更新:2025-01-24 08:08 编号:21923370 发布IP: 浏览:11次- 发布企业
- 深圳市红三羊供应链有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第3年主体名称:深圳市红三羊供应链有限公司组织机构代码:914403003264308524
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- 行业
- 商务服务
- 公司名
- 深圳市红三羊供应链有限公司
- 品牌
- 红三羊
- 关键词
- 熏蒸消毒证书英文
- 所在地
- 深圳市罗湖区南湖街道东门南路1006号文锦渡口岸综合报关大楼628E
- 联系电话
- 0755-25108873
- 电话或微信
- 18807550903
- 业务经理
- 詹先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
The Fumigation and Disinfection Certificate (FDC) is animportant document that certifies the fumigation and disinfectiontreatment conducted on goods or cargo. This certificate providesassurance that the goods have undergone the necessary treatment toeliminate pests, insects, and other harmful organisms, ensuringtheir safety and compliance with international trade andtransportation regulations. In this article, we will provide anoverview of the Fumigation and Disinfection Certificate and itssignificance in international trade.
What is the Fumigation and Disinfection Certificate (FDC)?
The Fumigation and Disinfection Certificate is an officialdocument issued by authorized agencies or fumigation serviceproviders. It serves as proof that the specified goods or cargohave undergone effective fumigation and disinfection treatment toeliminate pests and prevent the spread of diseases.
Purpose and Significance of the FDC:
1. Preventing the spread of pests and diseases: The FDC plays acrucial role in preventing the introduction and spread of pests,insects, and diseases that can harm agriculture, ecosystems, andhuman health.
2. Compliance with international regulations: Many countriesrequire imported goods to undergo fumigation and obtain an FDC toensure compliance with their quarantine and phytosanitaryregulations.
3. Ensuring safe and healthy cargo: Fumigation and disinfectiontreatments help eliminate or minimize the presence of harmfulorganisms, ensuring the safety and integrity of the cargo duringtransportation.
Key Information on the FDC:
1. Certificate Details: The FDC typically includes informationsuch as the name and address of the fumigation service provider,the treatment method used, date of treatment, and the duration ofthe certificate's validity.
2. Treatment Specifications: The FDC specifies the type oftreatment conducted, such as fumigation with a particular gas ordisinfection using approved chemicals.
3. Supporting Documentation: The FDC may require supportingdocuments, such as fumigation reports, treatment logs, andlaboratory test results, to substantiate the effectiveness of thetreatment.
The Fumigation and Disinfection Certificate (FDC) is anessential document in international trade, ensuring the safety andcompliance of goods by verifying that they have undergone effectivefumigation and disinfection treatments. Obtaining an FDCdemonstrates a commitment to maintaining high standards of pestcontrol, biosecurity, and public health. When engaging ininternational trade, it is crucial to understand the specificrequirements and regulations of the importing country to facilitatesmooth customs clearance and avoid any potential tradedisruptions.
成立日期 | 2015年01月22日 | ||
法定代表人 | 詹伟杰 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 买单报关,进口报关,RCEP产地证,商检,熏蒸,植检,外汇兑换,1039市场采购报关,9710跨境电商报关,代理退税,国际物流 | ||
经营范围 | 供应链渠道设计与管理;海上、航空、陆路国际货运代理;国内货运代理;代理报检业务;代理报关业务;日用品、通讯产品、机电产品、电子产品、化妆品、服装鞋帽、电子元器件、五金交电、机械设备及材料、装饰材料、塑料制品、汽车零配件、计算机软硬件的技术开发与销售;展览展示策划;企业形象策划;投资兴办实业(具体事项... | ||
公司简介 | 以客户需求为导向,打破行业的习俗和假设,探索出新的服务、新的商业模式。把原本由管理咨询公司、第三方物流公司、外贸进出口公司、资金平台公司、报检报关公司、清关公司、仓库管理公司等分别履行的多种职能有机地结合在一起。为客户提供整散货物的进出口环节:进出口报关、产地证、商检、单证代做、买单报关、包柜、熏蒸植检、散货报关提交、外汇代收、海陆空运报关报检、代理退税、市场采购1039、跨境电商9710报关、国 ... |
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