一 、标准名称
EN 13432-2000 Packaging - Requirements for packagingrecoverable through composting and biodegradation - Test scheme andevaluation criteria for the final acceptance ofpackaging.
EN 13432-2000包装.通过合成和生物降解评定包装可回收性的要求.试验计划和包装验收后标准的评定
1、Volatile solids 挥发性固体含量
2、Heavy metals and other toxic and hazardous substances重金属(砷、镉、钴、汞、钼、镍、铅、硒、锌、铜、氟)
3、Aerobic biodegradation tests 堆肥条件下材料终需氧生物分解和崩解能力的测定ISO14855-1:2005
4、Aerobic composting 塑料材料崩解程度的测定 ISO 16929:2002
5、Determination of ecotoxic effects to higher plants OECD化学品测试准则 陆生植物生长试验