个人眼睛防护 EN 166 : 2002 个人眼睛防护
2025-01-06 10:00 1次- 发布企业
- 深圳讯科标准技术服务有限公司业务推广部商铺
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NOTE The difference in prismatic refractive power specified foran eye-protector depends not only on the prismatic refractive powerof each ocular, but also on the position of the optical axis of theocular in relation to the axis of vision, and therefore the shapeof the frame. It is therefore necessary to use replacement ocularsfor which the difference in prismatic power remains within thepermissible tolerance limits for the frame in question.
应采用EN 167:2001中3.2规定的方法,在眼睛的视觉中心测量覆盖双眼的已安装或未安装眼镜的屈光力特性。表3给出了无矫正效果的眼的容许公差。7.1中定义了具有矫正效果的眼睛顶点功率的允许偏差。2.1.1.不允许出现与3级相对应的偏差。
注:为护目镜指定的棱镜折射力的差异不仅取决于每个眼睛的棱镜折射力,还取决于眼睛光轴相对于视觉轴的位置,也取决于框架的形状。有必要使用棱镜功率差保持在所述框架容许公差范围内的替代眼镜。 Cover plates盖板
The refractive powers of cover plates shall comply with thetolerances for optical class 1 given in Tables 2 and 3.盖板的折射率应符合表2和表3中给出的光学等级1的公差。
1.2.2 Transmittance透射比 Oculars without filtering action无过滤作用的目镜
防护面罩只属于PPE II类产品,需要欧盟公告号机构Notified Body进行Module B形式检验,颁发B证书。那么在申请CE知识分享的过程中,防护面罩需要满足哪些要求呢?下面由上海郜盟知识分享工程师为您专业解读。
Basic, particular and optional requirements.防护面罩CE知识分享基本、特殊和可选要求
Basic requirements 基本要求
1.1 Field of vision
The size of the field of vision is defined in conjunction with theappropriate head-form described in clause 17 of EN168:2001.
视野大小的定义与EN 168:2001第17条中描述的适当头型相结合。
Eye-protectors shall exhibit a minimum field of vision defined bythe two ellipses in Figure 1 when placed and centered at a distanceof 25 mm from the surface of the eyes of the appropriate head-form.The horizontal axis shall be parallel to and 0,7 mm below theheight of the line connecting the centres of the two eyes.
The horizontal length of the ellipses shall be of 22,0 mm, thevertical width of the ellipses shall be 20,0 mm. The centredistance of the two ellipses shall be d =c + 6 mm, where c is thepupillary distance. The pupillary distance is 64 mm for the mediumhead-form and 54 mm for the small head-form, if not specifieddifferently by the manufacture.
椭圆的水平长度应为22.0毫米,垂直宽度应为20.0毫米。两个椭圆的中心距离应为d =c +6mm,其中c为瞳孔距离。瞳孔距离为64毫米为中等头部形式和54毫米为小头部形式,如果没有指定不同的制造商。
The test shall be carried out in accordance with clause 18 of EN168:2001.
测试应按照EN 168:2001条款18进行。
1.2 Optical requirements光学要求
1.2.1 Spherical, astigmatic and prismatic refractivepowers球面、像散和棱镜折射率
The refractive powers of oculars shall be measured by the referencemethods specified in clause 3 of EN 1 67:2001. This clause refersalso to an optional method for use in specific circumstances; thedetails of this method are given in annex A of EN 1 67:2001. 应采用EN1 67:2001第3条规定的参考方法测量眼睛的屈光力。本条款还提及了在特定情况下使用的可选方法;EN 167:2001附录A中给出了该方法的详细信息 Unmounted oculars covering one eye覆盖一只眼睛的未安装眼镜
The refractive power characteristics of unmounted oculars coveringone eye shall be measured by the method specified in 3.1 of EN 167:2001 (non-corrective oculars), and by the methods specified inEN ISO 8980-3 (corrective oculars).
The permissible tolerances for oculars without corrective effectare given in Table 2.
The permissible deviations for the vertex powers of oculars withcorrective effect are specified in EN ISO 8980-1 and EN ISO 8980-2.Oculars that comply with EN ISO 8980-1 and EN ISO 8980-2 shall becategorized as class 1.
For class 2, the deviations in vertex refractions may be 0,06 m -1higher than for class 1.
应采用EN 1 67:2001(非矫正视力)3.1中规定的方法和EN ISO8980-3(矫正视力)中规定的方法测量覆盖一只眼睛的未安装视力的屈光力特性。
EN ISO 8980-1和EN ISO 8980-2中规定了具有矫正效果的目镜顶点功率的允许偏差。符合EN ISO8980-1和EN ISO 8980-2的眼睛应归类为1级。
对于2类,顶点折射的偏差可能比1类高0.06 m-1。 Mounted oculars and unmounted oculars covering botheyes安装的目镜和未安装的目镜覆盖双眼
The refractive power characteristics of mounted oculars orunmounted oculars covering both eyes shall be measured by themethod specified in 3.2 of EN 1 67:2001 at the visual center of theocular. The permissible tolerances for oculars without correctiveeffect are given in Table 3. The permissible deviations for vertexpowers of oculars with corrective effect are as defined in 7.1 .2.1.1 . Deviations that would correspond to class 3 shall not bepermitted.
成立日期 | 2016年03月22日 | ||
法定代表人 | 魏国松 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 我司依据ISO/IEC 17025运行的大型综合第三方检测机构。我检测中心在工业品、消费品、贸易保障及生命科学四大领域,提供有害物质检测,安规检测,EMC检测,环境安全检测,电子电器产品可靠性与失效分析,材料可靠性与失效分析,金属材料、非金属材料分析,纺织品、鞋类、皮革检测,玩具产品检测,建材与轻工产品检测,汽车整车及其零部件检测,食品、化妆品、饲料及食品包装和接触材料检测,验货与合规服务,审核服务,计量校准及仪器销售,半导体及相关领域检测分析等多项综合检测与认证服务。 | ||
经营范围 | 一般经营项目是:计量设备、仪器仪表的技术服务、技术开发;环境试验设备、力学试验设备、工业仪器仪表、电池检测设备、五金配件、机电产品的研发。(法律、行政法规或者国务院决定禁止和规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外),许可经营项目是:电子电器产品、化工产品、新能源产品、汽车材料及部品,预包装食品、金属材料及制品、玩具、儿童用品、纺织品,服装、鞋材、装饰品的检测、认证及技术服务。 | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市讯科标准技术服务有限公司是一家依据ISO/IEC17025运行的第三方检测机构。我检测中心在工业品、消费品、贸易保障及生命科学四大领域,提供有害物质检测,安规检测,EMC检测,环境安全检测,电子电器产品可靠性与失效分析,材料可靠性与失效分析,金属材料、非金属材料分析,纺织品、鞋类、皮革检测,玩具产品检测,建材与轻工产品检测,汽车整车及其零部件检测,食品、药品、化妆品、饲料及食品包装和接触材料 ... |
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