•AS/NZS 4934.1 Incandescent lamps for general lighting service-Part 1: Test methods Energy performance.
•AS/NZS 4934.2 Incandescent lamps for general lighting services-Part 2: Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS)requirement.
•AS/NZS 4782.3 Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performancespecifications-Part 3 : Procedure for quantitative analysis ofmercury present in fluorescent lamps.
•AS/NZS 4847.1 Self ballasted lamps for general lightingservices-part 1: Test methods-Energy performance.
•AS/NZS 4847.2 Self ballasted lamps for general lightingservices-part 2: Minimum Energy Performance Standards( MEPS )requirements.
•Computers must be tested in accordance with the method ofmeasurement as set out in AS/NZS 5813.1 and the MEPS as specifiedin AS/NZS 5813.2.
•AS/NZS 5815.2:2013: Information technology equipment—Energyperformance of computer onitors—Part 2: Minimum energy performancestandards (MEPS) and energy rating labels.
•AS/NZS 5813.2:2012: Information technology equipment—Energyperformance of computers—Part 2: Minimum energy performancestandards (MEPS) for computers.
•AS/NZS 5815.1:2012: Information technology equipment—Energyperformance of computer monitors—Part 1: Methods of measurement ofenergy performance.
• AS/NZS 5813.1:2012: Information technology equipment—Energyperformance of computers—Part 1: Methods of measurement of energyperformance.
• AS/NZS 62087.2.2:2011: Power consumption of audio, video andrelated equipment—Part 2.2: Minimum energy level performancestandards (MEPS) and energy rating label requirements fortelevision sets.
• AS/NZS 62087.1:2010: Power consumption of audio, video andrelated equipment—Methods of measurement.