2020-04-29 17:47 2次- 发布企业
- 斯瑞國際展覽(亞洲)有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:斯瑞國際展覽(亞洲)有限公司组织机构代码:69439773-000-05-18-9
- 报价
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- 关键词
- 西班牙通信展,世界移动大会,西班牙MWC,NMWC 2021
- 所在地
- 香港九龍旺角亞皆老街109號皆旺商業大廈2705室
- 联系电话
- 0755-82148214
- 手机
- 18811887070
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西班牙通信展,世界移动大会,西班牙MWC,NMWC 2021
Mobile World Congress 2020
展览会地点: 西班牙 巴塞罗那 Fira de Barcelona Gran Via
Tel :0755-83148314-8017 |QQ:87917062
E-mail:Rebecca@Seric-Asia.com| Mob:188-1188-8196
1. Mobile Tech
Globally, there are more than 9 billion mobile connections (GSMAIntelligence, July 2019). Mobile technology now affects theeveryday lives of over 5 billion people. Networks and technologyare at the epicentre of mobile innovation, and this categoryrecognises the companies that are revolutionising the capabilitiesand reach of mobile and digital technology.
Awards in this category are:
1a. Best Mobile Network Infrastructure
1b. Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough
(Companies over $10million Annual Global Revenue)
About this Category
The Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough Award highlights thecontribution that Mobile Operators, manufacturers and suppliersmake to increase mobile usage, expand the user experience and helpexpand business opportunities.
It is designed to capture breakthrough technology enhancement inthe entire mobile ecosystem. This very wide ranging space includescomponents, microprocessors, memory, chips sets, screens, audio,batteries, operating systems and APIs, to name but a few and alsolooks at design innovation and form-factors. It recognises thetremendous diversity of the mobile eco-system as it continues toinnovate and add new dimensions to the customer experience.
This award is open to all players in the mobile eco-system andall participating organisations that are developing a wide range ofadvanced mobile solutions.
2019 Winner
Huawei for 5G Uplink & Downlink Decoupling
1c: Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough
(Companies under $10million Annual Global Revenue)
1d. Best Network Software Breakthrough
1e. Best Network Software Breakthrough
1f. Best Mobile Authentication & Security Solution
1g. 5G Leadership Award
1h. 5G Industry Partnership Award
1i. Outstanding Mobile Technology Award (The CTO’s Choice)
2. Connected Consumer
The Consumer is King. As consumers migrate to the digital age,every business needs to evolve their relationship and product tomatch the, now, connected consumer. This category recognises thecompanies who have redefined the business-to-consumer relationship,from a transactional interaction to a personalised and protectedconversation.
2a. Best Mobile Operator Service for Consumers
2b. Best Mobile Service for the Connected Life
2c. Most Innovative Mobile App
3. Industry X
At the crossroads where technology meets society, an incrediblereshaping of the world, as we know it, is taking place. Astechnology continues to fuse the boundaries between physical anddigital, key companies are pioneering in creating services that areat the forefront of this digital shift. In this category, wedistinguish the organisations to watch across market verticals.
3a. Best Mobile Innovation for Work
3b. Best Mobile Innovation for Health and Biotech
3c. Best Mobile Innovation for Automotive
3d. Best Mobile Innovation for Payment and Fintech
3e. Best Mobile Innovation for Smart Cities
3f. Best Mobile Innovation for Media and Entertainment
3g. Best Mobile Innovation for Building Trust in the DigitalAge
3h. Tech of the Future Award
4. Device
Today mobile hardware acts as the remote control to our lives.This category will celebrate the achievements in hardwaredevelopments that are stimulating advancements in the mobilesector. We want to see technology that is changing how consumersinteract with devices. This category has a strong reputation forrecognising market disruptors ahead of others!
4a., 4b., 4c. Device – Not Open for Entry
4d. Best Connected Consumer Device
5. Tech4Good
On the journey to intelligent connectivity we applaud theorganisations that work tirelessly to ensure that no one gets leftbehind. The GSMA is committed to connecting everyone and everythingto a #BetterFuture. This category celebrates the companies who arededicated to innovating for the communities which are most inneed.
5a. Best Mobile Innovation for Emerging Markets
5b. Best Mobile Innovation Supporting Emergency or HumanitarianSituations
5c. Best Mobile Innovation for Accessibility & Inclusion
5d. Best Mobile Innovation for Climate Action
5e. Best Mobile Innovation for Enhancing Children’s Lives
5f. Outstanding Mobile Contribution to the UN SDGs
6. Government Leadership
Every year we are delighted to present the Government LeadershipAward to a government who has fostered the true spirit ofdigitalisation in their national agenda. This year we will onceagain honour a government who has pushed the boundaries ofinnovation.
6a. Government Leadership Award – ENGLISH
6a. Government Leadership Award – FRENCH
6a. Government Leadership Award – SPANISH
7. Outstanding Achievement
Behind every technological advancement and zeitgeist shift inthe sector there is an individual who has relentlessly dedicatedtheir time, resources and energy to make change possible. Thiscategory looks to honour these individuals and companies who havegone above and beyond to better our community.
7a. Outstanding Contribution to the Mobile Industry
7b. Women4Tech – Industry Leadership Award
7c. Diversity in Tech Award
7d. 25 Years of Connecting People Award
8. 4YFN Startup
The 4YFN Barcelona awards 2020 is the startup competition of4YFN (Four Years From Now) at MWC Barcelona 2020 event, focused onhighlighting digital innovations within the startup community. Itis the highest official recognition offered exclusively to startupsduring MWC Barcelona. 10 carefully selected semi-finalists will beinvited to pitch in front of renowned investors and only 5finalists will make it to the grand finale. The winner crowned“4YFN award winner” will be announced on the 4YFN main stage andgiven an attractive award package, including a cash prize.
This category is free for entry. The entry submission andjudging process is managed by the 4YFN Team and decided by the 4YFNjudging panel.
8a. 4YFN Startup of the Year Award 2020
9. YoMo Award
YoMo: The Youth Mobile Festival, as part of MWC Barcelona, aimsto inspire thousands of young people and help them learn more aboutcareers in STEAM sectors in an increasingly mobile world.
YoMo Award for Best STEAM Activity for Young People isintroduced to recognize impactful mobile innovation for school-agechildren and/or teachers within Science, Technology, Engineering,the Arts and Mathematics.
9a. YoMo STEAM Activity for Young People Award
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 電子展、通信展、電子元器件展、燈展、禮品展、玩具展 | ||
公司简介 | 斯瑞國際展覽(亞洲)有限公司位於具有“設計之都”之稱的現代化國際新興都市——深圳,致力於為國內公司提供海外全方位展覽服務,為推動和促進我國的外貿事業做出了卓越的貢獻,是我國對外展會行業最具實力的知名服務商品牌之一。斯瑞國際展覽(亞洲)有限公司堅持“專業化、國際化、品牌化”為服務宗旨,集展覽服務、外貿推廣、資訊諮詢於一體,為參展企業提供展位預訂、展臺搭建、展品運輸、商務考察、出入境手續代辦等一站式服 ... |
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