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    音视频产品性能标准的制定机构为IEC/TC100,负责制定音视频产品和多媒体设备的性能规范、测量方法以及这些设备在系统中的应用和与其他设备的互通等要求。多媒体是指任何形式的音频、视频、图像、数据和通信,以及这些信息的产生、存储、处理、传输、显示和复制的集合。目前已有24个国家(包括我国)参加了该技术委员会,20个国家作为观察员身份参与,来自美国的MrDavid Carlton Felland为该委员会主席,秘书处设在日本。














    TC 100还设有项目组(PT),譬如PT 0(无线功率传输)、PT100-6(智能电视)。

    TC 100及其下属技术领域(TA)发布的标准详见本栏目下的“IEC/TC100的相关标准”。

    下表列出TC 100及其TA制定或正在制定的标准目录:




IEC 62002系列标准

Mobile and portable DVB-T/H radioaccess移动和便携式DVB-T/H无线电通路

IEC 62087-BD:2008

Methods of measurement for the powerconsumption of audio, video and relatedequipment音频、视频及相关设备功消的测量方法

IEC 62104:2003

Characteristics of DABreceivers数字音频广播(DAB)接收机的特性

IEC 62106:2000

Specification of the radio data system(RDS) for VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the frequency range from87,5 to 108,0 MHz频率范围在87.5~108.0MHz之间的VHF/FM声音广播用无线电数据系统(RDS)的规范

IEC 62216系列标准

Digital terrestrial television receiversfor the DVB-T system数字视频广播(DVB-T)系统用数字地面接收机

IEC 62360:2008

Baseline specifications of satellite andterrestrial receivers for ISDB (Integrated Service DigitalBroadcasting) ISDB(数字广播综合服务)用##和地面接收机的基础规范

IEC 62455:2007

Internet protocol (IP) and transportstream (TS) based serviceaccess互联网协议(IP)和基于服务访问的传输流(TS)

IEC 62516-1:2009

Terrestrial digital multimediabroadcasting (T-DMB) receivers - Part 1: Basic requirement地面数字多媒体广播(T-DMB)接收机第1部分:基本要求


IEC 61966系列标准

Multimedia systems and equipment -Colour measurement and management多媒体系统和设备色度测量和管理


IEC 60958系列标准

Digital audio interface数字音频接口

IEC 61883系列标准

Consumer audio/video equipment - Digitalinterface 消费类音频/视频设备数字接口

IEC 61937系列标准

Digital audio - Interface for non-linearPCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958数字音频 用于IEC60958的非线性PCM编码音频位流的接口

IEC 62365:2004

Digital audio - Digital input-outputinterfacing - Transmission of digital audio over asynchronoustransfer mode (ATM) networks数字音频.数字输入输出接口.异步传输模式网络上的数字音频传输

IEC 62379系列标准

Common control interface for networkeddigital audio and videoproducts网络数字音频和视频产品用通用控制接口

IEC 62394:2006

Service diagnostic interface forconsumer electronics products and networks - Implementation forECHONET消费类电子产品和网络用服务诊断接口.ECHONET的实施

IEC/TS 62436:2008

Guideline for implementation of copycontrolled multimedia interface复制受控多媒体界面的执行导则


IEC 60728系列标准

Cable networks for television signals,sound signals and interactive services 电视信号、声音信号和交互式服务用电缆网络(电视和声音信号用电缆分配系统)


IEC 60461:2001

Time and control code for video taperecorders 磁带录像机的时间码和控制码

IEC 62261系列标准



IEC 61834-4:1998

Recording - Helical-scan digital videocassette recording system using 6,magnetic tape for consumer use(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 4: Pack headertable and contents录制.为用户使用的(525-60.625-50,1125-60和1250-50系统)用6,磁带的螺旋扫描数字视频盒式录制系统第4部分:包装标题表格和内容

IEC 61834-11:2008

Recording - Helical-scan digital videocassette recording system using 6,magnetic tape for consumer use(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 11: HDV formatfor 1080i and 720p systems录制.为用户使用的(525-60.625-50,1125-60和1250-50系统)用6,磁带的螺旋扫描数字视频盒式录制系统第11部分: 1080i和720p系统的HDV格式


IEC 61925:2005

多媒体系统和设备 多媒体家用服务器系统家用服务器的词汇Multimedia systems and equipment -Multimedia home server systems - Vocabulary of homeserver

IEC/TS 62224:2007

Multimedia home server systems -Conceptual model for digital rights management多媒体家用服务器系统 数字授权管理的概念模型

