GB 38453-2019欧鼎为您介绍防火隔热服、消防服测试方法

2025-01-09 08:30 1次
GB 38453,第三方检测认证,CNAS/CMA检测报告,电商质检报告,焊接防护服检测
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EN469:2020 Protective Clothing for firefighters-Performancerequirements for protective clothing for firefighting消防队用防护服抗火灾用防护服的要求和检验方法

EN 469 Annex D & EN ISO 13506-1成衣防火隔热测试(可选项)Garmenttest(optional)

EN 469 Clause 4.3设计要求Design Requirement

EN ISO 11092透湿性能(多次洗后)Water Vapour resistance(Marked with Z1 orZ2)(After cleaning cycles)

EN ISO 12127-1250°C接触热(洗前+多次洗后)Contact Heat Test (Marked with X2)@250°C(As received + after cleaning cycles)

EN ISO 13935-2接缝强力(多次洗后)Seam Strength(After cleaning cycles)

EN ISO 15025 method A燃烧性能(洗前+多次洗后)Flame spread(As received + aftercleaning cycles)

EN ISO 20471 Clause &可视材料的设计要求(如适用)Design ofVisibility Material( if used)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.2 +ISO 105 B02氙灯照射后荧光度(如适用)Colour PerformanceRequirements of Materials after Xenon Test(if applicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.2 +ISO 3175-2干洗后荧光度(如适用)Colour PerformanceRequirements of Material after dry-cleaned(if applicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.2 +ISO 6330家用水洗后荧光度(如适用)Colour PerformanceRequirements of Material after Domestic Washing(if applicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.2原样荧光度(如适用)Colour Performance Requirements ofNew Material(if applicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.3 &7.4.1 (Pretrement: ISO 12947-2,worstedwool abradent, 5000cycles, 9kPa weight)磨后反光度(如适用)Retroreflectiveafter Abrasion(if applicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.3 &7.4.2 (Pretrement: ISO 7854 method A,7500cycles)绕曲后反光度(如适用)Retroreflective after Flexing(ifapplicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.3 &7.4.3 (Pretrement: ISO 4675 -20+/-2°C)冷折后反光度(如适用)Retroreflective after Folding at Cold Temperature(ifapplicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.3 &7.4.4 ((Pretrement: 12hours:50+/-2°Cfollowed by 20hours:-30+/-2°C )经过温差后反光度(如适用)Retroreflective afterTemperature Variation(if applicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.3 &7.4.5 & AnnexC淋雨状态下反光度(如适用)Retroreflection under the influence of rainfall(ifapplicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.3 &7.5.2 (Pretrement: ISO 6330, Max.cleancycles )水洗后反光度(如适用)Retroreflective after Washing(if applicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.3 &7.5.3 (Pretrement: ISO 3175-2,Max.clean cycles )干洗后反光度(如适用)Retroreflective after Dry-Cleaning(ifapplicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.3 (Pretrement: ISO 17493@180+/-5°C)耐热性处理后的反光度(如适用)Visibility requirement after heatresistance test exposure(if applicable)

EN ISO 20471 Clause 7.3原样反光度(如适用)Retroreflective of new material(if applicable)

EN ISO 3146 method A @260+/-5°C缝纫线耐热性(多次洗后)Heat Resistance of thesewing thread used in structural seams(After cleaning cycles)

EN ISO 3175-2干洗后尺寸变化(仅干洗,5次)Dimensional Change after Dry Cleaning(If care label indicated, and dry cleaning only, 5 cycles)

EN ISO 3175-2干洗预处理 Dry-cleaned pretreatment

EN ISO 5077 + EN ISO 6330家用水洗后尺寸变化(5次)Dimensional Change afterDomestic Washing(If care label indicated, 5 cycles)

EN ISO 6330家用水洗预处理Domestic washing pretreatment

EN ISO 6530耐化学品渗透(参考使用说明操作)Resistance to penetration ofchemicals(30% H2SO4 & C8H10(o-xylene))(Follow userinstruction)

