Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog)Apparatus
This practice provides a controlled corrosive environment which hasbeen utilized to produce relative corrosion resistance informationfor specimens of metals and coated metals exposed in a given testchamber.
ASTM D1654
Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and TestProcedures for High Performance Organic Coatings on AluminumExtrustions and Panels
This specification describes test procedures and performancerequirements for high performance organic coatings applied toaluminum extrusions and panels for architecturalproducts.
ASTM D1654
ASTM D1735
Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings UsingWater Fog Apparatus
This practice covers the basic principles and operating proceduresfor testing water resistance of coatings in an apparatus similar tothat used for salt spray testing.
ASTM D1735
ASTM D2247
Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in Relative Humidity
This practice covers the basic principles and operating proceduresfor testing water resistance of coatings by exposing coatedspecimens in an atmosphere maintained at relative humidity sothat condensation forms on the test specimens.
ASTM D2247
ASTM D2803
Standard Guide for Testing Filiform Corrosion Resistance of OrganicCoatings on Metal
This guide covers three procedures for determining thesusceptibility of organic-coated metal substrates to formation offiliform corrosion.
ASTM D2803
ASTM D3451
Standard Guide for Testing Coating Powders and PowderCoatings
This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testingcoating powders and powder coatings. The test methods included arelisted in Table 1. Where more than one test method is listed forthe same characteristic, no attempt is made to indicate superiorityof one method over another. Selection of the methods to be followedmust be governed by experience and the requirements in eachindividual case, together with agreement between the purchaser andthe seller.
ASTM D3451
本指南规定了涂料粉末和粉末涂料测试的选择和使用程序。 测试方法已列于其中Table 1。对于某一特征,如果列出一个以上的测试方法,说明方法之间没有哪个更适合。必须根据经验和每个案例的要求,以及买方和卖方之间的协议选择要遵循的方法。
ASTM D4585
Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings UsingControlled Condensation
This practice covers basic principles and operating procedures fortesting water resistance of coatings using controlledcondensation.
ASTM D4585
ASTM D5894
Standard Practice for Cyclic Salt Fog/UV Exposure of Painted Metal,(Alternating Exposures in a Fog/Dry Cabinet and a UV/CondensationCabinet)
This practice covers basic principles and operating practice forcyclic corrosion/UV exposure of paints on metal; using alternatingperiods of exposure in two different cabinets: a cycling saltfog/dry cabinet, and a fluorescent UV/condensationcabinet.
ASTM D5894
ASTM D6577
Standard Guide for Testing Industrial ProtectiveCoatings
This guide covers the selection and use of test methods andprocedures for testing industrial protectivecoatings.
ASTM D6577
ASTM D6675
Standard Practice for Salt-Accelerated Outdoor Cosmetic CorrosionTesting of Organic Coatings on Automotive SheetSteel
This practice is designed to assist procedures to be followed whenconducting outdoor exposures to evaluate cosmetic corrosion thatmight occur in steel panels covered with an organic coating thathas been damaged.
ASTM D6675
Standard Practice for Modified Salt Spray (Fog)Testing
This practice covers and sets forth conditions for fivemodifications in salt spray (fog) testing for specificationpurposes.
BS 2011 Pt2.1 Ka
Test KA Salt Mist
See ISO 60068-2-11
BS 2011 Pt2.1 Kb
Test KB. Salt Mist, Cyclic (Sodium ChlorideSolution)
See ISO 60068-2-52
BS 3900 F12
Methods of Test For Paints - Part F12: Determination of Resistanceto Neutral Salt Spray (FOG)
See ISO 7253
BS 5466 1
Methods For Corrosion Testing of Metallic Coatings Part 1: NeutralSalt Spray Test (NSS TEST)
See ISO 9227
BS 7479
Method For Salt Spray Corrosion Tests in ArtificialAtmospheres
See ISO 9227
DIN 50017
Condensation Water Tests Atmospheres
See ISO 6270
DIN 50021
Salt Spray Testing
See ISO 9227
Ford CETP 00.00-L-467
Global Laboratory Accelerated Cyclic CorrosionTest
This standard specifies an accelerated laboratory atmosphericcorrosion test.
