EN 420: 2003 + A1: 2009
Protective gloves. Generalrequirements and test methods
EN 420:2003 + A1:2009
This standard is designed to ensurethat the gloves themselves do not cause harm to the wearer and arecomfortable to wear. Tests and requirements include the pH andchrome VI content of leather plus water vapour transmission andabsorption of materials. Also procedures to examine the sizing ofthe glove and its effect on finger dexterity are covered plusgeneral requirements for the information to be supplied with andmarked on the glove.
Length 长度
The length of the glove is measured bysuspending it from the middle finger with a graduated rule having arounded tip designed to fit the tip of the finger. The glove ismanipulated to remove any wrinkles or folds and theminimum length is recorded. EN 420 includes a list of minimumlengths for each glove size, however, gloves for special purposeare permitted to be below the minimum length but in such situationsthe manufacturer must demonstrate that they are fit for specialpurpose by a statement in the user instructions.
Sizing / Dexterity 尺码/ 灵巧性
Gloves are fitted on a hand of thesize that they are intended to fit and comments are made regardingcomfort and fit. The wearer will then try to pick up pins ofvarying size to provide an indication of dexterity. Five pins aredefined of diameter from 5 mm to 11mm, clearly the smaller thediameter that can be picked up the greater the dexterityresult.
pH Value pH值
The determination of pH value of bothleathers and textiles on a glove is required. This pH value shallbe greater than 3.5 and less than 9.5. The test samples are takenfrom the palm of the glove, if other part of the glove containsdifferent material, these materials shall be tested separately. Aprepared test sample is extracted in water by mechanical shaking;the aqueous extract is then decanted and the pH value determined bya pH meter. An excessive amount of acid or alkali in amaterial has been linked to skin dermatitis and may indicate poorprocess control.
Chrome VI 六价铬
Each type of leather on a glove shallbe tested separately and comply with the requirement of less than3mg/kg of chromium VI. Two samples require testing from eachleather type; these two samples shall be taken from differentgloves. The soluble chromium VI is leached from the leather in aphosphate buffer. The chromium VI in the extract is then oxidizedto produce a red/violet colour; this can then be quantified by a UVspectrophotometer. Chromium VI is a restricted substance as well asbeing a known allergen.
手套上的每种皮革应单独测试并符合六价铬低于3mg /kg的要求。每种皮革要测试两个样品,并分别从不同的手套上取样。在磷酸盐缓冲液中,可溶性六价铬会从皮革中滤出。提取物中的六价铬会氧化,呈红/紫色;可以通过UV分光光度计测定其含量。六价铬是已知的过敏原,也是限用物质。