EN ISO 6942 method B, with Heat flux densityQo=40kW/m2热传导-辐射(洗前+多次洗后)Heat transfer-Radiation (Marked with X1 orX2)(As received + after cleaning cycles)

EN ISO 811防水性:静水压(多次洗后)Water Penetration (Marked with Y1 orY2)(After cleaning cycles)

EN ISO 9151热传导-对流(洗前+多次洗后)Heat Transfer- Flame (Marked with X1 orX2)(As received + after cleaning cycles)

ISO 17493 @180+/-5°C耐热性Heat Resistance

Woven:EN ISO 13934-1Coated: EN ISO 1421, method 1(Pretreatment:ENISO 6942 method A, with Heat flux densityQo=10kW/m2)经辐射热后的剩余拉力Residual tensile strength

Woven:EN ISO 13934-1Coated: EN ISO 1421-1 method 1拉伸强力(多次洗后)TensileStrength(After cleaning cycles)

Woven:EN ISO 13937-2Coated: EN ISO 4674-1, methodB撕裂强力(多次洗后)Tearing Strength(After cleaning cycles)

EN ISO11611:2015 Protective clothing for use in welding and alliedprocesses焊接及相关工艺用防护服

EN 1149-220±2 °C 85±5% RH电阻(多次洗后)Electrical Resistance (Aftercleaning cycles)

EN ISO 11611 Clause 4设计要求Design Requirement

EN ISO 15025 method A有限火焰燃烧(必测项目,用于A1标识)(洗前+多次洗后)Limited Flamespread( Mandatory, code letter A1 marked)(As received + aftercleaning cycles)

EN ISO 15025 method B有限火焰燃烧(可选项目,如需标识A2)(洗前+多次洗后)Limited Flamespread(Optionally, if marked code letter A2)(As received + aftercleaning cycles)

EN ISO 6942 method B, with Heat flux densityQo=20kW/m2热传导-辐射(如防护辐射热)(多次洗后)Heat transfer-Radiation(If protectionagainst radiant heat claimed)(After cleaning cycles)

ISO 13934-1拉伸强力(适用外层机织面料)(多次洗后)Tensile Strength(Applicable forwoven outer material)(After cleaning cycles)

ISO 13935-2接缝强力(适用外层机织材料和皮革材料构成的结构缝) (多次洗后)Seam Strength(Applicablefor structural seams of woven outer material and leathermaterial)(After cleaning cycles)

ISO 13937-2撕裂强力(适用外层机织面料)(多次洗后)Tearing Strength(Applicable forwoven outer material)(After cleaning cycles)

ISO 13938-1 or ISO 13938-2顶破强力(适用外层针织面料)(多次洗后)Bursting Strength(Applicable for knitted outer material) (After cleaning cycles)

ISO 13938-1 or ISO 13938-2接缝顶破强力(适用针织材料构成的结构缝 )(多次洗后)Seam Bursting(Applicable for structural seams in knitted materials) (Aftercleaning cycles)

ISO 3175-2干洗后尺寸变化(仅干洗,5次)Dimensional Change after Dry Cleaning (Ifcare label indicated, and dry cleaning only, 5 cycles)

ISO 3175-2干洗预处理 Dry-cleaned pretreatment

ISO 3376拉伸强力(适用外层皮革材料)(多次洗后)Tensile Strength(Applicable for leatherouter material)(After cleaning cycles)

ISO 3377-1撕裂强力(适用外层皮革材料)(多次洗后)Tearing Strength(Applicable forleather outer material)(After cleaning cycles)

ISO 4048皮革油脂含量Fat Content of Leather

ISO 5077 + ISO 6330家用水洗后尺寸变化(5次)Dimensional Change after DomesticWashing(If care label indicated, 5 cycles)

ISO 6330家用水洗预处理Domestic washing pretreatment

ISO 9150熔融金属喷溅 (多次洗后)Impact of Spatter (Small Splashes of MoltenMetal) (After cleaning cycles)

