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各位读者早上好,在我们货代实务的操作中,会遇到一些术语简称,今天更新一篇目前常见的术语简称含义,Ad ValoremLatinterm meaning “according to the value” i.e. the value according towhich duty and taxes are calculated. Customs often use this.ATACarnetThe ATA Carnet is an international Customs document which isissued in accordance with the ATA and Istanbul Conventions and itprovides a guarantee that is valid internationally. It can be usedas security for import duty/tax and allows the temporary admissionand transit of goods. Sometimes used to control temporaryexport/re-importation of products but when used this way, theguarantee will not apply.B/L or BOL The Bill of Lading is theofficial shipping document.  The possessor of this will be theowner of the goods but it will not be released to the buyer untilall costs have been paid. If the buyer does not possess the B/Lthen the goods cannot be delivered or released to him.BAFBunkerAdjustment Factor – this is the name given to the oil used to fuelsea vessels – BAF is a surcharge made by the carrier to take intoaccount the cost of bunker with regard to freight cost.BondedGoodsYou will often hear this term used referring to goods storedin a secure warehouse i.e. bonded warehouse. Whilst there, they arenot liable for payment of duty but as soon as the goods are moved,duty is liable to be paid.BrokerageOften used in connection withcustoms brokerage i.e. a third party used to clear imports orexports.C of O, Form ACertificate of Origin – this document showsthe country of origin of the goods and is normally signed by theGovernment Dept. of the country of export.  If you are able topay lower duty rates then this Form A maybe required.C&F (orCFR) and CIFCost and Freight or Cost, Insurance and Freight – thisis when the buyer of the goods pays an amount to the seller tocover the cost of sending the goods by sea plus a fee to get thegoods to the point of discharge.  No local charges are paid asthese are for the buyer.  If the term is CIF then marineinsurance is also paid by the seller.CAFCurrency Adjustment Factor– charge added to sea freight to take account of changes incurrency.Cargo ManifestThis list shows the goods carried in atransport unit i.e. container. It will normally show documentnumbers, shipper, consignee, carton markings, quantity of packages,description of goods etc.CBM (M3)This is a cubic metre and is theusual unit of volume used to calculate the volume of goods orcontainer capacity.CFRCost and Freight – this shows that theseller’s price will include for cost of goods and freight to theagreed country.  Once the goods arrive at the buyer’s chosenport, they take over the costs.CFSContainer Freight Station – afacility where LCL shipments are loaded/unloaded (usually at aport).CIFCost, Insurance and Freight – these are pretty much thesame as CFR except the buyer also pays the insurance.CIPCarriageand Insurance Paid – very much like CPT but they include formaritime insurance.CISF China Import Service Fee – a cost thatmay arise when goods are shipped using CFR or CIF shippingterms. CITESConvention on International Trade in EndangeredSpecies.Commercial Invoice This shows the buyer and sellerdetails and the type of goods, amount, price and terms ofsale.  Customs will view this when calculating duty and tax tobe paid.Consignee (Cnee)This is the person receiving thegoods.Container A large metal box used to hold goods intransit, normally 20ft or 40ft in length.  They are easilymoved between ship, train and truck and are unpacked upon arrivalat final destination i.e. warehouse.CPTCarriage Paid To – similarto CFR, the only difference being that CPT can be used for air orsea.Customs clearanceWhen goods clear through customs at thecountry or origin or country of destination.DAPDelivered at Place –the sellers pays for everything up to delivery to the chosendestination.  The buyer only pays import duty andtax.DATDelivered At Terminal – the seller takes care of allresponsibility and costs up to unloading goods at the destinationport terminal.  The buyer will only pay for customs clearance,import duty, taxes and costs to deliver to hiswarehouse.DDPDelivered Duty Paid – delivered to the consignee withduty paid i.e. the seller pays the costs to get the shipment to thechosen destination and will also pay import duty and taxes due inthe buyer’s country.  All the consignee needs to do is unloadthe goods from the truck when they arrive at hiswarehouse.DDUDelivered Duty Unpaid – it is up to the shipper to getthe goods to the agreed point of delivery but not to clear thegoods for import; the consignee has to pay duty/taxes.DefermentWhena bank account is held with Customs specifically to pay customsduty and VAT – if you don’t have one then you can often use theDeferment Account of your chosen import agent/shippingagent.DemurrageCharges raised by the carrier when a container orvehicle goes over its allotted time i.e. held too long at the portor delivery point and in excess of the 3hrs allowed forunloading.DevanningWhen cargo is taken out of a container i.e.unloaded.Document FeesCosts entailed when producing the shippingdocuments for your products.EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) –These are standards adhered to for electronic message (data)interchange on an international level, as developed and supportedby the UN.Entry Summary Declaration (ENS)These are the costs paidby your supplier when declaring goods to the shipper.  