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领事认证(LEGALIZATION BY EMBASSY ORCONSULATE),又称“使领馆认证”。从广义上来说,领事认证是指由外交、领事机构证明申请人所提交的文件上后一个签字或印章属实,从而使该文件具有境处使用的法律效力。
news service wenzhou, May 27 (reporter pan qinwen) Since thebeginning of march, jiang wenbing, vice President of wenzhoupeople's hospital of zhejiang province and chief physician of thedepartment of cardiology, has volunteered to teach covid-19epidemic prevention knowledge to overseas Chinese in his sparetime.
For more than two months, he insisted on late-night lectures andlesson preparation, and sent more than 70 epidemic preventionclasses overseas.
At the beginning of march, the covid-19 epidemic situation inChina improved, but news came from overseas that the epidemic wasgetting worse.
Wenzhou is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, with nearly700,000 of them working and living in other parts of the world.
Home or stay? Overseas Chinese far away in foreign countries arebecoming anxious.
"On March 6, I received a request from an overseas Chinesefriend in milan, Italy, who asked me to share with them the novelcoronavirus epidemic prevention knowledge, answer questions andanalyze the epidemic situation."
Jiang wenbing believes that some of the reasons for the changein covid-19 talk among overseas Chinese are due to their lack ofunderstanding of covid-19. Without hesitation, he agreed to theoverseas Chinese's request.