8月26日起FCC Part 15提供资料需要增加满足要求的天线增益报告!
更新:2025-01-21 08:00 编号:15543922 发布IP: 浏览:50次- 发布企业
- 深圳市亿博科技检测认证公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第19年主体名称:深圳市亿博科技有限公司组织机构代码:91440300789225564X
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- FCC Part 15
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- ebo13543272815
2022年8月25日,FCC发布Zui新公告,即日起所有FCC Part 15的FCCID申请资料均需提供天线信息或者天线报告,至少要包含Zui大增益、天线方向图、用于识别设备内部天线的图片或绘制图等信息,报告中将不再接受客户宣称的天线增益的说法。没有上网的各类WiFi,Bluetooth,Zigbee,Lora,UWB等产品目前上网均需提供符合要求的天线报告。
除了Part 15标准以外:任何需要测试场强的标准,例如常见的FCC part15.225,15.227,15.229,15.231,15.239,15.249等标准,并不需要提供天线信息或者天线报告,但需要体现天线的照片、尺寸等信息在报告里面或者产品照片上。
URGENT CLARIFICATION-FCC Area of Concern-Antenna GainInformation
Please see the updated notice regarding Antenna GainInformation
Any applications granted after August 25,2022 that do notcontain the proper antenna information will be dismissed.
This email is to bring to your attention that while the FCChas been advising test labs and TCBs to make sure part 15applications includes antenna gain data sheets and/or testreports,it is evident by recent audits that this information isbeing omitted.
We are still finding reports that state,"antenna gaininformation is declared by the manufacturer",with no othersupporting information.As we have re-iterated during the last TCBworkshop,this statement will not suffice.All part 15 applicationswill need to show how the antenna gain was derived either from amanufacturer data sheet or a measurement.Where the gain of theantenna is inherently accounted for as a result of themeasurement,such as field strength measurements on a part 15.249 or15.231 device,so the gain does not necessarily need to beverified.However,enough information regarding the construction ofthe antenna shall be provided.Such information maybephotographs,length of wire antenna etc.
The antenna gain information shall be made public(notconfidential).Any proprietary information such as constructionmaybe stripped from the gain information report and heldconfidential.The main antenna information we require is the maximumgain of the antenna for the band of operation.This information mustbe provided as a data sheet or a measurement report.
法定代表人 | 敬方模 | ||
注册资本 | 60 | ||
主营产品 | rohs认证,CE认证,3C认证,FCC认证,企业标准备案 | ||
经营范围 | 国内外强制性检测技术咨询及技术开发;检测技术与标准的信息咨询;(法律、行政法规、国务院决定禁止的项目除外,限制的项目须取得许可后方可经营);机械产品技术咨询;电子产品、电气产品、电器产品的检测技术开发。 | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市亿博科技有限公司(EBO)是服务全球的检验、鉴定、测试和认证机构,帮助众多行业和企业提供一站式的产品检测认证解决方案。EBO的服务能力覆盖照明、安防、化工、机械、消费品、汽车、医疗保健等多个行业的供应链上下游,提供安规检测,EMC检测,有害物质检测,环境安全检测,性能检测,电子电器产品可靠性与失效分析,材料可靠性与失效分析,金属材料、非金属材料分析,纺织品、鞋类、皮革检测,玩具检测,食品包装 ... |
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