更新:2025-01-24 08:00 编号:33086159 发布IP: 浏览:10次- 发布企业
- 深圳市佰一进出口有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第4年主体名称:深圳市佰一进出口有限公司组织机构代码:91440300MA5GTEQ61R
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- 自由销售证书的办理流程
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- 自由销售证书,自由销售证书办理,自由销售证书办理流程,自由销售证书怎么办理,什么是自由销售证书
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What is the process for obtaininga Free Sales Certificate?
自由销售证明书也出口销售证明书,英文名称为:FreeSalesCertificate、Certificate of Free Sale或者Certificate ForExportation ofMedical Products;简称:FSC 或CFS。自由销售证书指的是欧盟国家的主管当局出具的证明产品可以在特定区域自由销售的文件,是全球范围内的自由贸易证书,获得中东、非洲、南美、东南亚等国家和地区的广泛认可,一般需要的国家包括埃及、阿根廷、乌拉圭、委内瑞拉、沙特、土耳其、哈萨克斯坦、印度、尼日尼亚、哥伦比亚、越南、厄瓜多尔等等。更是很多国家进行注册时候强制要求必不可少的一项证件。
I. The Free SalesCertificate, also known as the Export Sales Certificate, isreferred to in English as: Free Sales Certificate, Certificate ofFree Sale or Certificate For Exportation of Medical Products;abbreviated as FSC or CFS. The Free Sales Certificaterefers to a document issued by the competent authority of an EUcountry certifying that products can be freely sold in a specificarea. It is a globally recognized free trade certificate and widelyaccepted in countries and regions such as the Middle East, Africa,South America, and Southeast Asia. Countries that generally requireit include Egypt, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia,Turkey, Kazakhstan,India,Nigeria,Columbia,Vietnam,Ecuador etc., andit is often mandatory when registering in many countries.
II. The process for obtaining aFree Sales Certificate:
1. When applying for thecertificate provide either the product manufacturing license orhealth permit issued by specialized authorities; if the applicantis not the manufacturer they must also provide purchase contractsbetween themselves and manufacturers along with the manufacturer'sbusiness license.
2.For products not subject tostatutory inspection but clearly related to human and animal healthconditions,such as certain foods ,food packaging , foodadditives,and cosmetics etc., relevant supporting materials arerequired from departments such as local feed offices,livestockbureaus or livestock aquaculture bureaus regarding feed or feedadditive certification.
3.Products subject to statutoryinspection require inspection certificates ,healthcertificates,sanitary certificates,veterinary certificates,and freesales certificates issued by commodity inspection agencies orrelevant institutions.
4.For pharmaceuticals ,medicaldevices,and other goods directly related to personal safety andhealth.If provided with self-issued free sales certificate,theapplicant must provide copies of provincial food
and drug administration's free salecertificate for these products during certification.
5.When applying please fill out"Application Form for International Commercial Certification"andprovide a copy of valid business license;if further consulateauthentication is needed for the free salescertificate,furthermore,"Application Form for ConsulateAuthentication" should be filled out along with providing copies ofvalid business licenses.
III.How do I apply for Chamber ofCommerce authentication and embassy authentication?
For export companies requiringChamber of Commerce authentication or embassy authentication ontheir Free Sales Certificates usually only need to providefollowing documents:
1.One stamped copy of FreeSalesCertificate
2.One copyof productionenterprise’sbusinesslicense
3.One copyofproductionpermit
IV.The specificprocessforChamberofCommerceauthenticationandembassyauthenticationforFreeSalesCertificatesisasfollows:
1.Productionenterprises/exporters can mailtheirFreeSalesCertificateandrelateddocuments tous.
3.OncecertifiedbytheChamberofCommerce,theFre eSalesCertificateissubmittedtothedepartmentforadditional endorsement .
4.After beingendorsedbyboththeChamberofCommerceandthedepartment,wesubmitthecertificatestotheembassyforauthenticationseals.
成立日期 | 2021年06月01日 | ||
法定代表人 | 钱雄敏 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 产地证,自由销售证书,贸促会认证,商会认证, CCPIT认证,海牙认证,大使馆认证,香港商会认证,未再加工证明 | ||
经营范围 | 单证服务,进出口贸易 | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市佰一进出口有限公司主要致力于为国内各大中小型外贸企业解决关于货物出口的单证文书问题。公司在贸促会跟(中国出入境检验检疫局)都进行了备案注册登记,具有相关的实力。我们主要经营项目主要有:服务包括不限于:一般原产地证CO,普惠制产地证(FORMA),亚太产地证(FORMB),中国-东盟原产地证(FORME),中智产地证(FORMF),中国-巴基斯坦原产地证(FORMP),中国-新西兰原产地证(F ... |
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