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- 深圳漫云网络科技有限公司商铺
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Digital technology with blockchain as the core can promoteinformation technology services, thus promoting digitalindustrialization; The meta universe can create and innovate moreextensive application scenarios to stimulate informationconsumption and promote industrial digitalization. Therefore, themeta universe digital ecology promoted by the Web3.0 technologysystem with blockchain as the core will provide strong support fordigital industrialization and industrial digitalization, and createa new engine for high-quality development of the digitaleconomy.
Conceptual model is a scientific method from the study of universalphenomena to the convergence of knowledge. From the perspective ofconceptual model, the meta universe is the superposition oftechnical system, content system, economic system, collaborationsystem and governance system. The core of the technical system isintegration, and its technical system should have the technicalcharacteristics of open source, programmability, interconnection,scalability, pluggable, etc; The core of the content system iscommunication, which should have multiple content generation modes,content presentation modes, content operation and managementcapabilities; The core of the economic system is exchange, whichneeds to provide value carriers, exchange mechanisms, identityauthentication, incentive mechanisms, rights and interestsprotection and other capabilities; The core of the collaborationsystem is consensus, which needs to support multi-partycooperation, distribution, self-organization and othercharacteristics; The core of the governance system is rules, whichneed to provide safeguards such as scientific and technologicalethics, copyright protection, content supervision and financialcompliance.
"Clarity" can abstract the concept and knowledge system of the metauniverse according to the current industrial phenomena andinformation. By analyzing the relevant concepts of the metauniverse, the phenomenon and essence of the meta universe, we canconclude that the concept of the meta universe is an integratedlogical expression of the digital consensus ecology. Digital meansthat the core element of the meta universe must be in the digitalspace and expressed through digital technology; Consensus meansthat the relevant parties of the meta universe should reach ageneral consensus on important issues such as rights,responsibilities and obligations on the basis of co governance.Ecology means that the meta universe needs the participation ofmany relevant parties to form a dynamic and balanced entity thatinteracts and promotes each other; Integration means that the metauniverse needs to form an integration through many technologies tosupport the stable operation of the meta universe ecology; Logicmeans that the meta universe is a system composed of many elements.Each element must have a logical relationship with each other, andeach element itself also needs an internal logical system;Expression means that the meta universe should present a specificform of expression at different levels, so as to form a clusteredand engineering best practice. The core elements of the metauniverse include organization, identity, assets and activities.Through the interaction of the core elements, the scientificpractice of integrated logical expression of digital ecology ispromoted.
成立日期 | 2012年04月25日 | ||
法定代表人 | 张磊 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 链游系统开发,app开发,nft系统开发,盲盒开发,盲盒源码 | ||
经营范围 | 软件开发,技术咨询,技术服务, | ||
公司简介 | 深圳漫云网络科技有限公司,是一家专注于高端APP定制开发服务和微信开发的服务机构,致力于为企业提供全面、系统的APP开发制作方案。在手机APP开发、做出来的系统从运营到推广领域都拥有丰富经验,我们通过建立对目标客户和用户行为的分析,整合高质量设计和超强的技术,为您打造创意十足、有价值的企业品牌APP。我们拥有10年以上行业经验、百人的资深APP开发技术团队,我们已经帮助众多知名客户提升他们的品牌和 ... |
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