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As of July 2017, ccpit, the international chamber of commercehas more than 180 countries and regions in the world with more than400 of the chamber of commerce, industry and commerce federation,association of foreign trade and other economic and tradeorganizations to keep in touch, and hundreds of countries andregions of counterpart organizations signed a cooperationagreement, and some of her country's chamber of commerce set up ajoint chamber of commerce; Ccpit has also establishedrepresentative offices in 15 countries and regions.
Ccpit, the international chamber of commerce and its subordinatebusiness department has joined many international organizations,including the world intellectual property organization, theinternational association for the protection of industrialproperty, international licensing workers association, theinternational maritime commission, the international union offairs, international commercial arbitration association, thePacific basin economic council, the international chamber ofcommerce, etc.