1. Full container booking/LCL entry。China-Europo-Russia railwayand truck freight forwarding logistics
European route: Marra, Hamburg, Duisburg, Budapest, Tilburg,etc
Russian route: Moscow (Volsino), St. Petersburg (Susare),Yekaterinburg
Central Asia: Almaty, Tashkent, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Minsk
2.railwaycontainer: Vientiane, Hanoi, Bangkok, Phnom Penh, HoChi Minh
Ii. The European Union, Central Asia, Russia throughout the LCLdouble clearance tax to the door
3. Cold chain container import and export business, fruit, beef,chicken feet preferred
4: Customs clearance, unpacking and delivery throughout Russia.Charge d 'affaires EAC and FSB
5: European e-commerce cabinets, foreign trade cabinets and liveproducts one-stop door to door service
6: New energy car, SUV container and cage car export door todoor service
7: Shed car P70 long-term plan, two trains per month, direct toKazakhstan
8: Erlian highway port, vehicle and scattered, direct to theentire territory of