中国东盟自贸区原产地规则早可以追溯至中国与东盟在2002年签署的《中华人民共和国与东南亚家联盟全面经济合作框架协议》。The rules of origin inChina-ASEAN FTA can be traced back to the Framework Agreement onComprehensive Economic Cooperation between the People's Republic ofChina and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) signedby China and ASEAN in 2002.
The rules of origin in China-ASEAN FTA can be traced back to theFramework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation betweenthe People's Republic of China and the Association of SoutheastAsian Nations (ASEAN) signed by China and ASEAN in 2002.
Among them, there is no specific content in the product-specificstandards of origin, only that negotiations on the product-specificstandards of origin should start from January 1, 2004. TheAgreement on Trade in Goods under the Framework Agreement onComprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN signedon November 29, 2004, extended the above rules of origin in AnnexIII, but still did not define the product-specific origin criteria.On October 29, 2010, the two sides signed Protocol II of theAgreement on Trade in Goods > under the Comprehensive EconomicCooperation Framework Agreement between the Government of thePeople's Republic of China and the Governments of Member States ofthe Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which amendedthe Visa Operation Procedures.