伊斯坦布尔的Zui初名称为“拜占庭”(希腊语:Βυζάντιον),为约公元前660年墨伽拉殖民者建城时所取[a][1]。此名称被认为是来源于人名“拜占斯”,根据古希腊传统,此为殖民者的和传说中的一位王侯的名字。但现代学者亦认为“拜占斯”可能来源于色雷斯或伊利里亚,由此则要早于墨伽拉建城[20]。330年君士坦丁大帝将其定为罗马帝国的新东部首都,此地也开始被称作“君士坦丁堡”(拉丁语:Constantinopolis;古希腊语:Κωνσταντινούπολις),意为君士坦丁之城[1]。君士坦丁亦试图推广“新罗马”(拉丁语:NovaRoma;古希腊语:Νέα Ῥώμη)之名,但这一名称未获得广泛使用[21]。在西方,“君士坦丁堡”为此城Zui通常的称呼,直至土耳其共和国的建立;在奥斯曼帝国时期,“科斯坦丁尼耶”(奥斯曼土耳其语:قسطنطينيه)和“伊斯坦布尔”为通用名称[22]。即便如此,如今土耳其人认为将此时期(自15世纪中期始)的该城称为“君士坦丁堡”在政治上是不正确的,在历史上这并无错误[23]。
Business scope: Europe, Mongolia, Central Asia,Russia
1. International railway booking: Marla, Hamburg, Duisburg,Budapest, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Prague, Madrid.
Central Asia Railway international booking: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan
Russian train international railway booking: Moscow, St.Petersburg, Minsk, Yekaterinburg, Koradyich
Iran train international railway booking: Tehran, Anzali,Baku
Asean train international rail booking: Vientiane, Hanoi, Bangkok,Yangon, Ho Chi Minh
Turkey train International railway booking: Istanbul,Izmit
International railway booking across two sea trains: Bulgaria,Romania
Two: Railway & International automobile TIR LCL business:throughout Europe, throughout Russia, five countries in CentralAsia LCL business door-to-door transportation
3. Customs clearance of the entire territory of Russia: EAC and FSBclearance certificates can be agent
Four: New energy vehicle container and cage car export: direct tothe five Central Asian countries, Russia, Mongolia, Almaty,Tashkent, Moscow
Own car bonded 駏, can be the agent of car customsclearance
P70 boxcar train: two trains a month, direct to Kazakhstan Almaty,Tashkent, Moscow
6: Cold chain train international railway booking: Europe, CentralAsia, Russia (chicken feet, chicken feet, beef, fruit, cold chainlow-temperature products preferred)
Seven: Qatar TIR, self-operated lines, goods,e-commerce goods, over-limited goods direct to the entire territoryof Russia door to door
Eight: Tractors, engineering trucks, dump trucks, professionalvehicles international logistics one-stop direct access to Moscow,Irkutsk, Yeka and other cities
Nine: Sea and rail booking: Russian import business, Russian grain,meat products, vegetables and fruits directly to the basic port ofChina, the basic port of Russia
Ten: Cold chain international automobile cold chain logistics: LCL,vehicle transportation, China-Russia two-way door to doortransportation