IEC 62227:2008

Multimedia home server systems - Digitalrights permission code多媒体家用服务器系统数字授权许可编码

IEC 62295:2007

Multimedia systems - Commoncommunication protocol for inter-connectivity on heterogeneousnetworks 多媒体系统 异构网络互连用通用通信协议

IEC 62579

Multimedia home server systems -Conceptual model for domainmanagement多媒体家用服务器系统 域名管理的概念模式

IEC/TR 62291:2009

Multimedia data storage - Applicationprogram interface for UDF based file systems多媒体数据存储对于UDF文件的应用编程接口

IEC/TS 62318:2003

Multimedia systems and equipment -Multimedia home server systems - Home server conceptualmodel多媒体系统和设备.多媒体家用服务器系统.家用服务器概念模式

IEC 62328系列标准

Multimedia home server systems -Interchangeable volume/file structure adaptation for broadcastingreceivers 多媒体家用服务器系统.广播接收器用可互换卷宗/文档结构.


IEC 62457:2007

Multimedia home networks - Home networkcommunication protocol over IP for multimedia householdappliances 多媒体家庭网络 IP外的多媒体家用电器家庭网络通信协议

IEC 62480:2008

Multimedia home network - Networkinterfaces for network adapte多媒体家庭网络.网络适配器用网络接口

IEC 62481系列标准

Digital living network alliance (DLNA)home networked device interoperability guidelines数字生活网络协议(DLNA)家庭网络设备互动性导则

IEC 62514

Requirements for home multimedia gatewaydevices 家用多媒体网关装置的要求

IEC 62546

HD Recording Link Guideline


IEC/TS 62229:2006

Multimedia systems and equipment -Multimedia e-publishing and e-book - Conceptual model formultimedia e-publishing 多媒体系统和设备多媒体电子出版物和电子书 多媒体电子出版物的概念模式

IEC 62448:2009

Multimedia systems and equipment -Multimedia E-publishing and E-books - Generic format forE-publishing 多媒体系统和设备 多媒体电子出版和电子书籍电子出版的一般格式

IEC 62524:2009

Multimedia systems and equipment -Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Reader's format fore-publishing多媒体系统和设备 多媒体电子出版和电子书籍电子出版的读者格式

IEC 62571

Digital Audiobook File Format and PlayerRequirements 数字有声书文件格式和播放器要求

IEC 62605

Multimedia systems and equipment -Multimedia e-publishing and e-books  Interchangeformat for e-dictionaries 多媒体系统和设备电子出版和电子书籍对于电子词典的交换格式


IEC 61966-10

Colour measurement and management - Part10: Quality assessment - Colour image in network systems

IEC 61966-11

Colour measurement and management - Part11: Quality assessment - Impaired video in networksystems

IEC/TR 62251:2003

Multimedia systems and equipment -Quality assessment - Audio-video communicationsystems多媒体系统和设备.质量评定.视听通信系统

IEC/TS 62312系列标准

Guideline for synchronization of audioand video 音视频同步导则

IEC 62503:2008

Multimedia quality - Method ofassessment of synchronization of audio andvideo多媒体质量音频视频同步性能评定方法.

IEC 62557

Quality of multimedia information -Vocabulary


IEC 60094系列标准

Magnetic tape sound recording andreproducing systems.磁带录音和重放系统

IEC 60107系列标准

Recommended methods of measurement onreceivers for television broadcast transmissions.电视广播传输接收机的测量方法

IEC 60268系列标准

Sound systemequipment.音响系统设备

IEC 60315系列标准

Methods of measurement on radioreceivers for various classes of emission-各种发射类别的无线电接收机的测量方法

IEC 60581系列标准

High fidelity audio equipment andsystems: Minimum performance requirements.高保真音响设备和系统 *低性能要求

IEC 60774系列标准

Helical-scan video tape cassette systemusing 12,(0,) magnetic tape on type VHS VHS型()磁带螺旋扫描盒式磁带录像系统

IEC 60843系列标准

Helical-scan video tape cassette systemusingmagnetic tape(video)使用磁带的螺旋扫描盒式磁带录像系统录像机

IEC 60961:1994

Helical-scan video tape cassette systemusing 12,(0,) magnetic tape on type L使用宽()L型磁带的螺旋扫描盒式磁带录像系统

IEC 61016:1989

Helical-scan digital component videocassette recording system usingmagnetic tape (format D-1)使用磁带(D-1格式)的螺旋扫描数字化器件盒式录象带录象系统

IEC 61041系列标准

Non-broadcast video tape recorders -Methods ofmeasurement非广播用磁带录像机.测量方法

IEC 61053系列标准

Helical-scan video tape cassette systemusing 12,(0,) magnetic tape on type Beta format - FM audiorecording按B型格式用()磁带螺旋扫描录相机磁带盒系统.调频录音

IEC/TR 61055系列标准

Measurement techniques and operationaladjustments of broadcast VTRs

IEC 61077:1991

Helical-scan video tape cassette systemusing() magnetic tape on type VHS - Compact VHS video cassetteVHS型()磁带的螺旋扫描录象磁带盒系统

IEC 61079系列标准

Methods of measurement on receivers forsatellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 GHz band12GHz频带##广播接收机的测量方法

IEC 61096:1992

Methods of measuring the characteristicsof reproducing equipment for digital audio compact discs数字音频激光唱盘复制设备特性的测量方法

IEC 61104:1992

Compact disc video system -CD-VCD-V,小型盘式视象系统

IEC 61105:1991

Reference tapes for video tape recordersystems磁带录像系统.参考磁带

IEC 61106:1993

Videodisks - Methods of measurement forparameters录像盘.参数的测量方法

IEC 61118:1993

Helical-scan video tape cassette systemusing 12,(0,) magnetic tape - Type M2使用M2型()磁带的螺旋扫描盒.磁带录像系统

IEC 61146系列标准

Video cameras (PAL/SECAM/NTSC) - Methodsof measurement 摄像机(PAL/SECAN/NTSC).测量方法

IEC 61179:1993

Helical-scan digital composite videocassette recording system usingmagnetic tape, format D2 (NTSC, PAL,PAL-M)使用D2(NTSC,PAL,PAL-M)格式磁带的螺旋扫描数字复合盒式录像系统

IEC 61237系列标准

Broadcast video tape recorders - Methodsofmeasurement广播磁带录像机.测量方法

IEC 61327:1995

Helical-scan digital composite videocassette recording system using 12,(0,) magnetic tape - FormatD-3  12,()磁带用数字扫描混合成的盒式录象系统.D-3接口

IEC 61114系列标准

Methods of measurement on receivingantennas for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 11/12 GHzband 在11/12GHz的频带上传送##广播用接收天线的测量方法

IEC 61119系列标准

IEC 61120系列标准

Digital audio tape cassette system(DAT) 数字音频盒式磁带录音系统

IEC 61305系列标准

Household high-fidelity audio equipmentand systems - Methods of measuring and specifying theperformance家用高保真音响设备和系统.性能检测和说明的方法

IEC 61319系列标准

Interconnections of satellite receivingequipment##接收设备的互连

IEC 61329:1995

Sound system equipment - Methods ofmeasuring and specifying the performance of sounders(electroacoustic transducers for tone production)音响系统设备.发声器的规定性能和测量方法(发声用电解传感器)

IEC 61595系列标准

Multichannel digital audio tape recorder(DATR), reel-to-reel system, for professionaluse用多路数字音频磁带记录器(DATR)卷对卷系统

IEC 61599:1999

Videodisk players - Methods ofmeasurement视盘播放器.测量方法

IEC/TR 61602:1996

Connectors used in the field of audio,video and audiovisual engineering音频,视频和视听工程领域使用的连接器

IEC 61603系列标准

Transmission of audio and/or video andrelated signals using infraredradiation使用红外线辐射的声频和/或视频及相关信号的传输

IEC 61606系列标准

Audio and audiovisual equipment -Digital audio parts - Basic measurement methods of audiocharacteristics音频和视听设备 数字音频部分音频特性的基本测量方法

IEC 61610:1995

Prints and transparencies produced fromelectronic sources - Assessment of imagequality电子源制相片及透明软片.图象质量的评定

IEC 61834系列标准

Recording - Helical-scan digital videocassette recording system using 6,magnetic tape for consumer use(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50systems)录制.为用户使用的(525-60.625-50,1125-60和1250-50系统)用6,磁带的螺旋扫描数字视频盒式录制系统

IEC 61835:1998

Helical-scan digital component videocassette recording system using 12,(0,) magnetic tape - FormatD-5用12,磁带的垂直扫描数字视频盒式录音系统.D-5格式

IEC 61842:2002

Microphones and earphones for speechcommunications语音通信用传声器和耳机

IEC 61866:1997

Audiovisual systems - Interactive texttransmission system (ITTS)声图信号传输系统.人-机对话的文本传输系统(ITTS)

IEC 61880系列标准

Video systems (525/60) - Video andaccompanied data using the vertical blanking interval - Analogueinterface视频系统(525/60).使用垂直消隐间距的视频和伴音数据.模拟界面

IEC 61904:2000

IEC 61909:2000

Video recording视频记录

IEC 61920:2004

Infrared free airapplications

IEC 61938:1996

Audio, video and audiovisual systems -Interconnections and matching values - Preferred matching values ofanalogue signals音频系统,视频系统和声图信号系统.互联和匹配值.模拟信号推荐匹配值

IEC 61947系列标准

Electronic projection - Measurement anddocumentation of key performancecriteria电子投影.关键性能标准的测量和文件

IEC/TR 61997:2001

Guidelines for the user interface inmultimedia equipment for general purposeuse通用多媒体设备的用户接口导则

IEC/TR 61998:1999

Model and framework for standardizationin multimedia equipment andsystems多媒体设备和系统标准化的模型和框架

IEC 62028:2002

General methods of measurement fordigital television receivers 数字电视接收机测量的通用方法

IEC/TS 62045-1:2006

Multimedia security - Guideline forprivacy protection of equipment and systems in and out of use -Part 1: General

IEC 62070:2001

Broadcast digital video tape recorders -Ientification method for recording and/or reproduction errorstatus广播数字磁带录像机.录制和/或复制错误情况的识别方法

IEC 62071系列标准

Helical-scan compressed digital videocassette system using 6,magnetic tape - Format D-7 - Part 1: VTRspecifications

IEC 62105:1999

Digital audio broadcast system -Specification of the receiver data interface (RDI)数字音频广播(DAB)系统.接收机数据接口(RDI)规范

IEC 62107:2000

Super video compact disc -Disc-interchangesystem-specification**激光视盘.光盘交换系统.规范

IEC 62121:2001

Methods of measurement for minidiscrecorders/players小型光盘录制/播放测量方法

IEC 62122:2002

Methods of measurement for consumer-usedigital VTRs - Electronic and mechanical performances消费者使用的数字VTRs的测量方法.电子和机械性能

IEC 62141:2005

Helical-scan digital video cassetterecording format using 12,magnetic tape and incorporating MPEG-4compression - Type D-16 Format

IEC 62156:2001

Digital video recording with videocompression 12,type D-9 component format 525/60 and 625/50 (DigitalS)视频压缩型D-9元件格式525/60和625/50的数字视频录制

IEC 62286:2003

Service diagnostic interface forconsumer electronics products and networks - Implementation forIEEE 1394消费类电子产品和网络的服务诊断接口:IEEE1394的实施

IEC 62289:2002

Video recording - Helical-scan digitalvideo casette recording format using 12,magnetic tape andincorporating MPEG-2 Compression - FormatD-10视频记录.使用12,磁带和混合MPEG-2的螺旋式扫描数字视频卡式录音带的录制格式.D-10格式

IEC 62297系列标准

Triggering messages for broadcastapplications 广播用触发信息

IEC 62298系列标准

TeleWeb application电视网络应用

IEC 62300:2004

Consumer audio/video equipment digitalinterface with plastic opticalfibre带塑料光纤的消费类音/视频设备数字接口

IEC 62315-1:2003

DTV profiles for uncompressed digitalvideo interfaces - Part 1: General未压缩的数字视频接口用DTV轮廓.第1部分:总则

IEC 62330系列标准

Helical-scan digital video cassetterecording system using 12,(0,) magnetic tape - Format HD-D5使用()磁带的螺旋扫描数字视频盒式记录系统HD-D5格式

IEC 62345:2005

ID format formagneto-optical discsystem磁光盘系统用ID格式

IEC 62356系列标准

Video recording - 12,TYPE D-11format视频记录型号D-11格式

IEC 62375:2004

Video systems (625/50 progressive) -Video and accompanied data using the vertical blanking interval -Analogueinterface视频系统(625/50改进的).使用垂直消隐间隔的视频和伴随数据.模拟接口

IEC 62389:2005

Methods of measurement for DVD playersDVD播放机的测量方法

IEC/TS 62393:2005

Portable and hand-held multimediaequipment - Mobile computers - Battery run-timemeasurement便携式和手持式多媒体设备.移动计算机.蓄电池运行时间的测量

IEC 62403:2005

High density recording format on CD-R/RWdisc systems - HD-BURN formatCD-R/RW磁盘系统上的高密度记录格式.HD-BURN格式

IEC 62447系列标准

Helical-scan compressed digital videocassette system using 6,magnetic tape - Format D-12

IEC/PAS 62458:2006

Sound system equipment -Electroacoustical transducers - Measurement of large signalparameters 声音系统设备 电声变换器大信号参数测量

IEC/PAS 62459:2006

Sound system equipment -Electroacoustical transducers - Dynamic measurement of suspensionparts 声音系统设备 电声变换器悬吊部件的动态测量


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