Ford FLTM BI 103-01
Salt Spray Resistance Test for Painted Panels andParts
This method is used to test the resistance to salt spray of paintedpanels and parts.
Ford FLTM BI 103-01
Ford FLTM BI 104-01
Water Immersion Test for Painted Parts andPanels
This method is used to determine the resistance to failure ofpainted metal and painted plastic parts and representative testpanels when immersed in water.
Ford FLTM BI 104-01
Ford FLTM BI 104-02
Condensing Water Vapor Test
This procedure is used to evaluate the effects of a condensingwater atmosphere on treated panels.
Ford FLTM BI 104-02
Ford FLTM BI 123-03
Component Corrosion Test
This test procedure is used to evaluate the corrosion performanceof coatings applied to components. It is designed to simulate thecorrosive conditions of the Arizona Proving Ground (APG) VehicleAccelerated Corrosion Test (CETP 00.00-R-311).
Ford FLTM BQ 105-01
Copper-Accelerated Acetic Acid-Salt Spray Testing (CASSTest)
This procedure is used to determine the corrosion resistanceprimarily of stainless steel and plated parts. With respect toplated parts, it is used primarily for copper/nickel/chromium andnickel/chromium electroplated parts.
GM 4298P
Salt Spray Test
GM 4298P
GM 4465P
Water Fog Humidity Test
This standard covers the requirements for testing water resistanceof coated specimens in saturated water fogconditions.
GM 4465P
GM 9540P
Accelerated Corrosion Test
This procedure describes an accelerated laboratory corrosion testmethod to evaluate assemblies and components. The test procedureprovides a combination of cyclic conditions (salt solution, varioustemperatures, humidity, and ambient environment) to acceleratemetallic corrosion.
GMW 14729 (Option A)
Procedures For High Humidity Test
This procedure describes two options (water fog and wet-bottom) ofhigh humidity testing which are typically used to evaluate theinfluence of high humidity environments to coated substrates. Thisinfluence is usually measured by testing physical and mechanicalproperties before and after exposure.
GMW 14872
Cyclic Corrosion Laboratory Test
GMW 3286
Neutral Salt Spray (NSS) Test
The neutral salt spray test is typically used to evaluate thecorrosion resistance of metallic substrates and the corrosionpreventative properties of coatings.
Honda HES D6001 sec 4.3
General Test Methods For Plating
This standard specifies general test methods forplating.
Honda HES D6501 sec 315.1
General Test Methods For Coating
This procedure describes a salt spray test.
Honda HES D6501 sec 315.2
General Test Methods For Coating
This procedure describes a filiform corrosiontest.
IEC 60068-2-11
Basic Environmental Testing Procedures, Part 2: Test KA: SaltMist
This test is to be applied to compare the resistance todeterioration from salt mist of specimens of similar construction.It is useful for evaluating the quality and the uniformity ofprotective coatings.
ISO 16701
Corrosion of Metals and Alloys - Corrosion in Artificial Atmosphere- Accelerated Corrosion Test Involving Exposure Under ControlledConditions of Humidity Cycling and Intermittent Spraying of SaltSolution
This International Standard defines an accelerated corrosion testmethod to be used in assessing the corrosion resistance of metalsin environments where there is a significant influence of chlorideions, mainly as sodium chloride from a marine source or from roadde-icing salt.
ISO 60082-2-52
Environmental Testing - Part 2: Tests - Test KB. Salt Mist Cyclic(Sodium Chloride Solution)
Specifies a test for components or equipment designed to withstanda salt-laden atmosphere. To be read in conjunction with BS EN60068-1:1995.
