2024-06-25 10:00 1次- 发布企业
- 广东百科企业服务有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:广东百科企业服务有限公司组织机构代码:91441900MABX0PQR17
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 所在地
- 广东省东莞市寮步镇民福路6号松湖智谷科研中心3栋801室
- 联系电话
- 17324486613
- 手机
- 13692110452
- 联系人
- 夏杰 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
DeepBay Ventures, a subsidiary of Guangdong Baike EnterpriseServices Co., Ltd., has recently relocated its office in Shenzhen.We understand that the process of changing the registered addressof a company can be overwhelming for many, especially when it comesto the paperwork and documentation required.
Rest assured, we are here to help! In this article, we willguide you through the process of changing the address for yourShenzhen-based company, highlighting the necessary documents andproviding valuable insights and tips along the way.
1. Business Registration Certificate and Articles ofAssociation
First and foremost, you will need to prepare the original copyof your Business Registration Certificate (BRC) and Articles ofAssociation (AOA). These documents are essential as they prove theexistence and legitimacy of your company. Remember, photocopies orscanned copies will not be accepted in this case.
2. Lease Agreement or Landlord's Consent
To change your company's address officially, you must provide avalid lease agreement or obtain your landlord's consent. Thisdocument should include the new address, the names of the tenantand landlord, the lease term, and any other relevant information.It's crucial to ensure that the lease agreement is signed andstamped by both parties.
3. Proof of Address Change
Alongside the lease agreement, you will also need to submitadditional proof of the address change. This can be in the form ofutility bills, such as water or electricity bills, or any otherofficial documents that clearly state your company's name and newaddress. Make sure these documents are recent and reflect theupdated information accordingly.
4. Identity Card or Passport of Legal Representative
As the legal representative of the company, you will need toprovide a copy of your identity card or passport. This is animportant step in ensuring that the person initiating the addresschange is authorized to do so. Remember, the document should beclear and legible.
5. Appointment Letter or Board Resolution
If the legal representative of the company has appointed someoneelse to handle the address change, you will need to submit a copyof the appointment letter or the board resolution. This documentshould clearly state the authorized person's name, position, andauthority to act on behalf of the company.
6. Additional Documents
In some cases, additional documents may be required, dependingon the nature of your company or specific requests from therelevant authorities. These documents can include financialstatements, business licenses, or any other supporting paperwork.It's essential to stay informed and prepared to provide anyadditional documents if necessary.
During the address change process, it is important tocommunicate with the relevant authorities and ensure that allnecessary documents are properly prepared and submitted. Failure tocomply with the requirements may result in delays orcomplications.
In conclusion, changing the address of your Shenzhen-basedcompany may seem like a daunting task, but with proper preparationand guidance, it can be a smooth and straightforward process. Byfollowing the steps outlined above and ensuring that all requireddocuments are in order, you can successfully update your company'saddress and continue to operate seamlessly.
Source: | Guangdong Baike Enterprise Services Co., Ltd. |
Date: | August 2022 |
成立日期 | 2022年08月12日 | ||
法定代表人 | 夏玉辉 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 东莞公司注册、东莞地址挂靠、东莞代理记账、前海公司注册 前海挂靠地址 前海地址续签、前海办公室租赁 外资公司法册 香港公司注册、香港公司年审、香港本地银行开户、海南公司注册 公司股权变更 公司银行开户 代理记账报税 公司税务灵活用工、商标注册、财务外包、公司疑难注销 公司买卖转让 审计报告、验资报告、企业贷款、各类许可证办理、转让、劳务备案、上市辅导、海外税务灵活用工、海外注册 | ||
经营范围 | 一般项目:税务服务;财务咨询;商务代理代办服务;知识产权服务(专利代理服务除外);法律咨询(不含依法须律师事务所执业许可的业务);商标代理;版权代理;基于云平台的业务外包服务;单位后勤管理服务;企业管理咨询;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);个人互联网直播服务;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;电影摄制服务;咨询策划服务;市场营销策划;企业形象策划;信息技术咨询服务;创业空间服务;个人商务服务;以自有资金从事投资活动;组织文化艺术交流活动;会议及展览服务;品牌管理。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)许可项目:代理记账;注册会计师业务;专利代理;互联网信息服务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准) | ||
公司简介 | 广东百科企业服务有限公司(以下简称”公司“或”百科企服”)成立于2022年8月,系深圳前海百科财税代理集团有限公司发起设立,是家专注于深圳、东莞工商一站式企业服务公司,目前拥有员工60余人,致力于成为中国服务能力名列前茅的企业服务公司。公司荣誉:深圳安化商会执行会长、深圳市代理记账行业协会南山和前海联络会会长、深圳市湖南商会常务副会长、东莞市湖南攸县商会常务副会长、深圳市代理记账行业协会副会长、深 ... |
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