菲律宾大使馆认证--1591394104O 陈丹燕
企业提交认证的外贸单据应属于单据认证业务范围,单证内容必须真实、合法、清晰、准确, 应连同原产地证明书一起申办,并提供有关依据,如信用证、报关单、合同等相关依据。通常需要贸促会认证的对外贸易单据如下:
1.商业INV(企业须提供报关单原件。如暂时无法取得报关单原件,须提供报关单预录联, 并向贸促会出具保函)
Types of foreign trade documents certified;
The foreign trade documents submitted for certification by theenterprise shall belong to the business scope of documentcertification, and the content of the documents shall be true,legal, clear and accurate. The documents shall be submittedtogether with the certificate of origin, and the relevant basis,such as letter of credit, customs declaration, contract and otherrelevant basis, shall be provided. The foreign trade documents thatusually require ccpit certification are as follows:
Business INV(the original customs declaration form must beprovided. If it is not possible to obtain the original declarationform, a copy of the declaration form shall be provided and a letterof guarantee shall be issued to the council for the promotion ofinternational trade.
2. The packing list
3. Bill of lading
4. Certificate from the shipping company
5. The freight Invoice
6. Commercial insurance documents issued by an insurancecompany
7. Halal slaughter certificate
Almost all countries charge a fee for embassy accreditation, andsome charge more. Therefore, enterprises should consider the costof certification when carrying out export trade to these countries,especially for small transactions. At the same time, it should benoted that some countries charge according to the batch, and somecountries charge according to the INVOICE amount in a certainproportion.
Recent customs declaration certification a surge in demand, butI'll certification of export enterprises submitted to customsdeclaration in YanQiZhang vague and make ccpit cannot identify theseal handwriting and cannot give certification. It is hoped thatenterprises should pay special attention to remind officials tomake the seal clear when applying for the verification andcancellation union or the tax refund union of the customsdeclaration form.