Styrolux"684D是一种透明的苯乙-丁二烯共聚物(SBC),用于增强韧性的零件的注射成型,以及片材和薄膜挤出和吹塑成型。Styrolux"684[制成的零件显示出优异的印刷性能。特点:高洁晰度、高韧性、良好的印剧性、高透气性、符合水蒸气法规的应用、食品包装容器、杯子和盖子、玩7yrolux'684Dis a cear stvrene-butadiene cooolymer (SBC) used in nieclion modinofor parts with enhanced touohnes aswel. as in sheel and filmexruson and blow moldino. ars made o Siyroux 684 revea exce enorntablt. FEATURES Hih clarity moroved touohnetGood printabilityHigh permeability to gases and water vapor Regulatory compliantAPPLICATIONS Food packaging Container, cups and lids ToysExtrudedsheet and thin film Medical devices