2024-12-26 20:00 2次- 发布企业
- 深圳市实测通技术服务有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第19年主体名称:深圳市实测通技术服务有限公司组织机构代码:91440300MADFLKA31U
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 测试周期
- 5-7天
- 寄样地址
- 深圳宝安
- 价格费用
- 电话详谈
- 关键词
- 印度认证,印度BIS认证
- 所在地
- 深圳市罗湖区翠竹街道翠宁社区太宁路145号二单元705
- 联系电话
- 17324413130
- 罗工
- 17324413130
- 检测工程师
- 罗卓文 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
BIS is the National Standard Body ofIndia established under the BISAct 1986 for the harmonious development of theactivities ofstandardization, marking and quality certification of goods andformatters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
What is BIS certification?
BIS认证是ISI认证发证机构印度标准局(TheBureau of IndianStandards),简称BIS,具体负责产品认证工作,它是印度唯一的产品认证机构。
BIS certification is The Bureau of IndianStandards (BIS),which is responsible for product certification. It is theonlyproduct certification organization in India.
Up to now, BIS has issued more than 30,000 productcertification.certificates covering almost every industrial field suchasagricultural products, textiles and electronics. The BIS productcertificationpasses the initial inspection and evaluation of thefactory quality managementsystem, sample testing, and thecertification is issued after passing thecertification. After thecertification, it is supervised by the factory qualitymanagementsystem to determine whether the product is consistent withIndianstandards by testing samples taken at the factory and in themarket.
The processes of BIS certification
1、申请 Apply
Foreign sellers who want to obtain BIS certificationgenerally needto use a special application and prepare relevant documents toapplyto BIS New Delhi headquarters;
2、记录 Record
BIS will review the application documents and materialssubmitted bythe applicant. If the procedures are complete, the applicationwillbe recorded (the applicant must pay the corresponding processingfee);
3、初次工厂检验 Initialfactory inspection
BIS will assign an official group with less than 2 personsto thefactory for inspection, and the applicant will also be responsibleforthe travel expenses, visa fees and other expenses incurred bythe officialgroup to the factory inspection and the correspondinginspection fees;
4、颁发证书 Issuecertificates
If the initial inspection and test results are qualified,and theapplicant agrees to the BIS-approved inspection test plan and paystheBIS identification fee after approval, the BIS may issue acertificate to theapplicant, and the certificate is valid for oneyear. After the certificate isgranted, the licensees are requiredto pay the logo fee and the annualcertificate fee.
5、监督 Supervision
BIS will supervise the quality of its certified productsthroughroutine supervision of the licensee and urgent inspections andtests onsamples from the factory and the market. If the sample istaken from thefactory or the market, the factory inspection andindependent test results meetthe requirements, the certificate canbe updated. The licensees submitapplications for renewal to BIS bysubmitting the specified form, and thelicensee is also required tobear the sample inspection fee.
法定代表人 | 罗卓文 | ||
主营产品 | ROHS认证、CE认证、FCC认证、CB认证、FDA认证、UL认证、CCC认证、GS认证、MIC认证、EK认证、PSE认证、E-MARK 认证等国际安全测试认证 | ||
经营范围 | 一般经营项目是:电子产品、网络通信产品、汽车电子设备及配件的设计、技术开发及销售;智能电子设备、汽车配件、电子产品、五金配件、塑料配件的销售;服装、纺织品、针织品、日用百货销售;元器件、材料、仪器仪表、机电设备、输变电设备、高低压电器元器件及设备的检验、检测以及相关标准和技术的研发及咨询;仪器设备的销售及校准;第一类医疗用品及器械;经营电子商务;国内贸易;货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外; 依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动),许可经营项目是:无 | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市实测通技术服务有限公司是一家年轻的技术服务型公司,我们拥有富有激情,勇于追逐梦想的团队,我们努力创造好的创业环境不断吸引优秀的行业专家,海归人才,外籍专家及优秀毕业生加入。我们致力于国际化的视野在全球化背景下整合国内外法规,检测与认证资源,建立新型,专业化法规研究,检测与认证服务平台,从IT、AV、家电、灯具、汽车电子、服装纺织等电子消费类产品提供EMC电磁兼容、物理性能、环境可靠性、安全性 ... |
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