Guide to application ofthe Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Edition 2.1 – July2017
Directive 2006/42/EC isa revised version of the Machinery Directive, the first version ofwhich was adopted in 1989. The new Machinery Directive has beenapplicable since 29th December 2009.
The Directive has thedual aim of harmonising the health and safety requirementsapplicable to machinery on the basis of a high level of protectionof health and safety, while ensuring the free circulation ofmachinery on the EU market. The revised Machinery Directive doesnot introduce radical changes compared with the previous versions.It clarifies and consolidates the provisions of the Directive withthe aim of improving its practicalapplication.
(17) For trade fairs,exhibitions and such like, it should be possible to exhibitmachinery which does not satisfy the requirements of thisDirective. However, interested parties should be properly informedthat the machinery does not conform and cannot be purchased in thatcondition.
§19 Trade fairs andexhibitions关于贸易展览用的机械ce认证要求
Recital 17 introducesthe provision that enables manufacturers to exhibit new models ofmachinery at trade fairs and exhibitions before the conformity ofsuch products with the Machinery Directive has been assessed or toexhibit machinery with certain elements such as, for example,guards removed for demonstration purposes. In such cases, theexhibitor must display an appropriate sign and take adequate safetymeasures to protect persons from the risks presented by theexhibited machinery – see §108: comments on Article 6(3).