ISO 6270-2
Paints And Varnishes - Determination of Resistance to Humidity -Part 2: Procedure For Exposing Test Specimens in Condensation-Water Atmospheres
This part of ISO 6270 describes the general conditions andprocedures which need to be observed when testing coated testspecimens in constant condensation-water atmospheres or inalternating condensation water atmospheres.
ISO 7253
Paints and Varnishes- Determination of resistance to neutral saltspray (fog)
This International Standard is one of a series of standards dealingwith the sampling and testing of paints, varnishes and relatedproducts.
ISO 7253
ISO 9227
Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres - Salt SprayTests
ISO 9227
JIS H8502 Se. 7.3
Methods of Corrosion Resistance Test for MetallicCoatings
This standard specifies the methods of corrosion resistance testingfor the metallic coatings and products coated withmetal.
JIS Z2371 Sect. 7.2.3
Methods of Salt Spray Testing
This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the required apparatus,reagent, technique or acceptance criteria when testing thecorrosion resistance of metallic materials, or of thoseelectroplated or treated with inorganic or organic films by themethods of neutral salt spray test (NSS), acetic acid salt spraytest (AASS), or CASS test (CASS).
Mazda MES MN601
Test Method for Paint Films
This MES specifies a test method for coating films applied toautomotive parts for the main purpose of corrosion prevention andornamentation.
Mazda MES MN601, MCT-2M
Test Mode for Corrosion Resistance Test
This procedure describes a salt spray test.
Mazda MES MN601, MCT-3M
Test Mode for Corrosion Resistance Test
This procedure describes a salt spray test.
MIL-STD-202 (101E)
Test Method Standard: Electronic and Electrical ComponentParts
The salt-spray test, in which specimens are subjected to a finemist of salt solution, has several useful purposes when utilizedwith full recognition of its deficiencies andlimitations.
Nissan CCT-I – NES M0158
Methods of Compound Corrosion Tests
This standard specifies the method to measure compound corrosionthat uses the combined processes of salt spraying or salt solutionimmersion, followed by drying and moistening.
Renault ECC1 - D17 2028
Corrosion Test by Automatic Phase Change Salt Spray Humidity andDrying
This test method is intended to describe a cycle of the cycliccorrosion test 1 (Essai de Corrosion Cyclique 1: ECC1) on theassociated equipment and the verifications which are necessary tomake sure that the test is in conformity.
SAE J1959
Corrosion Preventive Compound, Underbody Vehicle CorrosionProtection
SAE J1959
SAE J2334
Laboratory Cyclic Corrosion Test
The SAE J2334 lab test procedure should be used when determiningcorrosion performance for a particular coating system, substrate,process, or design. Since it is a field-correlated test, it can beused as a validation tool as well as a development tool. Ifcorrosion mechanisms other than cosmetic or general corrosion areto be examined using this test, field correlation must beestablished.
Toyota TSH 1555G
Test Method For Accelerated Corrosion Under ComplexEnvironment
This standard covers the test method for reproduction, at anaccelerated pace, of corrosion on each part of a vehicle body, inorder to simulate the corrosion produced on actualvehicles.
Volvo STD 1027,1375
Accelerated Atmospheric Corrosion Testing – Volvo Indoor CorrosionTest (VICT)
This standard concerns determination of atmospheric corrosionresistance in an accelerated test. The test method has beendeveloped to simulate the corrosion processes that take place onvehicles in a road environment where sodium chloride constitutes adominating corrosive component.
Volvo STD 423-0014
Accelerated Corrosion Test
This standard defines an accelerated corrosion test method to beused in assessing the corrosion resistance of metals inenvironments where there is a significant influence of chlorideions, mainly as sodium chloride from a marine source or by winterroad deicing salt.
Volvo VCS 1027-14
Accelerated Corrosion Test
This standard defines an accelerated corrosion test method to beused in assessing the corrosion resistance of metals inenvironments where there is a significant influence of chlorideions, mainlyas sodium chloride from a marine source or by winter road deicingsalt.