Safe and HealthyWorkplace安全与健康的工作环境
A safe and Healthyworkplace is essential for the employees working in your factories.The factory needs to provide the following to ensure the employeescan quickly react in case of emergency:健康与安全的工作环境对于你们工厂的雇员来说是必不可少的. 为确保您的雇员在紧急情况下能够迅速作出反应,工厂需要提供以下便利/措施:
1. Enough fire extinguishersand/or hydrants(with hoses) for the size of the factory and inaccordance with local laws.
2. Adequate emergencylighting(with a battery back-up) should be installed throughout thefactory.
3. Adequateemergency exits. Best practice is to ensure every employee hadaccess to at least two exits.
***Exitsshould be unblocked(from the inside), unobstructed and well marked.The exit door should push to open, not pull to open.
***紧急出口需保持畅通,不得有任何阻挡/阻塞, 且明显标示. 紧急出口门必须是"推"开, 而不是"拉"开.
4. All employees should havebasic training on how to use the fire extinguishers/hydrants,location of the emergency exits and first-aidtraining.
所有雇员需接受以下基本培训:如何使用灭火器/消防栓, 紧急出口位置及急救培训.
5. Personal Protective Equipmentsuch as eyewear, ear-plugs and face masks should be made availableto employees when applicable.
当情况需要时, 需提供个人防护设备如:眼罩, 耳塞,面具等.
***Theemployees should also be trained in the correct use and educated onwhy they should use personal protective equipment.
6. If dormitories are provided,they must be in cmpliance with all applicable laws in regards tofire&safety, room size and number of occipants perroom.
如果工厂提供住宿(宿舍),必须符合与消防/安全, 房间面积及每间人数等所有适用的法律要求.
No Forced orCompulsory Labor不使用强迫/强制劳动力
***Target has a "zero tolerence"policy towards the use of forced or compulsory labor.
1. Employeesmust be able to decline overtime without penalty (financial orother).雇员必须可以不受任何惩罚的(财务或其它形式的)拒绝加班.
2. Employees should not besubject to large financial emplyment deposits to begin or retainemployment.不得对雇员收取入厂押金或雇佣押金.
3. No prison labor may be used.Is is illegal to import products produced by prison labor in thethe United States per U.S. Customs and Border Protection.不得使用监狱劳动力.根据美国海关与边防局,进口监狱劳动力生产的产品进入美国是违法的.