ASTM F3084 StandardConsumer Safety Specification for Infant and Infant/ToddlerRockers 幼儿/小童摇椅安全规范 | |
Clause | TestRequirement |
AdditionalCharge | 5.3 Lead In SurfaceCoating 油漆中铅含量 (16 CFR1303) |
5.11 Toys (ASTMF963) | |
Samplerequired: min. 2 sets of completed products with assemblyinstruction (if applicable) is recommended. 1 more set required fortoxicity test. | |
样品要求:至少全套样品2套并包括安装说明书(如适用).如需做有毒元素测试需要加送一套样品. | |
Turnaroundtime: normal (9 working days). If toys need to be tested,TAT will be 10 working days. | |
所需时间:标准(9个工作天). 如须进行玩具测试,TAT为10天 |
Sample forreference 参考图片:
Sample report样本报告: