wood with coating for contact with liquid food接触液体食物的带涂层的木材德国食品接触材料检测项目:
overall migration(water,3% acetic acid, 50% ethanol andsubstitute of oil) 全面迁移之去离子水、3%醋酸以及50%乙醇、橄榄油替代物浸取法
Soluble heavy metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn)可溶出重金属(钡、钴、铜、铁、锂、锰、锌)(默认用酸)
Specific migration of lead and cadmium in 3% acetic acid3%乙酸中铅、镉溶出 (默认用酸)
Specific migration of PAHs in oilve oil橄榄油中PAH特殊迁移(默认用油,客户要求可按其他模拟液测试)
Color Release ( not for 白色coating) 颜色迁移 (默认用3% aceticacid,客户要求可用其他模拟液) (不针对白色和无色透明 塑料)(广州无油的能力)
Gerenal requirement for Wood/wood with coating木材/带涂层木材通用要求