EN ISO11612:2015 Protective Clothing- Clothing to Protect against Heatand Flame – Minimum PerformanceRequirement防护服-防火隔热服-Zui低性能要求

EN ISO 11612 Clause 4设计要求Design Requirement

EN ISO 15025 method A有限火焰燃烧(必测项目,用于A1标识)(洗前+多次洗后)Limited Flamespread( Mandatory, code letter A1 marked) (As received + aftercleaning cycles)

EN ISO 15025 method B有限火焰燃烧(可选项目,如需标识A2)(洗前+多次洗后)Limited Flamespread(Optionally, if marked code letter A2) (As received + aftercleaning cycles)

ISO 12127-1250 °C 接触热(标识F)(如防接触热)(多次洗后)Contact Heat at 250 °C (CodeLetter F) (If protection against contact heat claimed) (Aftercleaning cycles)

ISO 13934-1拉伸强力(适用外层机织面料)(多次洗后)Tensile Strength(Applicable forwoven outer material) (After cleaning cycles)

ISO 13935-2接缝强力(适用外层机织材料、皮革材料和镀铝材料构成的结构缝) (多次洗后)SeamStrength(Applicable for structural seams of woven outer material,leather material and aluminized materials) (After cleaningcycles)

ISO 13937-2撕裂强力(适用外层机织面料)(多次洗后)Tearing Strength(Applicable forwoven outer material) (After cleaning cycles)

ISO 17493 @180+/-5°C耐热性(180±5) °C(多次洗后)Heat Resistance at ATemperature of (180±5) °C (After cleaning cycles)

ISO 17493 @260+/-5°C耐热性(260±5) °C(可选项目)(多次洗后)Heat Resistance at ATemperature of (260±5) °C (Optional) (After cleaning cycles)

ISO 3175-2干洗预处理 Dry-cleaned pretreatment

ISO 3376拉伸强力(适用外层皮革材料)(多次洗后)Tensile Strength(Applicable for leatherouter material) (After cleaning cycles)

ISO 3377-1撕裂强力(适用外层皮革材料)(多次洗后)Tearing Strength(Applicable forleather outer material) (After cleaning cycles)

ISO 4048皮革油脂含量Fat Content of Leather

ISO 6330家用水洗预处理Domestic washing pretreatment

ISO 6942 method B, with Heat flux densityQo=20kW/m2辐射热(标识C)(如防护辐射热)(多次洗后,金属化材料还需经机械预处理)Radiant Heat(CodeLetter C)(If protection against radiant heat claimed) (Aftercleaning cycles, additionally mechanical pretretment if metalizedmaterials)

ISO 9151对流热(标识B)(如防护对流热)(多次洗后)Convective Heat (Code Letter B)(Ifprotection against convective heat claimed) (After cleaningcycles)

ISO 9185铝液喷溅(标识D)(如防铝液喷溅)(多次洗后)Molten Aluminum Splash (Code LetterD) (If protection against molten aluminum splash claimed) (Aftercleaning cycles)

ISO 9185铁水喷溅(标识E)(如防铁水喷溅)(多次洗后)Molten Iron Splash (Code Letter E)(If protection against molten iron splash claimed) (After cleaningcycles)


EN ISO14116:2015 Protective clothing — Protection against flame — Limitedflame spread materials, material assemblies andclothing防护服-火焰防护-限火焰传播材料、材料组件和防护服

ISO 13934-1拉伸强力(适用机织和无纺外层面料)(多次洗后)Tensile Strength(Applicable forwoven & non-woven outer material) (After cleaning cycles)

ISO 13935-2接缝强力(适用机织和无纺外层构成的结构缝) (多次洗后)Seam Strength(Applicable forstructural seams of woven & non-woven outer material) (Aftercleaning cycles)

ISO 3175-2干洗预处理 Dry-cleaned pretreatment

ISO 6330家用水洗预处理Domestic washing pretreatment

Woven:ISO 13937-2Non owven:ISO 9073-4撕裂强力(适用机织和无纺外层面料)(多次洗后)TearingStrength(Applicable for woven & non-woven outer material) (Aftercleaning cycles)

