广东省现货定制镍白铜、 CuP8无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒
更新:2024-06-24 10:15 编号:28710360 发布IP: 浏览:5次- 发布企业
- 深圳市悦丰达金属材料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第4年主体名称:深圳市悦丰达金属材料有限公司组织机构代码:91440300085739663R
- 报价
- 人民币¥100.00元每件
- 仓库
- 深圳
- 品质
- 优
- 规格
- 可定制
- 关键词
- 铜镍合金、无氧铜、铜板、铜棒、铜箔、铜线、铜管、铝青铜
- 所在地
- 深圳市龙岗区龙岗街道南联爱南路217号
- 联系电话
- 0755-89617219
- 手机
- 13554864696
- 销售经理
- 谢付志 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
Shenzhen Yuefengda Metal Materials Co., Ltd., a leading supplierand manufacturer of high-quality metal materials, offers a widerange of copper and nickel alloy products to meet the diverse needsof customers. Our products include nickel silver, oxygen-freecopper, copper plates, copper rods, copper foils, copper wires,copper tubes, and aluminum bronze.
Purchasing copper-nickel alloy products has never been easierwith our company. We provide custom-made options to ensure theperfect fit for your specific requirements. Whether you need copperplates, copper rods, copper foils, copper wires, or copper tubes,we have got you covered.
Copper-Nickel Alloy
Our copper-nickel alloy is known for its exceptional properties,making it a popular choice across various industries. With acomposition that combines the advantages of both copper and nickel,our copper-nickel alloy offers excellent corrosion resistance, highstrength, and good thermal conductivity. It is widely used inmarine engineering, electronics, power generation, and many otherfields.
Oxygen-Free Copper
Our oxygen-free copper is of the highest quality, characterizedby its exceptionally low oxygen content. This results in improvedelectrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, making it idealfor applications requiring excellent electrical and thermalperformance. Our copper plates, copper rods, and copper wires areavailable in a range of sizes to suit your needs.
Copper Plates and Copper Rods
For those in need of copper plates and copper rods, look nofurther. Our products are sourced from trusted suppliers andundergo strict quality control measures to ensure that they meetthe highest industry standards. We take pride in offering a wideselection of sizes and specifications, allowing you to find theperfect match for your project.
Copper Foils and Copper Wires
When it comes to copper foils and copper wires, our companystands out. Our copper foils are carefully manufactured to provideexcellent flexibility and conductivity, making them suitable forvarious applications, including circuit boards and electromagneticshielding. Additionally, our copper wires are available indifferent gauges to accommodate different needs.
Customization Options
At Shenzhen Yuefengda, we understand that every customer's needsare unique. That's why we offer customization options for ourcopper and nickel alloy products. With our advanced productioncapabilities, we can tailor our products to your specificrequirements, providing you with the best solution that meets yourexact specifications.
Quality Assurance
Our commitment to excellence extends beyond customization. Weplace great emphasis on delivering products of the highest quality.Our copper-nickel alloy, oxygen-free copper, copper plates, copperrods, copper foils, copper wires, copper tubes, and aluminum bronzeall undergo rigorous testing in our state-of-the-art laboratory toensure they meet or exceed industry standards. Each product isaccompanied by relevant quality certificates guaranteeing theirreliability and performance.
In conclusion, at Shenzhen Yuefengda Metal Materials Co., Ltd.,you can find a comprehensive range of copper and nickel alloyproducts, such as copper-nickel alloy, oxygen-free copper, copperplates, copper rods, copper foils, copper wires, copper tubes, andaluminum bronze. With our commitment to quality and customization,we are ready to provide you with the ideal solution that meets yourrequirements. Contact us today and let our experts assist you infinding the best copper and nickel alloy products for yourapplication!
- 高电流应用:超厚铜带由于其良好的导电性能,适用于要求大电流传导的场合,比如电力输配电系统、电动车辆充电设备等。
- 散热应用:超厚铜带具有良好的导热性能,可以应用于需要散热的设备中,如电子设备、发动机冷却系统等。
- 机械强度要求高的场合:超厚铜带在冷轧过程中经过多次轧制,材料紧密,具有较高的机械强度,适用于需要承受较大力的场合,如电气连接器、汽车零部件等。
- 防蚀性要求高的环境:超厚铜带表面可以进行特殊的防蚀处理,如镀锡、镀镍等,以适应恶劣的环境要求,例如潮湿、腐蚀性介质。
成立日期 | 2013年12月06日 | ||
法定代表人 | 谢付志 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 红铜; 紫铜; 纯铜; 黄铜; 白铜; 青铜; 磷铜; 超硬铝; 硬铝; 合金铝; 马氏体不锈钢; 奥氏体不锈钢; 沉淀硬化不锈钢; 铁素体不锈钢; 钛; 模具钢; 工具钢; 特殊钢; 弹簧钢; 钨钢 | ||
经营范围 | 金属材料的购销;国内贸易;货物及技术进出口。 | ||
公司简介 | 悦丰达主营品牌:日本三菱美铝Alcoa日本新日铁/大同日本NGK日本精线NAS/铃木SUZUKI/住电SWPG/瑞典一胜百德国安铝日本腾井台湾中钢国产西南铝国产宝钢。深圳市悦丰达金属有限公司位于深圳市龙岗区,凭借灵敏的市场信息和优越的货源渠道,提供优质名牌特殊金属材料及高科技金属产品与专业的服务阵容,公司奉行深入了解并满足客戶需求为导向,积极开拓,公开利润的经营,致力成为客户支持和信赖的最全面金属 ... |
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- 广东省现货定制镍白铜、QMn5 无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件
品质:优 - 广东省现货定制铜镍合金、无氧铜、铝青铜CuAl9-B 无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件
规格:可定制 - 广东省现货定制铜镍合金、无氧铜、铝青铜 Cu352Mn2Al1Fe1-C无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件
规格:齐全 - 广东省现货定制铜镍合金、无氧铜、铝青铜CW350H无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件
规格:可定制 - 广东省现货定制铜镍合金、无氧铜、铝青铜CuNi2Be无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件
品质:优 - 广东省现货定制镍白铜、 ZHMn58-2 无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件
规格:齐全 - 广东省现货定制镍白铜、CuAs30无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件
发货:当天 - 广东省现货定制镍白铜、 CuAg0.07(OF) 无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件
规格:齐全 - 广东省现货定制镍白铜、CW018A 无氧铜箔、镍铜带、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件
规格:可定制 - 广东省现货定制铜镍合金、无氧铜、铝青铜CuAl11Fe6Ni6 无氧铜箔、铅青铜、铜板、铜棒100.00元/件