Structure of the eSTAR

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Structure of the eSTAR
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1、Submission Type

Identification of key information thatmay be useful to FDA in the initial processing and review of the510(k) submission, including content from current Form FDA 3514,Section A.

2、Cover Letter / Letters of Reference

Attach a cover letter and anydocuments that refer to other submissions.

3、Submitter Information

Information on submitter andcorrespondent, if applicable, consistent with content from currentForm FDA 3514, Sections B and C.

4、Pre-Submission Correspondence & Previous RegulatorInteraction

Information on prior submissions forthe same device included in the current submission, such assubmission numbers for a prior not substantially equivalent (NSE)determination, prior deleted or withdrawn 510(k), Q-Submission,Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) application, premarketapproval (PMA) application, humanitarian device exemption (HDE)application, or De Novo classification request.

5、Consensus Standards

Identification of voluntary consensusstandard(s) used, if applicable. This includes both FDA-recognizedand non-recognized consensus standards.

6、Device Description

Identification of listing number iflisted with FDA.

Descriptive information for thedevice, including a description of the technologicalcharacteristics of the device including materials, design, energysource, and other device features, as defined in section513(i)(1)(B) of the FD&C Act and 21 CFR 807.100(b)(2)(ii)(A).Descriptive information also includes a description of theprinciple of operation for achieving the intended effect and theproposed conditions of use, such as surgical technique forimplants; anatomical location of use; user interface; how thedevice interacts with other devices; and/or how the deviceinteracts with the patient.

Information on whether the device isintended to be marketed with accessories.

Identification of any applicabledevice-specific guidance document(s) or special controls for thedevice type as provided in a special controls document (oralternative measures identified that provide at least an equivalentassurance of safety and effectiveness) or in a device-specificclassification regulation, and/or performance standards. See“The 510(k) Program:Evaluating Substantial Equivalence in Premarket Notifications[510(k)].

7、Proposed Indications for Use (Form FDA3881

Identification of the proposedindications for use of the device. The term indications for use, asdefined in 21 CFR 814.20(b)(3)(i), describes the disease orcondition the device will diagnose, treat, prevent, cure, ormitigate, including a description of the patient population forwhich the device is intended.32


Identification of the classificationregulation number that seems most appropriate for the subjectdevice, as applicable

9、Predicates and SubstantialEquivalence34

Identification of a predicate device(e.g., 510(k) number, De Novo number, reclassified PMA number,classification regulation reference, if exempt and limitations toexemption are exceeded, or statement that the predicate is apreamendments device).

The submission should include acomparison of the predicate and subject device and a discussion whyany differences between the subject and predicate do not impactsafety and effectiveness [see section 513(i)(1)(A) of the FD&CAct and 21 CFR 807.87(f)]. A reference device should also beincluded in the discussion, if applicable. See “The 510(k) Program: EvaluatingSubstantial Equivalence in Premarket Notifications[510(k)].”

10、Design/Special Controls, Risks to Health, andMitigation Measures

Applicable to Special 510(k)submissions only.

Identification of the device changesand the risk analysis method(s) used to assess the impact of thechange(s) on the device and the results of the analysis.

Risk control measures to mitigateidentified risks (e.g., labeling, verification). See “The Special 510(k) Program


Submission of proposed labeling insufficient detail to satisfy the requirements of 21 CFR 807.87(e).Generally, if the device is an in vitro diagnostic device, thelabeling must also satisfy the requirements of 21 CFR 809.10.Additionally, the term “labeling” generally includes the devicelabel, instructions for use, and any patient labeling. See“Guidance on MedicalDevice Patient Labeling.”


Information for assessing thereprocessing validation and labeling, if applicable. See“ReprocessingMedical Devices in Health Care Settings: Validation Methods andLabeling


Information on sterility andvalidation methods, if applicable. See “Submission and Review of SterilityInformation in Premarket Notification (510(k)) Submissions forDevices Labeled as Sterile

14、Shelf Life

Summary of methods used to establishthat device performance is maintained for the entirety ofthe proposedshelf-life41(e.g., mechanical properties, coating integrity,pH, osmolality), if applicable


Information on the biocompatibilityassessment of patient contacting materials, if applicable. See“Use ofInternational Standard ISO 10993-1, ‘Biological evaluation ofmedical devices - Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a riskmanagement process.’”


Submission of applicable softwaredocumentation, if applicable. See “Guidance for the Content of PremarketSubmissions for Software Contained in Medical Devices


Submission of applicable informationregarding the assessment of cybersecurity, if applicable. See“Content forPremarket Submissions for Management of Cybersecurity in MedicalDevices”44and“DesignConsiderations and Premarket Submission Recommendations forInteroperable Medical Devices

18、Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Electrical,Mechanical, Wireless and Thermal Safety

Submission of the EMC, Electrical,Mechanical, Wireless and Thermal Safety testing for your device orsummarize why testing is not needed. See “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ofMedical Devices”and“Radio FrequencyWireless Technology in Medical Devices

19、Performance Testing

For non-in vitro diagnostic devices:Provide information on the non-clinical and clinical test reportssubmitted, referenced, or relied on in the 510(k) for adetermination of substantial equivalence. See “Recommended Content and Format ofNon-Clinical Bench Performance Testing Information in PremarketSubmissions.”


Inclusion of any literaturereferences, if applicable

21、Administrative Documentation

Inclusion of additional administrativeforms applicable to the submission, including but not limited to ageneral summary of submission/executive summary (recommended), aTruthful and Accuracy Statement,49and a 510(k)Summary50or statement

22、Amendment/Additional Information (AI)response

Inclusion of responses to AdditionalInformation requests


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