GB38453—2019 Protective clothing—Protective clothing against heat防护服隔热服

FZ/T 81007缝制Sewing technology

GB 38453—2019 附录A对流热传导(标识B)(如防护对流热)(多次洗后)Convective Heat (CodeLetter B)(If protection against convective heat claimed) (Aftercleaning cycles)

GB 38453—2019 附录B, with Heat flux densityQo=20kW/m2辐射热传导(标识C)(如防护辐射热)(多次洗后)Radiant Heat(Code Letter C)(Ifprotection against radiant heat claimed) (After cleaningcycles)

GB 38453—2019 附录C接触热传导(标识F)(如防接触热)(多次洗后)Contact Heat (Code LetterF) (If protection against contact heat claimed) (After cleaningcycles)

GB 38453—2019 条款4.2.1款式与结构Model and construction

GB 38453—2019 条款4.2.5附件及辅料Accessories

GB 38453—2019 条款7标识Labelling and marking

GB 38453—2019外观质量

GB 8965.1—2009 条款6.14缝纫线阻燃性Flame Resistance of sewing thread

GB 8965.1-2020 附录B @180+/-5°C热稳定性(180±5) °C(适用多层服装)(多次洗后)HeatResistance at A Temperature of (180±5) °C (Applicable formulti-layer clothing) (After cleaning cycles)

GB 8965.1-2020 附录B @260+/-5°C热稳定性(260±5) °C(适用单层服装)(多次洗后)HeatResistance at A Temperature of (260±5) °C (Optional) (Applicablefor single-layer clothing) (After cleaning cycles)

GB/T 1269抗张强力(适用外层皮革材料)(多次洗后)Tensile strength(Applicable forleather outer material)(After cleaning cycles)

GB/T 13640 & FZ/T 81007规格尺寸Size and specification

GB/T 13640服装号型Size

GB/T 13773.1接缝强力Seam Strength

GB/T 22807六价铬 (针对皮革)Chromium VI (applicable for leather)

GB/T 22933皮革材料中的脂肪含量Fat Content of Leather

GB/T 3917.3撕破强力(适用外层机织面料)(多次洗后)Tearing Strength(Applicable forwoven outer material) (After cleaning cycles)

GB/T 3920耐摩擦色牢度(干摩)Colour fastness to rubbing(Dry)

GB/T 3922耐汗渍色牢度Colour fastness to perspiration

GB/T 3923.1断裂强力(适用外层机织面料)(多次洗后)Tensile Strength(Applicable forwoven outer material) (After cleaning cycles)

GB/T 5455条件A燃烧性能(多次洗后)Burning behavior (After cleaning cycles)

GB/T 8427耐光色牢度Colour Fastness to Light

GB/T 8628 +GB/T 8629—2017 + GB/T 8630,4M,机织物悬挂晾干,针织物平铺晾干,1次成品水洗后的尺寸变化率Dimensional Stability To Washing ofclothing

GB/T 8628 +GB/T 8629—2017 + GB/T 8630,4M,悬挂晾干,1次机织面料水洗尺寸变化率Dimensional Stability To Washing of wovenfabric

GB/T 8628 +GB/T 8629—2017 + GB/T8630,4M,平铺晾干,1次针织面料的松弛尺寸变化率Relaxation Dimensional Change To Washingof knitted fabric

QB/T 4198撕裂强力(适用外层皮革材料)(多次洗后)Tearing Strength(Applicable forleather outer material) (After cleaning cycles)

QB/T 7742.1 测试面积为50mm2顶破强力(适用外层针织面料)(多次洗后)Bursting Strength(Applicable for knitted outer material) (After cleaning cycles)