If thisis not done 5 days before the closing date, your goods will missthe boat and have to go on the next one.EORI Economic OperatorRegistration and Identification – this is a number which letscustoms keep track of what is being imported/exported. If goods arecoming into the UK then you need this number.ETAEstimated Time ofArrival – when ship or plane is due to arrive atport.ETDEstimated Time of Departure – when ship or plane is due toleave port of origin.EXW or Ex WorksEx-Works – the shipment chargesare the responsibility of the consignee. The shipper will purelymake the goods ready to collect and the buyer has to fund the restof the shipment and transport costs to get the goods to hispreferred destination.  Example:  EXW (suppliersaddress).FASFree Alongside Ship – the seller will get the goodsalongside the ship ready to load and will clear the goods forexport.  The buyer then takes over and assumes responsibilityand all terminal handling charges at the port of origin and allthose thereafter.FCAFree Carrier – the seller will deliver thegoods to a named location to a chosen carrier; they will also clearthe goods for export.  Once this is done, the buyer takescharge of the responsibility and the costs.***Full Container Load –the amount of goods to fill a 20ft, 40ft or 40ft HCcontainer.Feeder VesselThe ship that moves goods a short distanceto and from the port of operation of the main ocean vessel.FOBFreeon Board – these terms are used frequently and they show that theseller will get the goods loaded onto the ship at a chosenport.  The buyer will then have to pay all freightcosts.  Example:  FOB shenzhen.High Cube (HC or HQ)Acontainer that exceeds 8ft 6in in height.IncotermsThese areinternational terms used during the global transport ofgoods.  They refer to the terms between the shipper and thebuyer and clarify the allocation of responsibility when it comes toeach stage of the shipping process.  The terms are shortenedto 3 letters followed by the place i.e. FOB Taiwan or CIFFelixstowe. These usually include EXW, FOB, CFR etc.KerbsideDelivery Usual delivery is to kerbside unless agreedotherwise.  The driver parks the truck and the buyer has tounload them.Landed Cost Total cost of imported costs includingcost of freight, insurance, port and dock charges up until thepoint of entry into the country.  Haulage costs or any feesoccurring after the import point are not included, which is why itis referred to as a ‘landed’ cost.LCL Less than Container Load– if your goods do not fill a container then this term will beused.  You may share a container with another buyer asshippers prefer to send over full containers in terms of efficiencyand lower costs.Licence feeYour supplier needs a licence to exportgoods; if not, they have to pay a licence fee each time theyexport.Notify Party This is the person shown on the Bill ofLading who will be notified when the ship lands; usually theconsignee.Packing ListDocument provided by the shipper showing whatis in the shipment and how packed.  It normally shows cartonnumbers, number of items in cartons, weights and dimensions.PODPortof Discharge – port at which goods are unloaded from thevessel.POLPort of Loading or Port of Origin – the port where goodsare loaded onto vessel.Preference (or Preferential) DutyA lowerduty rate based on the value of the goods and which country theycame from.ReeferName used for a temperature controlledcontainer.ShipperThe person that sends the goods i.e. thesupplier.Shipping Marks and Numbers Shipping marks on placedon packages to identify them.  They may include the size andweight of carton, name of recipient, number of carton, and name ofshipper.  They help to identify the cartons, particularly whencontainers are shared.Tail lift Delivery When you unload goodsfrom truck, if you do not have a fork lift truck then a tail lifton the truck will be helpful. The driver will lower the goods onthe tail lift in pallets.Tariff Code All products that comeinto the UK need a code when cleared through customs – this showshow much duty will be paid.Telex Release Telex release orExpress release are terms used when the Bill of Lading is handledelectronically by the shipper, rather than posting it to theconsignee.  This is required in order to release thegoods.Terminal Handling ChargeCosts incurred when loading yourgoods at port i.e. into a container and then onto thevessel.TEU Twenty-Foot (20′) Equivalent Unit – used whentalking about containers i.e. 20ft is one TEU and 40ft is twoTEU.THCTerminal Handling Charge which is the cost of handling thegoods at port.  If a shipment is made ***, this is the fee formoving the container and if shipped LCL it’s for unpacking thecontainer.TranshipTransfer goods from one from one ship toanother.Transit TimeThe time taken for the ship or plane to getfrom Port of Loading to Port of Discharge.Transport costsCharges toget your goods to the port for shipment or from port of arrival toyour warehouse.UN/EDIFACTUnited Nations EDI For Administration,Commerce and Transport.W/M Weight per Measure – cost iscalculated depending on the volume or weight of the shipment,whichever is greater.

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