更新:2025-01-18 07:00 编号:14574182 发布IP: 浏览:34次- 发布企业
- 深圳市信通检测技术有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:深圳市信通检测技术有限公司组织机构代码:91440300589192681K
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- 所在地
- 深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍社区朱坳第二工业区A2栋厂房401
- 手机
- 17318023119
- 联系人
- 黄经理 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
一、In order to list these toys on Amazon, please apply bysubmitting the following item.Please update CPSIA Warning Attributein detail page.
二、In order to review your documents related to Product Assuranceof Toys, please submit them on Vendor Central using the followingsteps:
1. In Vendor Central, click the Items menu, and then selectVendor Certificates
2. Click on Missing Compliance Documents;
3. Search for the affected ASIN and then;
4. Click Add to upload the documents
三、 We noticed that the recommended Age Grade of the ASIN ismissing on the product(s) detail page.
Please update the product(s) detail page with the recommendedAge Grading (the manufacturer_minimum_age attribute) identified onthe ASINs third party test report in order to move forward with theapproval process.
四、Please be informed that we can only accept product images.Therefore, kindly take clear photo of the product and productpackaging clearly displaying:
* Manufacturer Name
* Manufacturer Address
* Warning label (as applicable)
五、Please be informed that we are unable to move forward with theapproval process until the following required documentation isprovided:
Kindly provide the following outstanding items as per ASTMF963-17:
• 4.25- Battery Operated Toys
If you feel your product is exempt from the abovesections/requirements, please provide a statement from your lab orregulation exempting your product for our review.
解答:电动玩具的测试标准,除了ASTM F963-16/17和CPSIA,还需要做电池部分的ASTM Section4.25关于电池驱动和电池部分的测试,若测试报告缺乏这项测试,会导致无法过审。(产品是内置电池、外接干电池、USB供电、直插供电的都需要做这个测试项目)
六、The CPC submitted is missing required information. To moveforward with the approvals process for your product, pleaseresubmit the document with the following updated information:
· US importer or domestic manufacturer name, mailing address,contact information located in United States
七、 Product description or product identifier enabling us to makean accurate determination that the certificate is issued for thecorrect product
八、In order to move forward with the approval process, pleasesubmit the Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) that is issued bythe manufacturer, importer, or private labeler based on theguidelines stated in the Consumer Product Safety Commissionwebsite.
The CPC that has been previously provided cannot be accepted asit is issued from the testing laboratory.
九、Contact information for the individual maintaining records,including name, full mailing address, email address, and telephonenumber
十、The registration card submitted for your product did notinclude all of the following:
• Name of the manufacturer or private labeler
• Date of manufacture
• Manufacturer contact information(U.S. address and telephonenumber, toll-free if available)
• Model name and number
成立日期 | 2012年01月04日 | ||
法定代表人 | 孙云 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | CE FCC ROHS PSE TELEC CCC SRRC TPD 检验报告 ,MSDS 能效标签 UN38.3空海运运输鉴定书 | ||
经营范围 | 家用电器、通讯产品、通信产品、灯具的电磁兼容性、安全性及节能性检测的技术开发及技术咨询;企业管理咨询(不含人才中介服务);国内贸易;货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须批准的项目除外)^; | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市信通检测技术有限公司(ShenzhenSITTestingTechnologyCo.,Ltd.)位于深圳市宝安区,是一家主要从事电子及电器产品安全(Safety)、电磁兼容(EMC)、有害物质及成品的分析测试和认证(RoHS)及无线电通讯认证测试和代理的专业服务机构,SIT目前拥有相当规模的Safety、EMC、R&TTE、ROHS等检测的第三方检测实验室,本实验室是严格按照ISO/ ... |
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