个人眼睛防护EN 1 67:2001 CE知识分享个人眼睛防护EN 1 67:2001要求

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当根据EN 167:2001第6条进行测量时,仅用于保护眼睛免受机械或化学危害的眼睛和盖板的透光率应大于74.4%(基于CIE源a(2856K))。 Oculars with filtering action (filters) and housings foroculars with filtering action.

The transmittance of oculars with filtering action shall meet therequirements given in the specific standards relating to thevarious types of oculars (see 7.2.1). Goggles and face-shieldswhich claim to provide protection against optical radiation shallprovide at least the same

level of protection against optical radiation as given by a filterof any scale number declared usable with the eye- protector by themanufacturer or supplier. Testing shall be in accordance withclause 6 of EN 167:2001. 具有过滤作用的眼镜(过滤器)和具有过滤作用的眼镜外壳。


制造商或供应商声明可与护目镜一起使用的任何刻度数的滤光片所提供的光辐射防护等级。测试应符合EN167:2001第6条的规定。 Variations in transmittance (Oculars without filteringaction are exempt from this requirement)透射率变化(无过滤作用的眼睛不受此要求限制) Oculars without corrective effect Variations in luminoustransmittance shall be measured in accordance with clause 7 of EN167:2001. The relative variations of the luminous transmittancearound the visual center(s) P1 (and P2) shall not exceed the valuesof Table 4. The relative difference in luminous transmittance P3between left and right eye shall not exceed the values of Table 4or 20 % whichever is greater.应根据EN167:2001第7条的规定测量光透射率无校正效果变化的眼睛。视觉中心P1(和P2)周围透光率的相对变化不得超过表4的值。左眼和右眼之间透光率P3的相对差异不得超过表4中的值或20%,以较大者为准。 Oculars with corrective effect (prescription oculars)具有矫正效果的眼科医生(处方眼科医生)

The requirements of 7.1 . shall also apply to prescriptionoculars, with the provision that variations in luminoustransmittance which are due to thickness variations inherent in thedesign of the ocular are not taken into account, providing theluminous transmittance at no point deviates by more than a factorof 2,68 (one shade number) from its value at the visual center. TheIR and UV transmittance shall meet the requirements of thespecified shade number at every point on the ocular.7.1的要求。还应适用于处方眼镜,但前提是不考虑因眼镜设计固有厚度变化引起的透光率变化,前提是任何点的透光率与其视觉中心值的偏差均不超过2.68倍(一个阴影数)。红外和紫外线透射率应满足目镜上每个点的规定阴影数要求。

1.2.3 Diffusion of light光的扩散

The diffusion of light shall be measured in accordance with one ofthe reference methods specified in clause 4 of EN 167:2001.

The maximum value of the reduced luminance factor shall be:

应按照EN 167:2001第4条规定的参考方法之一测量光的扩散。


1.3 Quality of material and surface材料和表面质量

Except for a marginal area 5 mm wide, oculars shall be free fromany significant defects likely to impair vision in use, such asbubbles, scratches, inclusions, dull spots, pitting, mould marks,scouring, grains, pocking, scaling and undulation. The assessmentshall be carried out in accordance with the method specified inclause 5 of EN 167:2001. 除5mm宽的边缘区域外,目镜应无任何可能影响使用中视力的重大缺陷,如气泡、划痕、夹杂物、暗斑、点蚀、霉菌痕迹、冲刷、颗粒、麻点、剥落和起伏。应按照EN167:2001第5条规定的方法进行评估。

1.4 Robustness稳健性 Minimum robustnessZui小鲁棒性

This requirement relates only to cover plates and oculars withfiltering effect and need not be assessed if these items areintended to meet the requirements for increased robustness orresistance to high-speed particles, in which case the requirementsof 7.1 .4.2 or 7.2.2 shall be met. The requirement for minimumrobustness is satisfied if the ocular withstands the application ofa 22 mm nominal diameter steel ball with a force of (1 00 ± 2) N,when tested in accordance with clause 4 of EN 168:2001. On sotesting the following defects shall not occur:

a) ocular fracture: an ocular shall be considered to have fracturedif it cracks through its entire thickness into two or more pieces,or if more than 5 mg of the ocular material becomes detached fromthe surface away from the one in contact with the ball, or if theball passes through the ocular;

b) ocular deformation: an ocular shall be considered to have beendeformed if a mark appears on the white paper on the opposite sideto the one on which the force is applied.


a) 眼球骨折:如果眼球整个厚度裂成两片或多片,或者如果超过5mg的眼球材料从与球接触的表面分离,或者如果球穿过眼球,则视为眼球骨折;

b) 眼部变形:如果在白纸上施加力的另一侧出现标记,则视为眼部变形。

1.4.2 Increased robustness增强的鲁棒性 Unmounted oculars未安装的目镜

The oculars shall withstand the impact of a 22 mm nominal diametersteel ball, of 43 g minimum mass, striking the ocular at a speed ofapproximately 5,1 m/s, when tested in accordance with 3.1 of EN 168:2001. On so testing the following defects shall notoccur:

a) ocular fracture: an ocular shall be considered to have fracturedif it cracks through its entire thickness into two or more pieces,or if more than 5 mg of the ocular material becomes detached fromthe surface away from the one struck by the ball, or if the ballpasses through the ocular;

b) ocular deformation: an ocular shall be considered to have beendeformed if a mark appears on the white paper on the opposite sideto that struck by the ball.

当按照EN 168:2001的3.1进行试验时,目镜应能承受Zui小质量为43 g、标称直径为22 mm的钢球以大约5.1m/s的速度撞击目镜的冲击。进行so测试时,不得出现以下缺陷:

a) 眼球骨折:如果眼球在整个厚度上裂成两片或多片,或者如果超过5mg的眼球材料从远离被球击中的表面脱离,或者如果球穿过眼球,则视为眼球骨折;

b) 眼部变形:如果白纸上出现与球击相对的标记,则视为眼部变形。 Complete eye-protectors and frames完整的护目镜和框架
The complete eye-protector or frame shall withstand the lateral andfrontal impacts of a steel ball striking at a specified speed. Thediameter of the steel ball and the corresponding impact speed aregiven in Table 5. The test shall be in accordance with the methodspecified in 3.2 of EN 1 68:2001. If a spectacle is claimed to havelateral protection it shall not be possible for the ball to strikethe lateral impact points without first striking the lateralprotection. On so testing the following defects shall notoccur:
a) ocular fracture: an ocular shall be considered to have fracturedif it cracks through its entire thickness into two or more pieces,or if more than 5 mg of the ocular material becomes detached fromthe surface away from the one struck by the ball, or if the ballpasses through the ocular;
b) ocular deformation: an ocular shall be considered to have beendeformed if a mark appears on the white paper on the opposite sideto that struck by the ball;
c) ocular housing or frame fracture: an ocular housing or frameshall be considered to have failed if it separates into two or morepieces, or if it is no longer capable of holding an ocular inposition, or if an unbroken ocular detaches from the frame, or ifthe ball passes through the housing or frame;
d) lateral protection failure: the lateral protection shall beconsidered to have failed if it fractures through its entirethickness into two or more separate pieces, or if one or moreparticles become detached from the surface remote from the impactpoint, or if it allows the ball to penetrate completely, or if itpartially or totally detaches from the eye-protector, or if itscomponent parts become separated.

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