What is a Responsible Supplier?何为责任供应商?
•APerson,Company or Business that manufacturers in scope electricalequipment inAustralia or New Zealand or imports in scope electricalequipment in Australiaor New Zealand.•在澳大利亚或新西兰生产范围内的电气设备或进口范围内电气设备的个人、公司或企业。
•Mustbea legally identifiable Australian or New Zealand entity holdinganAustralian Business Number (ABN) or New Zealand Inland RevenueDepartmentNumber (IRD)•必须是一个从法律上可确认身份的澳大利亚或新西兰实体,且有澳洲商业注册号代码(ABN)或新西兰税务号码(IRD)。
•Havethemain obligation for complying with the EESS•须负有遵守电气设备安全体系(EESS)规定的主要职责
•Legislationputsthe responsibility on the Responsible Supplier to ensure compliancewiththe EESS •法律法规赋予责任供应商责任,使之确保符合电气设备安全体系(EESS)
TheNationalRegistration Dbase国家注册数据库
•Registrationdetailsof Responsible Suppliers of in scope electrical equipment inAustraliaand New Zealand•有澳大利亚和新西兰“范围内电气设备”责任供应商的详细登记信息。
•Registrationofa Responsible Supplier is for the term of one year and may berenewed. Change in details must be notified within 30days•责任供应商的登记时限为一年。到期可后续期。信息更改需要提前30天通知。•Requiredtomake a declaration that the equipment they sell meets relevantstandards andis electrically safe•按要求公布他们所售设备符合相关的标准和用电安全。•Equipmentdeclarations(equipment specific) for Level 2 and Level 3•2级和3级设备声明(特定设备)
Level1 Electrical Equipment (Low Risk)1级电气设备(低风险)
•Must beelectricallysafe and meet relevant standards•必须确保用电安全,达到相关的标准(资质实验室出具报告)。
•Must be markedwiththe Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)•必须标有“符合性标记”(RCM合规标记)•Responsiblesuppliermust hold evidence that the equipment is electrically safeand meets therelevant standards•责任供应商必须持有设备用电安全及达到相关标准的证据。
•Evidence mustberetained for five years from date of last import ormanufacture•所有证据自*后生产日期或进口日期起必须保存5年。
Level2 Electrical Equipment (Medium Risk)2级电气设备(中等风险)
•Must be markedwiththe Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)•必须标有“符合性标记”(RCM合规标记)•Responsiblesuppliermust keep or have access to a Compliance Folder provingthat the equipment iselectrically safe and meets therelevant standards•责任供应商必须保存电气设备的符合性文件夹,表明设备在用电上是安全的并符合相关的标准。
•Must beregistered onthe National Database and linked to aresponsible supplier•必须在国家数据库登记注册并与一个责任供应商关联。
Level3 Electrical Equipment (High Risk)3级电气设备(高风险)
•Must beelectricallysafe and meetrelevant standards•必须确保用电安全并达到相关的标准
•Must have avalidCertificate of Conformity from arecognisedcertifier•必须有一个被认可的认证机构出具的有效的认可证书(先取得EESS证书)
•Must be markedwiththe Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM)•必须标有“符合性标记”(RCM合规标记)•Mustbe registered onthe National Database in relation to theresponsible supplier•必须在国家数据库登记注册并有一个关联的责任供应商。
Electrical Equipment Registration Under the EESS the termfor registration of levels 2 and 3 equipment is 1, 2 or 5 years.The registration term for level 3 cannot exceed the expiry of theCertificate of Conformity. If you need to register yourself as aResponsible Supplier and register the equipment you sell, visit theERAC website, http://www.erac.gov.au. Marking of in-scopeelectrical equipment All in-scope electrical equipment is requiredto be marked with its brand or trade name, its model number and theRegulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) as detailed in AS/NZS 4417.1:2012.The RCM symbol is shown below