织物类GB/T 17592、GB/T 23344,皮革类GB/T 19942可分解致癌芳香胺染料Banned azocolourants

织物类GB/T 2912.1,皮革类GB/T 19941甲醛含量Formaldehyde

织物类GB/T 7573,皮革类QB/T 2724pH值pH of aqueous extract

GB8965.1—2020 Protective clothing—Flame retardant protectiveclothing防护服装 阻燃服

GB 18401-2010 条款6.7异味Ordour

GB 20653—2020 附录C (温度变化:GB 20653—2020 条款7.5.4 50+/-2°C 放置12小时-30+/-2°C 放置20小时 )温度变化后的反光性能(如使用反光带)Retroreflective afterTemperature Variation( if applicable)

GB 20653—2020 附录C (低温弯曲: GB/T 18426 -20+/-2°C)低温弯曲后的反光性能(如使用反光带)Retroreflective after Folding at ColdTemperature( if applicable)

GB 20653—2020 附录C (干洗: GB/T19981.2,优先按标签中的Zui多清洗次数(或客户同意使用标准默认15次))干洗后的反光性能(如使用反光带)Retroreflectiveafter Dry-Cleaning(If care label indicated)( if applicable)

GB 20653—2020 附录C (耐磨:GB/T 21196.2, 羊毛织物磨料,5000个循环)耐磨后的反光性能(如使用反光带)Retroreflective after Abrasion( ifapplicable)

GB 20653—2020 附录C (屈绕:GB/T 12586—2003 方法A,7500个循环)屈绕后的反光性能(如使用反光带)Retroreflective after Flexing( ifapplicable)

GB 20653—2020 附录C (水洗: GB/T 8629—2017,优先按标签中的水洗程序和Zui多清洗次数(或客户同意使用标准默认6N程序,15次))水洗后的反光性能(如使用反光带)Retroreflectiveafter Washing(If care label indicated)( if applicable)

GB 20653—2020 附录C原样反光性能(如使用反光带)Retroreflective of new material ( ifapplicable)

GB 20653—2020 附录E淋雨状态下的反光性能(如使用反光带)Retroreflection under theinfluence of rainfall( if applicable)

GB 20653—2020 条款7.2 + GB/T 19981.2优先按标签中的Zui多清洗次数(或客户同意使用标准默认15次)干洗后颜色性能(如使用荧光材料,仅干洗)Colour after drycleaning( if applicable, if dry cleaning only)

GB 20653—2020 条款7.2 + GB/T 8427—2008方法3耐光色牢度试验后的颜色性能(如使用荧光材料)Colour after Xenon test( ifapplicable)

GB 20653—2020 条款7.2 + GB/T 8629—2017优先按标签中的水洗程序和Zui多清洗次数(或客户同意使用标准默认6N程序,15次)家庭洗涤洗后颜色性能(如使用荧光材料)Colourafter domestic washing( if applicable)

GB 20653—2020 条款7.2原样颜色性能(如使用荧光材料)Colour Performance Requirementsof New Material( if applicable)

GB 8965.1—2020 条款5.1.4附件、辅料与衬布Accessories\ interlining

GB 8965.1—2020 条款6.19附件、辅料与衬布的阻燃性Flame Resistance of accessories\interlining

GB 8965.1-2020 附录AA级: (260+/-5)°CB级: (180+/-2)°C热稳定性Heatresistance

GB 8965.1-2020 条款5.2款式Model

GB 8965.1-2020 条款5.3结构Construction

GB 8965.1-2020 条款5.4号型及规格 Size and specification

GB 8965.1-2020 条款5.5.2缝制工艺Sewing technology

GB 8965.1-2020 条款5.6外观Appearance

GB 8965.1—2020 条款6.19缝纫线阻燃性Flame Resistance of sewing sthread

GB 8965.1-2020 条款8.1标识Marking

GB/T 12704.1透湿率water-vapour transmission

GB/T 17592, GB/T 23344可分解致癌芳香胺染料Banned azo colourants

GB/T 2912.1甲醛含量Formaldehyde

GB/T 38302—2019洗涤预处理:GB/T 8629—2017 中性洗涤剂,4N,50次,悬挂干燥热防护性能值(TPP)(洗前,洗后)Thermal protective performance(TPP)(before andafter cleaning)

