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New Zealand Government Requirements 新西兰政府要求
The New Zealand Government issuedsome gazette notices on the 2nd August 2022 which imposedconditions on acceptance of EESS certificates, which werepreviously accepted as issued for Australia.
新西兰政府于2022年8月2日颁布了一些新的公报通知,对EESS证书引入了一些条件限制. 这些条件限制早先适用于澳大利亚.
You can find the gazette notices(only notices 2022-au3179 & 2022-au3180 apply to privatecertifiers) here: Gazette notices | WorkSafe.Further information on NZ medium and high risk articles can also befound through the Worksafe website.
您可以在此链接Gazette notices | WorkSafe中查看这些通知(仅2022-au3179 &2022-au3180适用于私有证书颁发机构).您也可以在Worksafe网站上找到关于新西兰中高风险等级产品的信息.
Point 5 of the gazette notices 2022-au3179 &2022-au3180 sets out that the notices apply for newcertificates issued from 1 January 2023. I suggest you read theexclusion very carefully.
通知2022-au3179 & 2022-au3180中条款5指出该通知适用于2023年1月1日起颁发的新证书.建议您仔细阅读.
We will in thefuture offer a service to include New Zealand on our certificates.If the conditions below are followed at the time of application,and it is clear on the application form that New Zealand isrequired, there will be an extra charge of AUD 150 (plus GST ifapplicable) for the application. If certificates have to bemodified to include New Zealand at a later date, the usualmodification fees (AUD 550 plus GST) apply.
未来我司证书也将涵盖新西兰. 如果在提交申请时遵循了如下条件限制,并且申请表上明确指出需要涵盖新西兰,那么将会额外收取150澳币(澳洲申请人需附加GST)的费用.如果现有证书需要在未来某个时间做修改以涵盖新西兰,那么费用为常规费用550澳币(澳洲申请人需附加GST).
The main conditions that we mustachieve as a RECS/EESS certifier is to ensure thefollowing:
The rating includes 230V and400Vac, either as rated voltage or within the range of the ratedvoltage, unless the product is an accessory or a cable, where therated voltage may be above these levels.
2. All test reports mustbe less than 5 years old on the day we certify.
3. The certificate also specifies it is for NewZealand.
There are more points in the gazettes which wemust follow, but they are achievable and nothing to worryabout.
Electricity (Safety)Regulations—Recognition of Australian Legislation in Respect ofApproval of Declared Articles Notice 2022
Pursuant to Regulation 86 of theElectricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 (“Regulations”), I, MarkStephen Wogan, Manager Energy Safety, acting under the delegatedauthority of the Chief Executive, WorkSafe NewZealand, give the following notice:
1. Short Title and Commencement
This notice is the Electricity (Safety) Regulations —Recognition of Australian Legislation in Respect of Approval ofDeclared Articles Notice 2022.
This notice takes effect on the seventh day following the dateof notification of this notice in the NewZealand Gazette.
2. Notice
Pursuant toRegulation 86(2) of the Regulations, WorkSafe recognisesthe approvals regime established by the New South Wales Gas andElectricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2017 as being a regime ofcompliance for the purposes of Regulation 86(1) of theRegulations and accordingly any declared high-risk article that isof a model approved under that regime is deemed to be approved byWorkSafe, subject to the conditions below.
3. Defined Terms
In this notice, certificate means acertificate of approval issued by the Commissioner for FairTrading, Department of Finance, Services and Innovation under theNew South Wales Gas and Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act2017.
4. Conditions
Thedeemed approval of a declared high risk article referred to inclause 2 of this notice (a ‘declared high risk article’) is subjectto the following conditions, and the conditions set out in clause 5of this notice:
each declared high risk article must have a certificate; and
the supporting test report or reports used for that approvalmust verify compliance with the specific NewZealand requirements in the relevant joint standard orstandards applicable in New South Wales for the declared high riskarticle; and
the supporting test report or reports used for the approval mustconfirm that the declared high risk article has been evaluated forcompliance at—
a nominal supply voltage of, or across a range that includes,230 volts or 400 volts (or both) or
a voltage above 230 volts, if the article is an electricalaccessory or cable; and
if the declared high risk article is a single-phase appliance,it must be marked with 230 volts or a range including 230 volts;and
if the declared high risk article is a fitting intended to have,or supplied as having, a safety function, it must be markedwith—
230 volts or 400 volts (or both); or
a range including 230 volts or 400 volts (or both); and
the approved declared electrical article must be markedwith—
the approval number referenced in the certificate (e.g.NSWxxxxx); and
the unique model number referenced in the certificate; and
the certificate must—
be supported by one or more test reports, none of which are morethan 5 years old at the time of approval; and
not apply to a group or range of products unless thecertification is based on an evaluation that verifies all aspectsof compliance for each individual product of the group or range ofproducts; and
if issued in respect of a residual current device (RCD), thecertificate and any supporting test report or reports must—
identify the type of RCD; and
confirm compliance with the limits specified in AS/NZS 3190;and
in the case of a portable RCD, identify if the RCD is a TypeFS.
