自由销售证书(Certificate of Free Sales)是什么?
更新:2025-01-26 08:00 编号:33086203 发布IP: 浏览:14次- 发布企业
- 深圳市佰一进出口有限公司商铺
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自由销售证书(Certificate of Free Sales)是什么?
What is a Certificate of Free Sales?
自由销售证书又称为出口销售证书,英文名称为Certificate of FreeSales,简称CFS证书。自由销售证书是一种在国际贸易中至关重要的证明文件。它由国家认证机构颁发,用以证明产品在出口国已经通过监管部门的检验,符合国际市场的质量和安全标准,可以在全球范围内自由销售。
The Certificate of Free Sales, also known as the Export SalesCertificate, is abbreviated as the CFS Certificate. The certificateof free sale is a crucial proof document in international trade. Itis issued by a national certification body to prove that theproduct has passed the inspection of regulatory authorities in theexporting country, meets the quality and safety standards of theinternational market, and can be freely sold worldwide.
This certificate provides detailed records of the productionenterprise name, address, product name, specifications and modelsof the exported product, and confirms that the product meetsinternational quality standards during production, packaging,storage and transportation. For enterprises, obtaining a free salescertificate means that their products have been recognized by theinternational market, which helps to enhance their competitivenessin the international market.
在国际贸易中,产品的生产与销售环节,无论在哪个国家,都应该具备合法的手续。产品进口国的相关部门对于出口至自己国家的产品是否具有合法生产销售手续并不十分清楚,于是会要求进口商提供原产国产品的生产企业名称、地址、产品品名、规格型号以及是否获得本国政府相关部门的许可并允许其在本国领土范围内自由销售的证明文件,这就是自由销售证书(Certificateof Free Sales)。也就是说:出口到其他国家的产品,必须具有合法销售手续,并且不是假冒伪劣的三无产品。
In international trade, the production and sales ofproducts in any country should have legal procedures. The relevantdepartments of the importing country are not very clear aboutwhether the products exported to their own country have legalproduction and sales procedures, so they will require importers toprovide proof that the products from the original country have beenlegally produced and sold, including the name and address of themanufacturing company, product name, specifications, models, and adocument proving that it has obtained permission from itsgovernment department to be freely sold within itsterritory.
This is called a Certificate of Free Sales. In other words:products exported to other countries must have legal salesprocedures and must not be counterfeit or substandard "three no"products. There are three ways to issue a Certificate of FreeSales:
Method 1: Companies can apply forit themselves at government regulatory agencies (i.e., superiorsupervisory authorities);
Method 2: Companies can apply forit themselves at industry associations with legitimatequalifications corresponding to their products;
Method 3: Companies can issuetheir own format of Certificate of Free Sales.
Method 4: The Chamber of Commerce can guarantee issuance of aCertificate of Free Sales.
成立日期 | 2021年06月01日 | ||
法定代表人 | 钱雄敏 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 产地证,自由销售证书,贸促会认证,商会认证, CCPIT认证,海牙认证,大使馆认证,香港商会认证,未再加工证明 | ||
经营范围 | 单证服务,进出口贸易 | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市佰一进出口有限公司主要致力于为国内各大中小型外贸企业解决关于货物出口的单证文书问题。公司在贸促会跟(中国出入境检验检疫局)都进行了备案注册登记,具有相关的实力。我们主要经营项目主要有:服务包括不限于:一般原产地证CO,普惠制产地证(FORMA),亚太产地证(FORMB),中国-东盟原产地证(FORME),中智产地证(FORMF),中国-巴基斯坦原产地证(FORMP),中国-新西兰原产地证(F ... |
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