GB/T 3916—2013方法A或方法B缝纫线强力Breaking force of sewing thread

GB/T 3917.3撕破强力(机织物)Tear strength( Applicable for woven)

GB/T 3921,按洗标选择耐皂洗色牢度Colour fastness to washing

GB/T 3922耐汗渍色牢度Colour fastness to perspiration

GB/T 3923.1洗涤预处理:GB/T 8629—2017 中性洗涤剂,4N,50次,悬挂干燥断裂强力(机织物)(洗前,洗后)Tensile strength( Applicable for woven) (before andafter cleaning)

GB/T 4802.1起球Pilling

GB/T 5453透气性Permeability of fabrics to air

GB/T 5455—2014条件A洗涤预处理:GB/T 8629—2017 中性洗涤剂,4N,50次,悬挂干燥燃烧性能(洗前,洗后)Burning behavior (before and after cleaning)

GB/T 7573pH值pH of aqueous extract

GB/T 7742.1,测试面积7.3cm2胀破强力(针织物)Bursting strength( Applicable forknitted)

GB/T 8628 +GB/T 8629—2017 + GB/T 86304N,机织物悬挂晾干,针织物平铺晾干,1次成品水洗后的尺寸变化率Dimensional Stability To Washing ofclothing

GB/T 8628 +GB/T 8629—2017 + GB/T86304N,机织物悬挂晾干,1次。(如果说明书上为轻容洗涤或手洗,4G或4H程序)机织面料水洗尺寸变化率DimensionalStability To Washing of woven fabric

GB/T 8628 +GB/T 8629—2017 + GB/T86304N,针织物平铺晾干,1次。(如果说明书上为轻容洗涤或手洗,4G或4H程序)针织面料的松弛尺寸变化率RelaxationDimensional Change To Washing of knitted fabric

GB/T 8629—20174N, 20次热熔粘合衬的洗后外观Appearance after washing of fusibleinterlining

ISO 13506-1洗涤预处理:GB/T 8629—2017 中性洗涤剂,4N50次,悬挂干燥成品轰燃条件下的阻燃性能(洗前,洗后)Protective clothing against heat andflame(before and after cleaning)

机织类面料:GB/T 21294针织类面料:FZ/T 70007接缝强力Seam strength


GB8965.2—2009 Protective clothing—Flame-retardant protection—Part 2:Protective clothing for welders防护服装 阻燃防护 第2部分:焊接服

FZ/T 81007缝制工艺Sewing technology

GB 8965.1—2020 条款6.19附件、辅料的阻燃性Flame Resistance of accessories

GB 8965.1-2020 附录A(260+/-5)°C热稳定性Heat resistance

GB 8965.1-2020 条款5.6外观Appearance

GB 8965.2-2009 条款5.1款式Model

GB 8965.2-2009 条款5.2号型尺码Size and specification

GB 8965.2-2009 条款5.3结构设计Construction

GB 8965.2-2009 条款8.1标识Marking

GB/T 12704.1透湿率water-vapour transmission

GB/T 17599抗熔融金属冲击性能(50次洗后) Impact of small splashes of moltenmetal(after 50 cycles cleaning)

GB/T 2912.1甲醛含量Formaldehyde

GB/T 38302—2019热防护性能值(TPP)(50次洗后)Thermal protectiveperformance(TPP)(after 50 cycles cleaning)

GB/T 3923.1断裂强力(机织物)Tensile strength( Applicable for woven)

GB/T 3923.1接缝强力Seam strength

GB/T 5455—2014条件A阻燃性能(50次洗后)Burning behavior (after 50 cyclescleaning)

GB/T 7573pH值pH of aqueous extract

GB/T 8628 +GB/T 8629—2017 + GB/T 8630成品水洗后的尺寸变化率DimensionalStability To Washing of clothing

QB/T 2710抗张强力(皮革)Tensile strength(Applicable for leather)

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