ISTA-2B 国际安全运输协会 2B测试
更新:2025-02-05 20:00 编号:21130817 发布IP: 浏览:72次- 发布企业
- 深圳市实测通技术服务有限公司商铺
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ISTA-2B国际安全运输协会 2B测试
| - | 1 carton withpackaged product |
As perISTA integrity test procedure 2B: 2011, the performance andintegrity of the packaged product was evaluated.
Numberof sample tested: One (1) carton
1.Shipping mark: Nil / (See enclosedpicture )
2.Description of package:
Externalcontainer size (inch) | : | Length _________x width _____________ x depth _________ |
Grossweight of packaged-product (lbs) | : | |
Boxstyle | : | Regular slottedcontainer (RSC) / Full overlapslotted container (FOL) / Full telescopedesign style box (FTD) / Center specialslotted container (CSSC) / Overlap slottedcontainer (OSC) / Center specialoverlap slotted container (CSO) / Center specialfull overlap slotted container (SFF) / Double cover box(DC) |
Form | : | Single / double/ triple wall corrugated board |
Boxmaker"s certificate | : | No / marked with________________ lbs/sq.inch. |
Joint | : | Glued joint /taped joint /Single/double/diagonal/Vertical/horizontal/stitchedjoint |
Closedwith | : | Reinforced tapeor pressure-sensitive tape / adhesive / paper sealing tape / metalstaples / wide crown staples / ____fixation straps) |
Style | : | Top / Endopening. |
(See enclosedpicture 1)
3. Testprocedure
(A)Anticipated conditioning: [Internal use: The conditionfor test must confirm with CSO]
(i)Preconditioning: Laboratory ambient temperature and humidity forsix (6) hours at : _______°C; _______% RH.
(ii) ExtremeCold, Uncontrolled RH (72) hours at: -29°C/
Cold, Humid (72)hours at: 5°C, 85% RH/
ControlledConditions (72) hours at: 23°C, 50% RH/
Hot, Humid (72)hours at: 38°C, 85% RH/
Hot, Humid thenExtreme Heat, Moderate RH: (72) hours at: 38°C, 85% RH and then forsix (6) hours at 60°C, 30% RH/
ElevatedTemperature, Uncontrolled RH (72) hours at: 50°C/
Extreme Heat,Dry (72) hours at: 60°C,15% RH/
Severe Cold,Uncontrolled RH (72) hours at: -18°C
Userdefined ____________________________________________.
No visiblechange was found on the contents of the packagedproduct.
(B)Compression test :
Compression testsystem: Apply and release test force .
Test force:______ pounds.
Thepackaged-product may be notwarehoused in astacked.
Compensatingfactor F=
Total number ofpackaged-products in a stackS= (as claimed byapplicant /as recommended by standard.)
[Internal use:The no.(S) was not warehoused in a stack mustconfirm with CSO; S= ,F= ,Wt= ,test
force=[Wtx(S-1)xFx1.4] ( F=5 if the packaged-product may be warehoused , otherwiseF=4)
Remark: No puncture ofcarton box was observed.
(C)Vibration test (first part)
Mode ofvibration: vertical linear.
Vibrationfrequency: ________ CPM.
Duration oftesting: ________minutes and ________seconds.
Number ofimpacts: 11,800.
Remark:No puncture ofcarton box was observed.
(D)Impact and rotational edge drop test
(a) Notto shock the top surface
Methodused: | Freefall drop |
Number ofdrops: | 4 |
Height of drop(inches): | 6 |
The dropsequence and orientation were listed as below:
Dropsequence | Orientation ofpackaged-product | |
1 | Face | One of thesmallest vertical faces |
2 | Face | Opposite smallvertical face |
3 | Face | One of thelargest vertical faces |
4 | Face | Opposite largevertical face |
Methodused: | Rotational edgedrop |
Number ofdrops: | 2 |
Height of drop(inches): | 8 |
Thesequence was listed as below:
Step | Rotational edgedrop | |
1 | Sequence | Action |
1 | Place theunitized load onto a flat, rigid surface such as steel orconcrete. | |
2 | Support one ofthe shortest face 3 edges with a timber or support 3.5 to 4.0 in(90 to 100 mm) in height and width. | |
3 | Lift theopposite face 3 edge to 8 in (200 mm) off the surface. | |
4 | Release the edgeso that it falls freely onto the flat, rigid surface. | |
2 | The Unit Loadhas a length equal to or greater than twice the width and a centerof gravity above the midpoint of the height. Repeat step 1 onthe face 3 edge opposite the edge just tested in step 1 sequence4. | |
3 | The Unit Loaddoes not has a length equal to or greater than twice the width anda center of gravity above the midpoint of the height. Repeat step 1 onone of the face 3 edges radiating 90° from the edge just tested instep 1 sequence 4. |
Remark:No puncture ofcarton box was observed.
(b)Shock the top surface
Methodused: | Freefall drop |
Number ofdrops: | 6 |
Height of drop(inches): | 6 |
The drop sequenceand orientation were listed as below:
Dropsequence | Orientation ofpackaged-product | |
1 | Face | One of thesmallest vertical faces |
2 | Face | Opposite smallvertical face |
3 | Face | One of themedium vertical faces |
4 | Face | Opposite mediumvertical face |
5 | Face | One of thelargest vertical faces |
6 | Face | Opposite largevertical face |
(E)Vibration test (second part)
Mode ofvibration: Vertical linear.
Vibrationfrequency: __________CPM.
Duration oftesting: _________minutes and ________seconds.
Number ofimpacts: 11,800.
Remark: Nopuncture of carton box was observed.
4.Interior packaging:
Sample for reference参考图片:
<div style="font-family:"font-size:12px;white-space:normal;"="">Sample Report报告样本:
法定代表人 | 罗卓文 | ||
主营产品 | ROHS认证、CE认证、FCC认证、CB认证、FDA认证、UL认证、CCC认证、GS认证、MIC认证、EK认证、PSE认证、E-MARK 认证等国际安全测试认证 | ||
经营范围 | 一般经营项目是:电子产品、网络通信产品、汽车电子设备及配件的设计、技术开发及销售;智能电子设备、汽车配件、电子产品、五金配件、塑料配件的销售;服装、纺织品、针织品、日用百货销售;元器件、材料、仪器仪表、机电设备、输变电设备、高低压电器元器件及设备的检验、检测以及相关标准和技术的研发及咨询;仪器设备的销售及校准;第一类医疗用品及器械;经营电子商务;国内贸易;货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外; 依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动),许可经营项目是:无 | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市实测通技术服务有限公司是一家年轻的技术服务型公司,我们拥有富有激情,勇于追逐梦想的团队,我们努力创造好的创业环境不断吸引优秀的行业专家,海归人才,外籍专家及优秀毕业生加入。我们致力于国际化的视野在全球化背景下整合国内外法规,检测与认证资源,建立新型,专业化法规研究,检测与认证服务平台,从IT、AV、家电、灯具、汽车电子、服装纺织等电子消费类产品提供EMC电磁兼容、物理性能、环境可靠性、安全性 ... |
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