GB/T 21437.3-2021 道路车辆 电气电子部件对传导和耦合引起的电骚扰试验方法
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GB/T 21437.3-2021 英文版 道路车辆 电气电子部件对传导和耦合引起的电骚扰试验方法第3部分:对耦合到非电源线电瞬态的抗扰性
1 范围
本文件适用于M,N、O、L类车辆用标称电压12 V或24 V的电气/电子部件。
2 规范性引用文件
GB/T 21437.1 道路车辆 电气/电子部件对传导和耦合引起的电骚扰试验方法 第1部分;定义和一般规定(GB/T21437.1-2021,ISO 7637-1:2015,MOD)
GB/T 21437.2 道路车辆 电气/电子部件对传导和耦合引起的电骚扰试验方法第2部分:沿电源线的电瞬态传导发射和抗扰性(GB/T 21437.2-2021,ISO 7637-2;2011,MOD)
GB/T 33014.4 道路车辆 电气/电子部件对窄带辐射电磁能的抗扰性试验方法 第4部分:大电流注入(BCI)法(GB/T33014.4-2016,ISO 11452-4;2005,MOD)
3 术语和定义
GB/T 21437.1界定的术语和定义适用于本文件。
4 试验方法
4.1 概述
表1 试验方法适用性
瞬态类型 CCC法 DCC法 ICC法
慢速脉冲2a 不适用 适用 适用
快速脉冲3a和3b 适用 适用 不适用
4.2 标准试验条件
如下标准试验条件应满足GB/T 21437.1的规定:
4.3 接地平板
接地平板应为Zui小厚度0.5 mm的金属薄板(如紫铜、黄铜或镀锌钢板)。接地平板的Zui小宽度应为1 000mm,或整个试验布置下方的宽度(不包括电源和瞬态脉冲发生器)再加200 mm,取两者中尺寸较大的平板。接地平板的Zui小长度应为2 000mm,或者整个试验布置下方的长度(不包括电源和瞬态脉冲发生器)再加200 mm,取两者中尺寸较大的平板。
4.4 试验布置
4.5 容性耦合钳(CCC)法
4.5.1 概述
4.5.2 发生器验证
试验前应按GB/T 21437.2对瞬态脉冲参数(见表6,表7)进行验证。验证时应在端接50 Ω的负载条件下进行。
4.5.3 瞬态脉冲电平校正
瞬态脉冲发生器应按图1进行连接。瞬态脉冲电平通过输入阻抗为50 Ω示波器进行校正。
CCC(无内部连接电缆)输出端与示波器之间通过带有50 Ω同轴电缆线的50Ω衰减器相连。在校正过程中不得有线缆通过耦合钳。严酷等级示例见附录B。
注:由于示波器和衰减器为50 Ω负载,瞬态脉冲发生器的开路电压约是规定试验电压的2倍。
1——瞬态脉冲发生器; 4——50 Ω衰减器;
2——50 Ω同轴电缆(≤1 m); 5——示波器(50 Ω输入阻抗)。
图1 CCC法瞬态脉冲电平校正
4.5.4 DUT试验
穿过CCC的 DUT线缆经协商确定并在试验计划中记录,其耦合长度为1 m。
CCC方法中不包括12 V/24V电源线(正极线和回线),其他需要连接到辅助设备(如传感器)的回线或正极线应包含进去。如果辅助设备近端接地,不应包含近端接地连线。所有不包含的回线或正极线应在试验计划中注明。
DUT 和CCC之间以及外围设备和CCC之间的距离均应大于或等于300mm。受试线缆在CCC之外的部分应置于接地平板上方(50±5)mm,并且和CCC纵向轴的夹角为90°±15°。试验中非受试线缆放置(无需直线放置)在耦合钳外、(50±5)mm高的绝缘支撑上,与耦合钳的Zui短距离为100mm。上述规定长度之外的线缆布置应在试验计划中注明。
DUT与瞬态脉冲发生器应放在CCC的同一端。受试线束总长度为1 700 mm。
1 Scope
This document specifies bench test methods to evaluate the immunityof devices to transient pulses coupled to lines other than supplylines.
This document applies to nominal 12 V or 24 V electrical/electroniccomponents of M, N, O and L vehicles
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for theapplication of this document. For dated references, only theedition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 21437.1 Road vehicles - Test method of electrical disturbancesfrom conduction and coupling - Part 1: Definitions and generalconsiderations (GB/T 21437.1-2021, ISO 7637-1:2015, MOD)
GB/T 21437.2 Road vehicles - Test method of electrical disturbancesfrom conduction and coupling - Part 2:Electrical transientconduction along supply lines only (GB/T 21437.2-2021, ISO 7637-2:2011, MOD)
GB/T 33014.4 Road vehicles - Component test methods forelectrical/electronic disturbances from narrowband radiatedelectromagnetic energy - Part 4: Bulk current injection (BCI) (GB/T33014.4-2016, ISO 11452-4:2005, MOD)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions givenin GB/T 21437.1 apply.
