很多中国客户在和阿尔及利亚进行贸易的时候,阿方都会要求提供一份文件在他们阿方的银行进行备案,备案通过后才能进行下一步交易,很多中国出口商都不了解中国文件要怎么办理,该文件全称“Certificateoffree marketing in the country of origin and / or provenanceofproducts exportedtoAlgeria”,中文意思:出口阿尔及利亚产品的原产地和/或原产地的自由销售证书。
The competentauthority(1):
Attests to the re (2):
That the product (s)(3)
relevant tosub-position(s)(4)
(4)该栏填写出口货物的HS CODE编码
manufactured by (5):
Are in accordance withtheregulations in force or with the international standards whenitcomes to the re of the safety and the protection of theconsumer(6)
is (are) marketedin(7)