英国建筑材料的要求在法规<The Building Regulations 2010 Firesafety>中作了规定。该法规中材料的防火等级测试采用BS476标准。新加坡、部分欧盟国家、中国香港以及中国澳门等国家和地区也认可和使用英国阻燃标准,BS476系列标准成为建筑材料在国际贸易中所需要进行的重要测试标准之一。
BS 476:建筑材料和结构的防火测试
BS 476:Fire tests on building materials and structures
BS 476-3:建筑材料和构件的防火测试-屋顶外露部分防火测试
BS 476-3:Fire tests on building materials and structures.Classification and method of test for external fire exposure toroofs
BS 476-4:建筑材料和结构的防火测试-材料不燃性测试
BS 476-4:Fire tests on building materials and structures - Part 4:Non-combustibility test for materials
BS 476-5:建筑材料引燃性测试方法
BS 476-5:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 5:Method of Test for Ignitability
BS 476-6:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第6部分:制品火势蔓延的测试方法
BS 476-6:Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part 6:Method of test for fire propagation for products
BS 476-7:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第7部分:测定产品火焰表面蔓延分类的测试方法
BS 476-7:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 7:Method of Test to Determine the Classification of the SurfaceSpread of Flame of Products
BS 476-11:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第11部分:建筑材料热辐射的判定方法
BS 476-11:Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part11: Method for assessing the heat emission from buildingmaterials
BS 476-12:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第12部分:与火焰直接接触制品可燃性测试方法
BS 476-12:Fire tests on building materials and structures — Part12: Method of test for ignitability of products by direct flameimpingement
BS 476-13:建筑材料和构件的防火测试第13部分:受热辐射产品燃烧性的测试方法
BS 476-13:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 13:Method of Measuring the Ignitability of Products Subjected toThermal Irradiance
BS 476-15:建筑材料和结构的防火测试-产品释热率的测试方法
BS 476-15:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 15:Method of Measuring the Rate of Heat Release of Products
BS 476-20:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第20部分:建筑构件耐火的测试方法(一般原理)
BS 476-20:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 20:Method for Determination of the Fire Resistance of Elements ofConstruction (General Principles)
BS 476-21:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第21部分:承重构件耐火的测试方法
BS 476-21:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 21:Methods for Determination of the Fire Resistance of Load bearingElements of Construction
BS 476-22:非载荷建筑元件防火测试方法
BS 476-22:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 22:Methods for Determination of the Fire Resistance of Non- Loadbearing Elements of Construction
BS 476-23:建材及构件的防火测试.第23部分:元部件对构件耐火性分摊作用的测试方法
BS 476-23:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 23:Methods for Determination of the Contribution of Components to theFire Resistance of a Structure
BS 476-24:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第24部分:通风管道耐火性的测试方法
BS 476-24:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 24:Method for Determination of the Fire Resistance of VentilationDucts
BS 476-31.1:建筑材料和构件的防火测试-透过门窗装配件的烟雾浸透度的测量方法.室温条件下的测量法
BS 476-31.1:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part31: Methods for Measuring Smoke Penetration Through Door sets andShutter Assemblies Section 31.1:
Method of Measurement Under Ambient Temperature Conditions
BS 476-33:建筑材料和结构的防火测试-表面产品的实物室内测试
BS 476-33:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 33:Full-Scale Room Test for Surface Products
1. 加热辐射板以至达到规定的辐射强度;
2. 点燃引火火焰
3. 在试样架的副位上安装试样,包括背板等,5min内完成
4. 迅速将试样架转到测试位置上,开启计时器,开始测试
5. 测试开始1min后熄灭引火火焰;观察试验现象
6. 记录火焰前沿到达参考线的时间和试验开始后1.5min和10min时火焰前沿的距离
7. 火焰前沿到达825mm或者试验持续10min时即可停止试验
BS476-7标准分为四个等级,其中Class 1等级为防火Zui高等级,而Class4为Zui低等级,不能用于建材产品上,具体如下: