蓝牙耳机、手机充电器、无线充电器、适配器上亚马逊要办理测试报告UL 62368-1

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UL 62368-1
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IEC 62368的本部分适用于音频、视频、信息和通信技术领域内的电气和电子设备以及额定电压不超过600V的商业和办公机器的安全。本标准不包括设备性能或功能特性的要求。






除非制造商另有规定,否则本标准假定海拔高度为2000 m。



注3:IEC 60950-22涵盖了室外使用的信息和通信技术设备。


注4:有关电子安全相关系统(例如,保护电子电路)的特定功能和软件安全要求,请参见IEC 61 508-1。













1电视。1 DR修改第1条,增加以下内容:

1DV.1.1本标准也适用于根据加拿大电气规范部分C22.1-09设计安装的设备;加拿大电气规范,第二部分,一般要求,CAN/CSAC22.2 No.0-10;国家电气规范,NFPA 70-2011;以及国家电气安全规范IEEE C2-2007。

1DV.1.2本标准也适用于通过标记或说明识别的设备[见附录DVK(附录DVA,第1条)],这些设备是根据国家电气规范NFPA70-2011第645条和信息技术设备保护标准NFPA 75-2009设计安装的。


1电视。2 D2修改第1条,增加以下内容:

1 DV.2.1本标准包括用于娱乐目的的设备的附加要求,这些设备拟安装在医疗设施的一般患者护理区域。见附录DVB。


1 DV.2.3本标准不适用于具有远程馈电通信(RFT)电路的设备。CSA/UL60950-21涵盖了具有RFT电路的设备。

1DV.2.4其他要求可能适用于大型数据存储设备。参考CSA/UL 60950-23。

1电视。3 DE修改第1条,将第6段和注释3替换为以下内容:


注3:CSA/UL 60950-22涵盖了室外使用的信息和通信技术设备。CSA C22.2 No.60065或UL60065中的相关要求涵盖了室外用音频/视频设备。





This part of IEC 62368 is applicable to the safety of electricaland electronic equipment within the field of audio, video,information and communication technology, and business and officemachines with a rated voltage not exceeding 600 V. This standarddoes not include requirements for performance or functionalcharacteristics of equipment.

NOTE 1: Examples of equipment within the scope of this standardare given in Annex A.

This part of IEC 62368 is also applicable to components andsubassemblies intended for incorporation in this equipment. Suchcomponents and subassemblies need not comply with every requirementof the standard, provided that the complete equipment,incorporating such components and subassemblies, does comply.

This standard specifies safeguards for ordinary persons,instructed persons, and skilled persons.

NOTE 2: In Australia, the work conducted by an instructed personor a skilled person may require formal licensing fromregulatory


This standard assumes an altitude of 2 000 m unless specifiedotherwise by the manufacturer.

This standard does not apply to equipment to be used in wetareas. Additional requirements may apply.

This standard does not apply to equipment for outdoorinstallation.

NOTE 3: Information and communication technology equipment thatis intended for use outdoors is covered by IEC 60950-22.

This standard does not include requirements for functionalsafety.

NOTE 4: For specific functional and software safety requirementsof electronic safety-related systems (for example, protectiveelectronic circuits), see IEC 61 508-1 .

This standard does not address:

– manufacturing processes except safety testing;

– injurious effects of gases released by thermal decompositionor combustion;

– disposal processes;

– effects of transport (other than as specified in thisstandard);

– effects of storage of materials, components, or the equipmentitself;

– the likelihood of injury from particulate radiation such asalpha particles and beta particles;

– the likelihood of thermal injury due to radiated or convectedthermal energy;

– the likelihood of injury due to flammable liquids;

– the use of the equipment in oxygen-enriched or explosiveatmospheres;

– exposure to chemicals other than those specified in Clause7;

– electrostatic discharge events.

1DV.1 DR Modify Clause 1 by adding the following text:

1DV.1.1 This standard also is applicable to equipment designedto be installed in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code,Part I, C22.1-09; Canadian Electrical Code, Part II, GeneralRequirements, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-10; the National Electrical Code,NFPA 70-2011; and the National Electrical Safety Code, IEEEC2-2007.

1DV.1.2 The standard is also applicable to equipment, whenidentified by a marking or instruction [see Annex DVK (Annex DVA,Clause 1 )], designed to be installed in accordance with Article645 of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70-2011, and the Standardfor the Protection of Information Technology Equipment, NFPA75-2009.

1DV.1.3 See Annex DVA for requirements and references toregulatory requirements that apply to this equipment, asapplicable.

1DV.2 D2 Modify Clause 1 by adding the following text:

1 DV.2.1 This standard includes additional requirements forequipment used for entertainment purposes intended for installationin general patient care areas of health care facilities. See AnnexDVB.

1DV.2.2 This standard includes additional requirements forequipment intended for mounting under kitchen cabinets. See AnnexDVC.

1 DV.2.3 This standard does not apply to equipment having RemoteFeeding Telecommunication (RFT) circuits. Equipment having RFTcircuits is covered by CSA/UL 60950-21.

1DV.2.4 Additional requirements may apply to large data storageequipment. Refer to CSA/UL 60950-23.

1DV.3 DE Modify Clause 1 by replacing the sixth paragraph andNote 3 with the following:

1DV.3.1 For equipment intended for outdoor installation,additional requirements may apply.

NOTE 3: Information and communication technology equipment thatis intended for use outdoors is covered by CSA/UL 60950-22.Audio/video equipment that is intended for use outdoors is coveredby the relevant requirements in CSA C22.2 No. 60065 or UL60065.

1DV.4 DC Modify Clause 1 by adding the following text:

1DV.4.1 Power Distribution Equipment and Sub-Assemblies 1 DV.4.1.1 This standard also is applicable to power distributionsub-assemblies connected to a mains used to distribute powerentirely within a system of equipment also covered by thisstandard, such as power distribution units (PDUs) in the form ofcord-connected power strips and shelves with multiple power outlets(receptacles) and intended to be installed in system racks,cabinets, home entertainment centers, etc.

1DV.4.1.2 For equipment covered by this standard thatincorporates components and sub-assemblies that perform a powerdistribution and control function covered by other standards, suchas panelboards, load transfer equipment, or uninterruptible powersystems utilized in power conditioners and computer power centers,this standard only may be used for investigation of safety forthose aspects not covered by the other standards.

1 DV.4.1 .3 This standard also does not apply to stand-aloneequipment used for distribution of mains power that is covered byindividual power distribution equipment standards.

1DV.4.1.4 Based on the specific function, the followingrequirements are applicable to the stand-alone distributionequipment, or apply additionally to power distributionsub-assemblies and components of equipment covered by thisstandard, as described in 1DV.4.1.2 and 1DV.4.1.3:

– For Industrial Control Equipment, see CSA C22.2 No. 14-10Eleventh Edition and UL 508 Seventeenth Edition.

– For Panelboards, see CSA C22.2 No. 29-11 Fifth Edition and UL67 Twelfth Edition.

– For Switchboards, see CSA C22.2 No 244-05 First Edition and UL891 Eleventh Edition.

– For Transfer Switch Equipment, see CSA C22.2 No 178.1-07 FirstEdition and UL 1008 Fifth Edition.

– For Uninterruptible Power Systems, see CSA C22.2 No. 107.3-05Second Edition and UL 1778 Fourth Edition.

– For Power Distribution Centers for Communications Equipment,see UL Subject 1801.

– Other forms of power distribution units for generalapplications, such as,

• Relocatable Power Taps, CSA-C22.2 No. 21-1995, Cord Sets andPower Supply Cords, and UL 1363, Relocatable Power Taps.

• Cord connected Surge Protective Devices, CSA TechnicalInformation Letter No. A-24, Interim Certification Requirements forAC Line Connected Wiring Devices with Varistors, and UL 1449, SurgeProtective Devices.

• Furniture Power Distribution Units, CSA-C22.2 No. 21-1995,Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords and UL 962A, Furniture PowerDistribution Units.

NOTE 1: It is assumed that power distribution equipment coveredby the scope of this Standard is interconnected to the “Outlet” ofa “Branch Circuit” as defined in Section 0 of the CEC and Article100 of the NEC. In the case of cord-connected equipment, the Outletis the Receptacle associated with the building wiring. In the caseof permanently connected equipment, the Outlet is the interfacebetween the Branch Circuit conductors associated with the buildingwiring and the input terminals, pressure connectors, or leadsassociated with the power distribution equipment covered in wholeor part by this standard.

NOTE 2: The following are common definitions of the hardwarewith related functions that require additional investigation to theappropriate Canadian and U.S. standards.

Industrial Control Panel – An assembly of two or more componentsconsisting of one of the following:

(1) Power circuit components only, such as motor controllers,overload relays, fused disconnect switches, and circuitbreakers

(2) Control circuit components only, such as pushbuttons, pilotlights, selector switches, timers, switches, control relays

(3) A combination of power and control circuitcomponents 

These components, with associated wiring and terminals, aremounted on or contained within an enclosure or mounted on asubpanel. The industrial control panel does not include thecontrolled equipment.

Panelboard – A single panel or group of panel units designed forassembly in the form of a single panel, including buses andautomatic overcurrent devices, and equipped with or withoutswitches for the control of light, heat, or power circuits;designed to be placed in a cabinet or cutout box placed in oragainst a wall, partition, or other support; and accessible onlyfrom the front.

Switchboard – A large single panel, frame, or assembly of panelson which are mounted on the face, back, or both, switches,overcurrent and other protective devices, buses, and usuallyinstruments. Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear aswell as from the front and are not intended to be installed incabinets.

Transfer Switch – An automatic or nonautomatic device fortransferring one or more load conductor connections from one powersource to another.

Uninterruptible Power Supply – A power supply used to providealternating current power to a load for some period of time in theevent of a power failure.



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蓝牙耳机、手机充电器、无线充电器、适配器上亚马逊要办理测试报告UL 62368-1的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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