1. EN 13899: 2003 — Roller sports equipment — Roller skates —Safety requirements and test methods
2. EN 13138-2: 2003 — Buoyant aids for swimming instruction —Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids to beheld
3. EN 13319: 2000 — Diving ac c essories — Depth gauges and c ombined depth and time measuring devices —Functional and safetyrequirements, test methods
4. EN 1651:1999 — Paragliding equipment — Harnesses — Safetyrequirements and strength tests
5. EN 12491: 2001 — Paragliding equipment — Emergency parachutes— Safety requirements and test methods
6. EN 913: 1996 — Gymnastic equipment — General safetyrequirements and test methods
7. EN 12655:1998 — Gymnastic equipment — Hanging rings —Functional and safety requirements, test methods
8. EN 12197:1997 — Gymnastic equipment — Horizontal bars —Safety requirements and test methods
9. EN 12346:1998 — Gymnastic equipment — Wall bars, latticeladders and climbing frames — Safety requirements and testmethods
10. EN 12432:1998 — Gymnastic equipment — Balancing beams —Functional and safety requirements, test methods