The epidemic has entered a new stage of development, but theattitude of most Americans towards the epidemic has become morerelaxed, entering the "lying down" stage, and the number of peoplewearing masks has gradually decreased. At the same time as thecontrol of epidemic prevention is loosened, the barrier to preventthe outbreak of influenza is also weakened. Due to the strictimplementation of epidemic prevention measures in the previous twoyears, the "disappeared flu season" is expected to return, leadingto the risk of new crowns and flu.
The antigen detection kit (hereinafter referred to as "tripleinspection") integrating new coronavirus, influenza A virus andinfluenza B virus can detect influenza and new coronavirussimultaneously, so as to save detection time and resources whenentering the influenza season.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also continued to payattention to the joint inspection products of New Crown+Influenzathis year. At the previous Town Hall regular meeting, the newcrown+flu joint inspection was repeatedly mentioned, which deservesthe attention of major manufacturers and prepares for the nextmarket layout.