New ErP & Energy Label Regulation for
Lighting products revision
2021年2月26日,欧盟官方发布了 (EU) 2021/341 和 (EU)2021/340 两条新指令,其中分别针对原指令 (EU)2019/2020 光源和独立式控制装置生态设计要求和 (EU) 2019/2015光源能效标签要求做了相应的修正,为新版ERP发布以来第一次重大更新。On February 26, 2021, theEuropean Commission issued two new directives (EU) 2021/341 and(EU) 2021/340, which respectively address the original directive(EU) 2019/2020 light source and separate control gears ecologicaldesign requirements and (EU) The 2019/2015 energy labellingrequirements for light sources have been revised accordingly, whichis the first major update since the release of the new version ofERP.
新指令(EU) 2021/341修正New directives (EU) 2021/341 revised
1、 新增条款:如果在2021-07-01之前,市场上未投放相同产品,那么在2021-07-01至2021-08-31之间,满足新版ERP指令 (EU)2019/2020要求的产品,视为满足旧版ERP指令 (EC) No 244/2009,(EC) No245/2009及 (EU) No 1194/2012的要求。If no unit belonging to thesame model or equivalent models was placed on the market before 1July 2021, the units of models placed on the market between 1 July2021 and 31 August 2021 which comply with the provisions of thisregulation shall be considered compliant with the requirements ofCommission Regulations (EC) No 244/2009, (EC) No 245/2009 and (EU)No 1194/2012.’;
2、 新增条款:针对已投放市场的产品,对硬件及软件升级做了相应的管控。For the products that havebeen placed on the market, the hardware and firmware upgrades havebeen controlled accordingly.
- 任何硬件和软件升级不得降低产品的能效The energy consumption of the product andany of the other declared parameters shall not deteriorate after asoftware or firmware update
- 任何软件升级需保证产品仍符合ERP指令要求Any software update shall ensure thatthe product still meets the requirements of the ERP directive
- 拒绝软件升级不得影响产品原有性能A software update shall never have theeffect of changing the product's performance
3、 对原有豁免产品进行修正; Revise the original exemptedproducts;
4、 对部分产品测试要求做了变更:用于 冰箱、洗碗机、洗衣机/洗干一体机、 烘干机内的光源,将不再需要满足ANNEXII中光通量维持率,存活率的要求;外包装及技术文件内不再需要体现寿命,光通量维持因数,存活因数等信息。Light sourcesspecifically designed and exclusively marketed for use in productsin the scope of Commission Regulations 2019/2023, 2019/2022,932/2012 and 2019/2019, shall be exempt from the requirementsregarding lumen maintenance factor and survival factor
5、 Annex II 修改如下:Annex II is amended as follows:
SVM≤0.4 (2024年9月1日后)
新指令(EU) 2021/340修正New directives (EU) 2021/340 revised
1、 修正原版效等级标签尺寸错误revised label size
标准标签尺寸由“至少36mm x 75mm ”修正为至少“36mm x 72mm” forthe standard-sized label, at least 36 mm wide and 72 mm high
小标签尺寸for the small-sized label (width less than 36 mm), at least 20mm wide and 54 mm high
- 新增了对能效等级标签边框的要求the rectangular border of the label and theinternal dividers shall have a weight of 0,5 pt and the colourshall be 100 % black’;
1、 注册信息变更Registration information revision:
- 新增灯头 / 连接端口类型 Added Light source cap-type (orother electric interface)
- 能源消耗数值(kWh/1000h)改为向上取整Energy consumption in on-mode (kWh/1000 h), rounded up to the nearest integer
- 对色温的录入格式做了调整Adjusting Input Format for CCT
2、 技术文件内新增信息Added information in technical document :
- 定向灯峰值光强Peak luminous intensity in cd for directional lightsources
- LED和OLED产品R9数值R9 colour rendering index value for LED andOLED light sources
- LED和OLED产品存活因数Survival factor for LED and OLED lightsources;
- LED和OLED产品光通量维持因数Lumen maintenance factor for LED and OLEDlight sources
- LED和OLED产品宣称寿命(L70B50)Indicative lifetime L70B50 for LED andOLED light sources
3、 市场抽查要求变更Market surveillance requirement revision :
- 若PST短期闪烁指数及SVM频闪效应的宣称值小于等于1.0,验证公差范围从“实测值不超过宣称值10%”改为“实测值不超过宣称值+0.1”
- 移除针对FL和HID存活率及光通量维持率的要求Removedrequirements for FL and HID Survival factor and Lumenmaintenance factor