4 Test conditions
4.1 General
This document describes CCC method, DCC method and ICC method fortesting the immunity of electrical system components or devicesunder test (DUTs) against coupled transient pulses. These testsshall be performed in the laboratory.
Test transient pulses simulate fast and slow electrical transientdisturbance, such as transient disturbance caused by inductive loadswitching and relay contact bounce. The test pulses in this partrepresent the characteristics of most of the known transient pulseswhich may occur in the vehicle.
Such pulse tests may be omitted if a device, depending on itsfunction or its configuration, is not subjected to the transientpulses specified in this part. The vehicle manufacturer and thesupplier shall define additional transient pulse tests needed.
A test plan shall be written to define the following:
— the test methods to be used;
— the test pulses to be applied;
— the test pulses levels;
— the number of test pulses;
— the DUT operating modes;
— the wiring harness (test versus production);
— the leads to be included in the capacitive coupling clamp, ifused;
— the leads to be tested using the direct coupling capacitormethod, if used;
— the capacitance values to be used, if the direct couplingcapacitor method is used;
— the leads to be included in the inductive coupling clamp, ifused; and
— the type of inductive coupling clamp, if the inductive couplingmethod is used.
The transient pulse test severity levels of DUT shall be mutuallyagreed upon between the vehicle manufacturer and the supplier, ormay be chosen from Annex B.
The applicability of the three different test methods is indicatedin Table 1. It is sufficient to select one test method for slowtransient pulses and one test method for fast transient pulses.
Table 1 Test method applicability
Transient pulses type CCC method DCC method ICC method
Slow transient pulses 2a Not applicable Applicable Applicable
Fast transient pulses 3a and 3b Applicable Applicable Notapplicable
4.2 Standard test conditions
Standard test conditions shall be according to GB/T 21437.1 for thefollowing:
- test temperature;
- supply voltage.
Unless otherwise defined, the tolerance on test severity levelsshall be %.
4.3 Ground plane
The ground plane shall be made of 0.5 mm thick (minimum) copper,brass or galvanized steel. The minimum width of the ground planeshall be 1,000 mm, or underneath the entire setup width (excludingpower supply and transient pulse generator) plus 200 mm, whicheveris larger. The minimum length of the ground plane shall be 2,000mm, or underneath the entire setup length (excluding power supplyand transient pulse generator) plus 200 mm, whichever islarger.
4.4 Test setup
The DUT shall be arranged and connected according to itsrequirements. The DUT shall be connected to the original operatingdevices (loads, sensors, etc.) using the test or productionharnesses described in 4.5.4, 4.6.4 and 4.7.4. If the actual DUToperating signal sources are not available, they may besimulated.
The DUT shall be placed on a non-conductive, low relativepermittivity material (εr≤1.4), at (50±5) mm above the groundplane. If the DUT is locally grounded (maximum length of 200 mm),then the DUT’s ground supply line shall be connected to the groundplane as defined in the test plan.
Grounding of the DUT case to the ground plane shall reflect thevehicle installation and shall be defined in the test plan.
All harnesses shall be placed on a non-conductive, low relativepermittivity (dielectric-constant) material (εr≤1.4), at (50±5) mmabove the ground plane. All loads, sensors, etc. grounds (lines,metallic cases) are connected to the ground plane using theshortest possible length.
To minimize extraneous capacitive coupling to the DUT, the minimumdistance between the DUT and all other conductive structures, suchas walls of a shielded enclosure (with the exception of the groundplane underneath the test setup) shall be more than 0.5 m.
4.5 CCC method
4.5.1 General
The CCC method is suitable for coupling the fast transient pulses,particularly for DUTs with a moderate or large number of leads tobe tested. It is not suitable for coupling the slow transientpulses.
4.5.2 Generator verification
The transient pulse parameters (see Tables 6 and 7) shall beverified prior to the test according to GB/T 21437.2. Verificationshall be performed with the 50 Ω load condition.
4.5.3 Transient pulses level adjustment
The transient pulse generator shall be connected as shown in Figure1. The transient pulse level is adjusted with a 50 Ω inputoscilloscope.
The output of the CCC (no intermediate cable connections) isconnected with the oscilloscope through a 50 Ω attenuator with 50 Ωcoaxial cable. There shall be no lines routed through the couplingclamp during adjustment. Examples of test severity levels arelisted in Annex B.
Note: The open circuit voltage of the transient pulses generator isapproximately twice the value of the specific test voltage, due to50 Ω loading of the attenuator and the oscilloscope.
成立日期 | 2022年02月23日 | ||
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公司简介 | 欧鼎检测技术(深圳)有限公司(Euroding)是一家综合性第三方检测认证公司,办公地址位于深圳宝安,我们意在为生产企业,贸易商以及国内外买家提供一站式检测认证服务。我们的团队由长期从事国际国内检测认证的资深专家组成,这些专家曾经服务于Intertek,TUV,Eurofins,CTI,UL等全球第三方检测认证机构,我们致力于用国际化的视野在全球化背景下整合国内外法规,检测与认证资源,建立新型,法 ... |
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