5. Supply of Documentation
Any person who relies on acertificate for the purposes of Regulation 84(2)(b) ofthe Regulations must provide WorkSafe with a copy of thecertificate and all related compliance documentation within 10 daysof a request being made by WorkSafe for thatinformation.
6. Variation or Withdrawal
UnderRegulation 86(4)(a) of the Regulations, WorkSafe may atany time vary or withdraw the deemed approval of a declared highrisk article that is of a model approved under the approvals regimeestablished by the New South Wales Gas and Electricity (ConsumerSafety) Act 2017, by way of notice in the NewZealand Gazette.
7. Existing Deemed Approvals Remain in Place
For the avoidance of doubt, thedeemed approval of a declared high risk article that is certifiedor approved under a regime recognised by WorkSafe in one of thefollowing notices remains in place until such time as it is variedor withdrawn under Regulation 86(4)(a) of theRegulations, or WorkSafe revokes the notice:
Notice of AustralianCertification Regimes Recognised Under Regulation 101(10) of the Electricity Regulations 1997, in Respect ofApproval of Declared Articles (published inthe New Zealand Gazette, 19 December2001, No. 173, page 4219); and
Notice of AustralianLegislation Recognised Under Regulation 101 (10) of theElectricity Regulations 1997, in Respect of Approval of DeclaredArticles (published in the NewZealand Gazette, 19 December 2001, No.173, page 4219).
Signedat Wellington this 28th day of July 2022.
MARKSTEPHEN WOGAN, Manager, Energy Safety, WorkSafe NewZealand.
电力(安全)法规—承认澳大利亚关于批准申报物品的立法2022 年通知
根据《2010年电力(安全)条例》(“条例”)第86条,我,能源安全经理Mark StephenWogan,根据新西兰工作安全局首席执行官的授权,发出以下通知:
1. 简称和开始
2. 通知
3. 定义术语
4. 条件
标称电源电压为 230 伏或 400伏(或两者兼而有之)或范围,或
电压高于 230伏,如果物品是电气附件或电缆;和
如果申报的高风险物品是单相电器,则必须标有 230 伏或包括230 伏的范围;和
230 伏或 400伏(或两者兼而有之);或
范围包括 230 伏或 400伏(或两者兼而有之);和
由一份或多份测试报告支持,这些报告在批准时均不超过 5年;和
确认符合 AS/NZS 3190中规定的限制;和
对于便携式 RCD,请确定 RCD 是否为 FS型。
5. 提供文件
6. 变更或撤销
7. 现有的视同批准仍然有效
法定代表人 | 罗卓文 | ||
主营产品 | ROHS认证、CE认证、FCC认证、CB认证、FDA认证、UL认证、CCC认证、GS认证、MIC认证、EK认证、PSE认证、E-MARK 认证等国际安全测试认证 | ||
经营范围 | 一般经营项目是:电子产品、网络通信产品、汽车电子设备及配件的设计、技术开发及销售;智能电子设备、汽车配件、电子产品、五金配件、塑料配件的销售;服装、纺织品、针织品、日用百货销售;元器件、材料、仪器仪表、机电设备、输变电设备、高低压电器元器件及设备的检验、检测以及相关标准和技术的研发及咨询;仪器设备的销售及校准;第一类医疗用品及器械;经营电子商务;国内贸易;货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外; 依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动),许可经营项目是:无 | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市实测通技术服务有限公司是一家年轻的技术服务型公司,我们拥有富有激情,勇于追逐梦想的团队,我们努力创造好的创业环境不断吸引优秀的行业专家,海归人才,外籍专家及优秀毕业生加入。我们致力于国际化的视野在全球化背景下整合国内外法规,检测与认证资源,建立新型,专业化法规研究,检测与认证服务平台,从IT、AV、家电、灯具、汽车电子、服装纺织等电子消费类产品提供EMC电磁兼容、物理性能、环境可靠性、安全性 ... |
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