Warning Symbol:
A symbol consisting of a black exclamation point in a yellowequilateral triangle with a bold black outline. The symbol shall beplaced to the left of the text of the warning, in a size no smallerthan the height of the word “WARNING”. The word “WARNING” in allcapital letters and bold print .
标记:淡黄色等边三角形 灰黑色惊叹号 粗黑色边框。
标记放到WARNING字左侧, 相对高度不可小于它, “WARNING” 英文大写字体加粗。
Where the sign, label or shelf tag for the product is notprinted using the color yellow, the symbol may be printed in blackand white.
• “ This product contains” change to “This product can exposeyou to”. 叙述转变。
• The warning label must contain at least one chemical name, Ifchemicals A and B are present, then label must contain A or B, orboth. 少带有一种化合物。
• OEHHA website URL:
. 需要有该联接,顾客获得其他信息。
• Short-form warning: The entire warning must be in a typesize no smaller than the largest type size used for other consumerinformation on the product. In no case shall the warning appear ina type size smaller than 6-point type.
简洁明了文件格式警告字体样式不可低于别的商品信息的字体大小,且不可以低于 6号字体样式。