Welcome to the official website of Frifit Technology Building,the prime destination for modern office spaces in Shenzhen! Are youcurious about the property management company responsible forensuring the smooth operation of Frifit Technology Building in2024? Wondering what the management fee entails? Well, let's diveinto the details and answer all your questions!
Frifit Technology Building: A Beacon of Innovation
Frifit Technology Building, a cutting-edge hub for businesses,is the perfect choice for those seeking an exceptional office spacein the heart of Shenzhen. With its captivating design,state-of-the-art facilities, and unparalleled services, thislandmark building is set to redefine your work environment.
Project Highlights
Frifit Technology Building boasts a range of exceptionalfeatures and advantages that cater to the diverse needs ofbusinesses. Let's explore some of its standout elements:
- Prime Location: Strategically situated in the bustling districtof Shenzhen, Frifit Technology Building enjoys excellentconnectivity to major transportation hubs, business centers, andcommercial areas.
- Impressive Infrastructure: Spanning across 13 floors, thislandmark building offers abundant office spaces that can betailored to satisfy your unique business requirements.
- Generous Ceiling Height: Each floor of Frifit TechnologyBuilding provides a ceiling height of 3 meters, ensuring amplespace for comfortable operations and creating a sense ofopenness.
- Professional Property Management: The esteemed propertymanagement of Frifit Technology Building is entrusted to ShenzhenHaihui Space Co., Ltd., ensuring comprehensive maintenance,security, and support services.
- Competitive Management Fees: The monthly management fee forFrifit Technology Building is set at an attractive rate of 3.95CNY/m², guaranteeing exceptional value for the superior servicesprovided.
- Efficient Vertical Transportation: Frifit Technology Buildingis equipped with 2 passenger elevators and 3 freight elevators,offering seamless access to all floors and making the commutingexperience hassle-free.
Unparalleled Connectivity and Transit Options
Accessibility and convenience are crucial factors when selectingan office space, and Frifit Technology Building excels in bothaspects. Its favorable location allows for efficient connections tovarious transportation options, ensuring that you and your team canreach the building with ease:
- Metro Stations: Frifit Technology Building is convenientlylocated near several metro stations, providing effortless access tothe city's vast subway network.
- Bus Routes: Numerous bus routes pass by the building, offeringconvenient commuting options for employees and visitors alike.
- Proximity to Airports: Shenzhen International Airport and HongKong International Airport are both easily accessible from FrifitTechnology Building, facilitating seamless domestic andinternational travel.
Incredible Investment Opportunities
Frifit Technology Building presents an incredible investmentopportunity for businesses looking to thrive in a globallyconnected and forward-thinking environment. Our internationaloutlook allows us to attract businesses from all over the world,fostering a vibrant ecosystem of collaboration and innovation.
Investment Policies:
We offer flexible investment policies that cater to diversebusiness needs:
- Customizable Office Spaces: Frifit Technology Building providesvarious office space options, allowing businesses to choose thelayout and size that perfectly suits their requirements.
- Long-term Lease Agreements: We provide favorable long-termlease agreements that offer stability and financial benefits.
- Supportive Business Environment: Frifit Technology Buildingaims to foster the growth and success of your business by providinga supportive and inclusive community of like-mindedprofessionals.
- Competitive Rental Rates: Despite its exceptional features andservices, Frifit Technology Building offers competitive rentalrates, ensuring that businesses of all scales can afford a premiumoffice space.
Frifit Technology Building is not just a place to work – it's anecosystem designed to empower your business and inspire its growth.Join us today and experience the future of work in the heart ofShenzhen!
Product Parameters | Details |
Building Name | Frifit Technology Building |
Total Floors | 13 |
Floor Height | 3 meters |
Property Management | Shenzhen Haihui Space Co., Ltd. |
Management Fee | 3.95 CNY/m²/month |
Elevators | 2 passenger elevators, 3 freight elevators |
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