什么是FCC SDOC FCC是哪个国家认证
更新:2025-02-04 07:00 编号:19531304 发布IP: 浏览:45次- 发布企业
- 权检认证(深圳)有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第5年主体名称:权检认证(深圳)有限公司组织机构代码:91440300MA5G572J5G
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- 人民币¥1000.00元每件
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FCC SDOC, a well-known certification in the electronic field, isa requirement for electronic products that enter the United Statesmarket. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is theorganization responsible for this certification, and it is aregulatory body in the United States that oversees communicationthrough radio, television, wire, and cable in the country. Anyelectronic product that involves communication or entertainment,like smartphones, laptops, speakers, printers, and even remotecontrols, requires the FCC SDOC before they can be sold in theUnited States.
One reason why FCC SDOC is essential is that it guarantees safetyand reliability. The FCC conducts electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) and radio frequency (RF) testing to ensure that electronicproducts comply with the safety standards of the country. Both EMCand RF testing aim to limit the amount of electromagnetic radiationor electromagnetic fields that these devices produce or emit. Thesetests ensure that the electronic devices do not cause interferencewith other electronic devices, especially critical ones likepacemakers, aircraft communication systems, and military equipment.In addition, RF testing aims to ensure that the products do notexceed the allowed power transmission limits, which can be harmfulto the user and the surroundings.
Another reason why FCC SDOC is crucial is that it helps theelectronic product manufacturers achieve internationalcompatibility. The United States is not the only country that hasregulatory bodies that oversee electronic products' safety andreliability. Europe, for example, has the CE certification, whichis similar to the FCC SDOC. Manufacturers that aim to sell theirproducts internationally must comply with these requirements toensure that their products can be used globally. Therefore, havingthe FCC SDOC certification is not only mandatory to sell productsin the United States, but it can also help manufacturers markettheir products internationally.
Lastly, the FCC SDOC is vital for electronic product manufacturersbecause it assures them that their products comply with theregulations, reducing potential legal issues in the future.Non-compliance with the regulatory standards can result insignificant fines, product recalls, and even lawsuits. The FCC SDOCserves as proof that the products have passed the necessary testsand are compliant with the regulations.
In conclusion, the FCC SDOC is a crucial component for electronicproduct manufacturers aiming to sell in the United States. Havingthis certification guarantees safety, reliability, andinternational compatibility of the products. Additionally, it helpsmanufacturers avoid legal issues resulting from a lack ofcompliance with the regulatory standards. Despite the cost ofobtaining it, the FCC SDOC is essential to ensure that electronicproducts are safe and reliable for American consumers.
FCC认证是美国的,FederalCommunications Commission,美国联邦通信**的简写,根据美国联邦通讯法规相关部分(CFR47部分)中规定,凡进入美国的电子类产品都需要进行电磁兼容认证,也就是FCC认证
美国联邦通信**(FCC)在2017年11月2日官方正式决定,把DoC& VoC 计划正式变更为SDoC,目的是为了简化FCC认证中无线装置设备的认证流程和明确电子标签使用规范。
SDoC的全称是Supplier'sDeclaration of Conformity,设备供货商(注:该供货商**是美国当地的公司)将对符合规定标准或要求的设备进行检测,符合规定的设备需提供相关档 (如 SDoC 的声明档)向公众提供证明。也就是说,只有美国的公司才能出具SDoC的宣告信,非美国公司 (包括实验室,制造商等)都不能出具SDoC宣告信。
FCCSDoC已在2018年11月2日全面正式实施。2017年11月2日到2018年11月2日期间过渡运行期,在此1年的过渡期间内,企业可继续使用FCC VoC 和 DoC 认证程序或者直接使用新的FCC SDoC认证程序均可。一年过渡期后,FCCSDoC认证程序将正式替代原有的FCC VoC和DoC认证方式。
--对产品负责人有明确要求,需要提供美国公司的联系方式, 责任方可以是进口商或收货人或报关行, 2018年11月2日之后,FCC DOC和FCCVOC作废;
--我们常见的设备的认证方式发生重大变化,除无线发射产品/扫描接收机/电力线宽带接入/雷达探测产品**要做FCC ID, 其他所有产品都可以选择FCCID或者SDOC。
成立日期 | 2020年04月20日 | ||
法定代表人 | 叶秀琼 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | ISO体系认证,CE认证,CCC认证,质检报告,企业执行标准 | ||
经营范围 | 一般经营项目是:仪器设备、电子产品、计算机软件的技术开发与技术咨询;,许可经营项目是:电子电气产品、纺织品、皮革、家具、食品、药品、环境、水质、日化用品、包装材料、玩具、饲料、汽车、化工原料产品的检测认证。 | ||
公司简介 | 权检认证(深圳)有限公司为众多行业和产品提供通行全球解决方案的一站式全领域公共检测、鉴定、验货及认证服务平台,帮助企业应对全球各种技术贸易壁垒,提升企业竞争优势,满足其对品质的高标准要求。LAB-QJRZ的服务能力覆盖无线通讯产品、医疗器械、音视频产品、信息技术设备、家用电器、、灯具照明,儿童玩具,电池、医疗保健等多个行业;提供安规LVD检测,电磁兼容EMC检测,无线射频RF检测,有害物质ROHS ... |
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