中鉴检测技术有限公司(简称:中鉴检测,英文:CCTITEST)是一家专业从事电子电器产品、消费产品和工业用品检测认证的第三方检测认证机构。公司总部位于宝安福永,客户群体遍及消费电子产品、音视频产品、家电、电池、灯具、玩具、安防、机械、纺织品、鞋材、食品、汽车电子、医疗器械等领域,可在全球范围内为客户提供一站式检测认证服务。中鉴检测自成立以来,秉持“耐心、细心、专 ... |
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