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- 深圳市信通检测技术有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:深圳市信通检测技术有限公司组织机构代码:91440300589192681K
- 报价
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- 关键词
- MTC证书
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- 深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍社区朱坳第二工业区A2栋厂房401
- 手机
- 17318023119
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MTC认证是指中国移动通信集团有限公司(China Mobile Communications Group Co.,Ltd.)对各类移动通信终端设备进行认证的一种标准。通过MTC认证的设备将符合中国移动网络的技术和质量要求,可以在中国移动网络上正常运行和使用。本文将介绍MTC认证的要求和流程,以及申请所需的文件。
MTC的全称是Mill testcertificate,也被称为工厂测试证书或者材质质量证书,是金属行业使用的一种质量保证文件,用于证明材料的化学和物理特性,并说明由金属(钢、铝、黄铜或其他合金)制成的产品符合guojibiaozhun组织(如ANSI、ASME 等)的特定标准。
比较为难贸易商的是,如果提供钢厂的MTC, 可能就泄露工厂信息
从10月1日起,欧盟海关将严格检查所有申报HS代码为7323、7326等含有金属的货物。这一举措主要针对俄罗斯金属出口贸易的制裁,所有进口国家的金属相关产品必须提供MTC(MaterialTransfer Certificate)证书,证明产品材料的来源并非源自俄罗斯。
1.使用72-83 目录类的HS编码申报的产品,必须提供相关的MTC证书。
详情可见: https://www.customssupport.com/insights/sanctions-russian-iron-and-steel
UK prohibition(英国措施)
From September 30, 2023, UK persons will be prohibited fromimporting an iron and steel product into the UK, where it:
1. is listed in Schedule 3B of the UK’s Russia (Sanctions)(EUExit) Regulations 2019 (the UK Regulations);
2. has been “altered, transformed in any way; or subjected toany type of operation or process” in a third country; and
3. incorporates one or more Schedule 3B iron and steel productsof Russian origin.
Schedule 3B contains a list of products with HTS / CN codesfalling within Chapter 72 (predominantly primary metals) andChapter 73 (predominantly basic tubes / shapes).
Associated prohibitions will also apply with respect to theprovision of technical assistance, financial services and funds,and brokering services in relation the prohibited goods.
The UK Government has stated in guidance that, since the measurewas first published in April 2023, there will be no exceptions ortransitional period. There is the ability for traders to apply fora license, with the UK Government indicating that the import ofiron and steel that left Russia before 21 April 2023 may beeligible.
The UK Government has further stated that traders should beprepared to have documentation available to demonstrate theircompliance with the new prohibitions, which may include, but is notlimited to, a Mill Test Certificate (MTC) or Mill Test Certificates(MTCs) where the relevant information cannot be summarized in asingle document.
EU prohibition(欧盟措施)
The EU is similarly introducing a prohibition on the direct orindirect import or purchase, from September 30, 2023, of iron andsteel products listed in Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) 833/2014(Regulation 833) when processed in a third country incorporatingiron and steel products originating in Russia as listed in AnnexXVII. Annex XVII similarly contains products with HTS / CN codesfalling within Chapters 72 and 73.
Associated prohibitions on the provision of technicalassistance, brokering services, financing or financial assistance,and insurance and re-insurance will also apply with respect to theprohibited goods.
Unlike the UK, the EU has implemented a staggered implementationperiod, with longer implementation windows for products withcertain Russian-origin inputs (as per the table below).
CN Codes Implementation Time Period
Chapters 72 and 73 generally September 30, 2022
7207.11 April 1, 2024
7207.12.10 7224.90 October 1, 2024
Further, the EU has prescribed in Regulation 833 that, at themoment of importation, importers shall provide evidence of thecountry of origin of the iron and steel inputs used for theprocessing of the product in a third country. In guidance, theEuropean Commission has stated that MTCs may be considered assufficient evidence of the inputs’ origin. However, customsauthorities may require any additional evidence for the differenttransformation steps which the product has gone under.
Although EU Member States have the ability to grant tradelicenses to authorize otherwise prohibited imports, these are onmore targeted grounds, namely for civil nuclear and medicalapplications.
Implications for businesses
The new prohibitions, and associated evidentiary requirements todemonstrate compliance, are likely to be time-consuming andchallenging not only for importers who face the direct complianceobligation but also their suppliers from whom they would need toobtain the relevant evidence of origin. This will be a particularchallenge for finished products which have undergone multiplestages of processing in one or more third countries.
成立日期 | 2012年01月04日 | ||
法定代表人 | 孙云 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | CE FCC ROHS PSE TELEC CCC SRRC TPD 检验报告 ,MSDS 能效标签 UN38.3空海运运输鉴定书 | ||
经营范围 | 家用电器、通讯产品、通信产品、灯具的电磁兼容性、安全性及节能性检测的技术开发及技术咨询;企业管理咨询(不含人才中介服务);国内贸易;货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须批准的项目除外)^; | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市信通检测技术有限公司(ShenzhenSITTestingTechnologyCo.,Ltd.)位于深圳市宝安区,是一家主要从事电子及电器产品安全(Safety)、电磁兼容(EMC)、有害物质及成品的分析测试和认证(RoHS)及无线电通讯认证测试和代理的专业服务机构,SIT目前拥有相当规模的Safety、EMC、R&TTE、ROHS等检测的第三方检测实验室,本实验室是严格按照ISO/ ... |
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