ASTM F1492 StandardSpecification For Helmets Used in Skateboarding and Trick RollerSkating 滑板头盔及花样滚筒溜冰头盔标准 | |
Clause | TestRequirement |
4 | Labels andWarnings |
7.2 | Retention System Testing (rolloff) |
7.4 | Retention System Testing(dynamic strength retention) |
8 | Peak AccelerationRequirements |
9 | Chin bar impacttest |
Field of Vision (ASTMF1446-14) | |
Projection (ASTMF1446-7.2) | |
Samplerequired: 8 pcs of completed products perheadform size per model with instruction (if applicable) isrecommended. | |
样品要求:每款头盔每种头型尺寸的头盔各8个,包括说明书(如适用). | |
Test applicant shall providenon-toxic self-certification for material test | |
测试申请者应提供材料部分的无毒自我声明 | |
Turnaroundtime: normal (10 workingdays). | |
所需时间:标准(10个工作天). |
Sample for reference参考图片:
>Sample Report报告样本: